The dance of awakening

Life is a constant dance of energy in motion.

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

We live in a paradox. Everything seems a mess, yet all is well. Experiencing hatred teaches us the value of love. Loss can teach us about true abundance. And challenge after challenge shows us how strong we can be.

When you allow movement of energy throughout your life experience – honoring its natural ebb and flow – you’ll come to discover the freedom of journeying. Detaching from outcomes and being fully present allows us to consciously take part in the tapestry of existence.

The higher your state of awareness, the easier things become. Even if you’ve been toiling to go upriver for years, the moment you go with the flow, it immediately moves you gracefully along. As you realize your potential, you’ll come to realize that you are whole. Nothing is missing, you are fulfilled.

How to release internal distress

Challenging situations are rarely as bad as our thoughts make them out to be.

“Whenever you’re stuck in distress, penetrate your confusion with this question: What is my most believed thought right now?”  ~Ezra Bayda~

When we operate from the premise that all things work toward our highest good, we come to discover that inconsolable sadness or frustration is a waste of energy. The mind creates stories which seem to enslave us, and though it takes conscious effort, shifting your thoughts will always shift your perception, and thus, your experience.

The ego loves to feel special. But this life experience is not meant to be one of sadness, frustration or loss; rather, you are meant to break free from self-imposed prisons and find your joy. Eckhart Tolle teaches that in every situation we have three choices: change it, leave it or accept it – all else is madness.

Seek to cultivate a greater awareness of your own strength and abilities. Empowerment calls upon us to take personal responsibility for our state of consciousness today. That’s it. Live today fully present, enthusiastic, optimistic and with compassion for your self and others. Everything else will fall into place as it should

Opportunities to awaken

As we awaken, we learn to see beyond “good” and “bad”.

“Spiritual practice includes learning how to open-heartedly receive the shocks of life – the things you don’t like, the people who criticize you, the job that goes wrong, the partner that leaves, the health that fails you – whatever shakes you up.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

As we awaken, the mechanisms of the ego become more subtle by design. One that is most encountered is an inner dialog that says you shouldn’t be facing these challenges because you’re evolved, that you should know better, or perhaps you’re not applying your tools in the right way.

Challenges show us where we are stuck or provide a space to put new ideas into practice. That’s it. There is no commentary from the universe about how we’re getting it wrong or should be doing better. See everything in your experience as an opportunity to awaken or to teach by example.

The twists and turns we experience are part of life. The awakening soul does not seek to avoid problems, but may no longer see them as such. Instead, the foundation of peace and compassion provides stability through the upheaval, and the enlightened soul walks forward, untroubled.

Transforming pain into personal growth

Our struggles transform us.

“When life presents difficulties we can crumble or we can learn. Aspiring to be free tips the scale toward learning.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

Our natural inclination is to avoid pain. Eventually that creates a core belief that we should never need to experience pain. When we resist it (out of the belief that it shouldn’t be happening) or make it an enemy, we strengthen it’s hold over our us and suffering begins.

Pain is part of the human experience. Whether we experience it through the loss of a loved one, death, illness, taxes, aging or dropping  a brick on ones foot, it simply is. It does not come because we are flawed. It just is. However, pain does not need to become a constant form of suffering in our experience. When discomfort arises don’t resist it. Instead, see it as a teacher and know that it will push you into new areas of growth.

This fundamental shift in awareness changes how we respond to pain. Instead of “Why me?” we begin to ask, “What am I trying to learn through this experience?” One thought creates a prison. The other is a doorway to enlightenment.


Anger disrupts your ability to be at peace in the present moment.

“What holds us back from living open-heartedly? What shuts life out? What cuts off our natural ability to truly love? As must as anything, the answer is this: our anger. Though out anger hurts both ourselves and others, we still cling to it. When our expectations or desires aren’t met, anger insists, ‘No, I won’t accept this!’ Yet even as we feel the pain that comes from rejecting things that can’t be changed, we continue to indulge in anger’s aversion with a stubbornness that defies all sense.”  ~Ezra Bayda~

Anger can be a transformational tool of enlightenment. It shows us where we have attached to an outcome and is the exact opposite of ego-driven happiness. Suppressing anger is unhealthy because it will often manifest later as physical illness, depression, passive/aggression or uncontrollable rage. Justifying anger is the ego’s way of getting you to believe the thoughts about a situation, with the attachment to being right. 

So when anger arises, feel it. Sit with it and be still. Know that by focusing your attention to the energy while becoming aware of the feelings and the thoughts which drive it, you can free yourself from its constricting embrace.

