Facing your shadow


Our triggers are an indicator of potential insight and healing that is ready to unfold.

“Experiencing the disappointment of not getting what we want, of not having our expectations met, often triggers out most painful and unhealed emotions.” ~Ezra Bayda~

Notice, observe and come face to face with your own fears when they arise. When we find ourselves taking a lot about situations that are upsetting, sharing opinions repeatedly or reliving a past experience, it’s important to go deeper into the story.

Old conditioning tends to repeat itself. If we are awake enough to witness this as it occurs, we can create an opportunity to learn from it. We may leave our fears behind and move into compassion. We may choose to see the situation or the person as a potential healing angel and this higher insight changes the way we respond to life.

Everything you experience is an outward expression of your awakening. Intense emotions such as anger and fear hold the key to healthier self-expression. Regret points the way to self-forgiveness. Disappointment shows us how we have attached to a particular outcome.

As you heal old wounds, you’ll experience less triggers in your life situation. The result is a peaceful, empowered response to life. Your healthy neutrality becomes an indicator of a balanced mind and spirit.

Today my intention is to embrace my challenges as teachers. I am safe.

Your life is a gift to the world

When contemplating our life’s purpose, the one question we don’t ask often enough is “What do I have to offer?”

“The heart has reasons of which the mind knows nothing.” ~Pascal~

When you find your joy, you bring something to the world that wasn’t there before. Sharing your gifts, talents, insights and passion can inspire others to do the same. The way to true contentment is found within the innermost wisdom of the heart.

If you seek clarity about your path, begin by staying fully present with the anxiety that arises rather than “trying to figure it out.” Instead of thinking, be present with what you are experiencing. Go deeper within. Insights usually occur as a flash of inspiration or heart-driven knowledge that elicits a deep calmness. Rather than trying we begin to do.

When you can give from the heart without attachment, joy becomes present in your expression of life. Not everyone is called upon to be a teacher or charity worker; however, your joyful presence is your gift to the world. No matter what your occupation, bring a high level of consciousness to your interactions with others. By creating an energy of peacefulness and cooperation, you are sharing your gifts.

Today my intention is to remember that true fulfillment comes from the sharing of my unique gifts.

Embrace the uncertainty

We limit life with our mind-made expectations.

“Fear is non acceptance of uncertainty. If we accept that uncertainty, it becomes adventure.” ~Rumi~

We humans have limited perception by divine design. The unknowable aspects of life allows us to cultivate the art of surrender. At some point, we discover that things actually flow better when we do not attempt to control the outside world. Instead, we learn to place our focus on the inner and listen to the language of the soul.

The higher your state of consciousness, the easier life flows. If you are immersed in struggle, see if you can take a step back from the situation and allow it to be what it is. Consciously choose to release all attachment and become the observer. This process opens the doors of perception and sets you free from any self-made prisons.

Don’t wait for your life to fall into place before you choose to be joyful. Instead, choose to be joyful now and life will reflect your joy to you in beautiful and surprising ways.

Today my intention is to embrace the adventure of life.

This moment is sacred

Road in magic dark forest

No matter what is unfolding, choose to see this moment as sacred.

“Loves greatest gift is its ability to make everything it touches sacred.”

You are the universe in motion. You are in the process of rediscovering your magnificence. How can anything be wrong?

As evolving souls, we are learning to master the ability to see beyond the physical, beyond the obvious, and dance in the light of infinite possibility.

Give yourself permission to be joyful, expectant, open and peaceful. You may be surprised at what you discover as you journey through the days experience…. all that you need is already here.

Today my intention is to honor this moment and all that it contains as sacred.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is

You are safe, supported and loved every step of the way.

“We don’t attract what we want, we attract what we are.” ~Wayne Dyer~

What kind of gifts will you allow yourself to receive now? Examine the coincidences and synchronicities of your life and interpret them from the highest possible vantage point. When we take the time to stop, breathe and observe, we provide a space in which a transformation can occur. Those “aha” moments become the gifts of our lives – we have a breakthrough, release something that no longer serves us or simply find our way back into joy.

Remember that there is no such thing as an accident. Life provides the necessary experiences for our growth and every moment has something of value to teach. We are constantly in the space of self-discovery.

With each conscious step forward, you’ll discover that your thoughts, words and actions have more power than ever before. For this reason, it’s important that we learn to take responsibility for all that we create as we send our unique expression of energy out into the Universe.

Know that each step on the Path of Transformation has purpose. Even though we may not always see clearly, strength lies in the ability to know that all things work to the highest good for all involved.

Today my intention is to be at peace.


Live from the heart and allow life to unfold as it will.

“Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.” ~Rumi~

Love, expressed from the higher levels of consciousness is a sharing of energy. As we become more balanced and joyful, we discover the joys of living authentically while sharing our gifts of compassion and insight.

Your purpose is to cultivate your ability to love. Begin within and it will naturally flow outward to those who grace your life. The art of friendship is to allow the other the space they need to evolve while providing consistent kindness and support.

Friendship is the highest form of love; therefore, befriend all of existence. Experience the world through the language of the heart and see your life as a loving conversation between you and the Divine.

Today my intention is to feel the awe of existence.

The highest good

Everything works toward the highest good for all involved. Always.

“I can be inspired to grow, but more often I grow because I have been broken by certain unyielding realities. When I have one again been made aware of my fallibility, I am then predisposed to learn.” ~Hugh Prather~

We humans operate with limited perception. Though we cannot see the thousands of threads and coincidences and destinies that bind us, we constantly move in response to the energy and everything plays out just as it should.

Many, many miracles have conspired to bring us together. It’s important to honor this moment as sacred while stepping into the flow of life with grace and faith. Remember this when the ego wants to control a particular situation. Your higher self, your intuition, sees more clearly than the mind. Consciously choose to walk forward and allow life to unfold as it will.

Mastery is to be responsive rather than reactive and allows us to discover that we can be observant, clear minded, peaceful and empowered. Do your best, act with integrity and accept what is. Nothing is insignificant and everything plays its role in our collective awakening.

Today my intention is to take myself a little less seriously. 


Image result for balance quotes

When difficulties arise, the mind immediately wants to believe that something in our lives is wrong.

“Illness is one more path to becoming whole.”          ~Ezra Bayda~

Every experience is meant to bring you closer to enlightenment. Imbalance – which can lead to illness, financial struggle, feelings of loss, relationship challenges or discontentment – helps us to find greater balance. We begin to be more mindful of our choices and how they affect our experience.

The student asked the master, “Master, how can I know if my illness is due to wrong choices, the need to forgive or karma?” The master replied, “I don’t know. Begin with forgiveness, move to mindfulness, and if nothing changes, move into acceptance.”

Always begin with forgiveness. Whether needed for the self or directed toward others, clearing old emotional wounds creates greater peace in our experience. This supports the body in it’s healthy functioning. Continued physical challenges might lead us to change our habitual patterns and thus, teach the importance of moderation, balance and mindfulness.

Nothing in your life is wrong. Seek only to grow from whatever arises in your life situation. Peace awaits.

Today my intention is to choose joy.

A higher perspective

Something magical happens when we look at life from a higher perspective.

“Spirituality is not the practicing of any virtue; spirituality is the gaining of a new vision. Virtue follows that vision; it comes on its own accord. It is a natural by-product. When you start seeing, things start changing.”            ~Osho~

The path of the spiritual seeker is to consistently leave the past behind in order to reside fully within the present moment. Beyond the mechanisms of the mind – thoughts, opinions, confusion, stories, histories and other facades – there is great potential and power; however, the ego distracts us from seeing clearly.

Cultivate the art of looking at life’s circumstances from the highest perspective possible. Your first reaction or mental position is simply the beginning of a spiritual breakthrough. Take a step back and see how your vision changes.

Each level of consciousness creates a filter through which we interpret our experiences. Someone who vibrates at the level of Fear or Anger will consistently create blockages or problems where none actually exist. One exercise is to write out a brief synopsis of a current challenge you face as interpreted from each level of consciousness. This will help you to expand your vision while cultivating compassion for those who struggle with their own limited perceptions.

Today my intention is to joyfully seek enlightenment in every circumstance. There is always something new to discover. 

Enlightenment and acceptance

You are a living expression of the Divine. Everything is available for you to explore.

“When we require that people be different, we block the possibility of real connection with them.”~Ezra Bayda~

Life provides opportunities to discover the value of contrast. In the highs and lows of experience, we become more nuanced and well-rounded. These varied circumstances teach us compassion for one another.

Be gentle with those who live in the grip of fear. Your peacefulness and strength can demonstrate a different way to be. Like water eroding rock, your consistent expression of love will transform even the heaviest of energies.

Support those who are in the process of exploring their power and abilities. Let them learn from missteps and be patient with the processes of their awakening. Every path is unique and provides the most appropriate circumstances for growth.

The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to respond to the present moment. Honor it as sacred and encircle the world with your love.

Today my intention is to remember that I am responsible for my own joy.