In every moment we have a choice – to accept what is or to reject what is. Enlightenment calls upon us to view each situation as if we had consciously created it for our souls growth, for indeed on a higher level, we have. Everything offers an opportunity to awaken.

Your thoughts create your reality

Rather than being a slave of the mind, seek instead to regulate it back into the helper it is meant to be.

“Enlightenment is a state of freedom not only from the counterproductive emotions driving cyclic existence but also from the predispositions established in the mind by those afflictive emotions.”  ~Dalai Lama~

What you allow to repeat in your mind slowly becomes a truth that you manage to in your daily life. For example: if one thinks that no one appreciates them, this mindset eventually creates a filter through which every experience is interpreted. Even when someone expresses appreciation or kindness, it will be overlooked or viewed with suspicion by the person who is enslaved by their own mind and beliefs. 

As we become more aware of our own limiting thought patterns, we can consciously choose to shine the light of consciousness upon them. The ego-generated negativity can only function well in the dark; therefore, your attention and positive choices will shift the energy. Affirmative statements, when repeated consistently, create new experiences. The mind will, at first, attempt to sabotage because its tendency is to embrace the known and fear the unknown – even when the unknown is a life of peacefulness, balance and joy. 

You can create the life of your dreams and it begins now, in this moment. Keep your thoughts aligned with what you wish to experience. Be kind to yourself and know that when you change your thoughts, you can change your life.

Aspiring to enlightenment

You have chosen to be here now, in this place with your loving insights, for a purpose.

“You must become enlightened in order to most effectively benefit others.”  ~Dalai Lama~

The greatest gift that we can give is our Presence. No matter what the situation, we have the opportunity to bring light where there is darkness, give kindness rather than turn away and teach by example. In order to be consistent in our approach, one must never stop learning. Allow your life to be your message. 

Asking yourself, “How may I be of service in this situation?” can turn your attention inward. As we examine our motivations we discover that helping others helps us to achieve enlightenment. This double helix of energy thus creates a space where transformation can happen.

You have a greater impact than you realize. Your energy intertwines with that of those around you and together you create an intricate symphony of mind, body and spirit.

Freedom from attachment

Our attachments create biases that impact our ability to love unconditionally.

“Real compassion does not depend on whether the other person is nice to you.”  ~Dalai Lama~

Our friendships and close connections demonstrate our unconscious biases or judgment. We feel for those we love. Our compassion prompts us to extend a helping hand when they are in distress. But how often do we do that for someone who is currently playing an adversarial role in our development? Many times we may choose to leave them to their own devices or even feel happy to see them struggle. 

Awareness calls upon us to view these soul contracts from a higher level. One who seems an enemy now has often played roles of love, and will again. We must strive to see beyond the roles to the truth of the soul. This insight allows us to be kind without attachment.

Choose to spend the day being equally kind, helpful and compassionate to all who cross your path. Drop any ego-generated stories or judgment and simply treat everyone with the same loving-kindness. We all seek the same thing – to be accepted as we are.

Collective Consciousness

“Each of us is a unique thread, woven into the beautiful fabric, of our collective consciousness.”  ~Jaeda DeWalt~

What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. In spite of the appearance of separateness, we are One. This planet provides a paradoxical playground in which to explore and discover these truths

As we immerse ourselves in the physicality of being, our experiences – both positive and negative – teach us compassion. With each challenge we are called upon to go within, to rise above and let our unique way of being in the world guide us.

We constantly emit waves of energy out into the Universe. Because we are all connected, these energetic frequencies impact countless others. When you purposely seek to give love, you create ripples of positive change. Anything can shift a situation or a perception and every moment of existence provides an opportunity to bring something beautiful to the world.

Resistance and opposition

Opposition from those around you indicates that you are making significant changes.

“Resistance is the first step to change.”  ~Louise Hay~

When we seek to break free from old patterns and conditions that no longer serve our evolutionary process, the ego will often disrupt our efforts. See this as an indicator that the change you are contemplating has value in the process of your awakening. If the inspiration was just another layer of the old conditioning, the ego would allow you to go your way unimpeded.

Likewise, our changes often have an impact on those who grace our lives. Should you encounter resistance from those who love you, know that it comes from their own ego-generated fear. If you change, they will be forced to shift to compensate for the shift in energy.  Many will seek outside support and sometimes lose momentum if it isn’t received. Dance in the light of your own consciousness and know that the support you seek must come from within.  

Flow with the changes that take place in your life as best you can. See them as opportunities to explore new aspects of yourself. Your willingness to do things differently ensures your continued growth and evolutionary transformation.