
“It’s as though, knowing that everything is possible, suddenly nothing is necessary.”
~Diana Gabaldon~
There are moments when life goes quiet. In the gap between what is and what could be lies a world of infinite possibility. There is nothing quite so beautiful as immersing oneself within the embrace of stillness.
We humans can cause ourselves so much pain. Excessive thought fills these spaces of pure potential with clutter that is then carried into day to day life. Everything becomes too much and the overload causes reactivity, which leads to additional conflict and drama.
Each journey is unique; therefore, there isn’t one passageway into stillness. Those seeking to expand their consciousness must experiment with different ways of engaging the mystery. One thing to remember: it exists for everyone. We can access stillness in the midst of chaos and choose to be at peace, even within the cacophony of experience.
When you discover your own way of going deeper into the present moment, make it a priority in your life. Find ways to work it into your daily routine until it becomes your natural way of being in the world. There will come a time when this magnificence, this expanded vision, is simply who you are.

Open To Receive

“The earth isn’t solid. It is made of molecules and atoms, tiny universes filled with space. It is a place of mystery, light, and magic, if you only open your eyes.”
~Dan Millman~
You are meant to thrive. Part of awakening is learning how to drop whatever blocks you from living with an open heart. Engage life’s magic by seeing yourself as a vibrant, empowered co-creator of your own experience. You can cultivate the ability to see things differently, and with that vision, you will create a new reality.
Energy follows attention. One simple practice is to stand outside with your feet shoulder-width apart. Extend your arms outward, bend the knees slightly and lean back to receive the sunlight. Do this three times in a state of Presence and Stillness. This infuses new energy within the heart chakra.
This is the realm of infinite possibility. Do not limit the flow with thought; instead, reside quietly within the gap of the eternal Now and discover the “I Am” of consciousness as your perception expands.
Immerse yourself in the miracle of your being. See through the perceived limitation to the truth of who you are – a master in the process of awakening.

Finding Your Flow

“All matter, including you and I, has rhythmic movement within it and our quest should be to create a proper rhythmic harmony within ourselves…you feel happy when you sit near an ocean because your vibrations try to synchronize with the frequency of the waves.”

~Ed Viswanathan~

There is an ebb and flow to awakening. Be willing to release all that no longer serves you. When we have identified with a particular way of being for a long time, the ego gets invested in that identification and often becomes resistant to all else. Some will say “that’s the way I’ve always been” as if that’s a good thing.

We are here to evolve, to discover the limitless depths of being and play in the realms of infinite potential. Imagine if the caterpillar, upon discovering her brand new wings, ignored them completely in favor of continuing to crawl  through life simply because that is all she has ever known.

In order to find your rhythm within the flow of life, one must master the art of being receptive and accepting without becoming apathetic or asleep throughout the process of transformation. Take a moment to sit in silence. Notice your breath. Pay attention to the rhythms of your body and the flow of thought which arises. It can take some practice to create peaceful space within your mind, but there it waits – love in the space of stillness.


“It’s as though, knowing that everything is possible, suddenly nothing is necessary.”
~Diana Gabaldon~
There are moments when life goes quiet. In the gap between what is and what could be lies a world of infinite possibility. There is nothing quite so beautiful as immersing oneself within the embrace of stillness.
We humans can cause ourselves so much pain. Excessive thought fills these spaces of pure potential with clutter that is then carried into day to day life. Everything becomes too much and the overload causes reactivity, which leads to additional conflict and drama.
Each journey is unique; therefore, there isn’t one “right time” to enter stillness. Those seeking to expand their consciousness must experiment with different ways of engaging the mystery. One thing to remember: it exists for everyone. We can access stillness in the midst of chaos and be at peace, even within the cacophony of experience.
When you discover your own way of going deeper into the present moment, make it a priority in your life. Find ways to work it into your daily routine until it becomes your natural way of being the world. There will come a time when this magnificence, this expanded vision is simply who you are.

The Journey

We are here to discover Oneness through the perception of separation. Prior to awakening we stumbled, lost in the dark,  feeling misunderstood. We harmed one another and ourselves through ignorance, judgment or fear… until the soul was ready to awaken.

Then life became a series of events that pivoted our direction. Perception expanded as we began to drop the layers of illusion that blocked the ability to give and receive love. We discovered our unique way of being in the world.

You are supported far more than you can imagine and love rains down upon you from all dimensions. In stillness we can access inner guidance and cellular wisdom, receive angelic assistance, or connect with energy from our ancestors, spirit guides or healing masters.

Through awareness, we learn to trust the voice of intuition rather than ego and discover the many ways that we are connected. Whether through the commonality of experience, lifting one another up or the compassion we feel for those who face similar struggles, the end result is Oneness. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. Life is a journey inward. The whole of all existence resides within you.

Be here now. You are enough.


The Unique Treasures of Your Soul

While doing healing work, I am occasionally gifted with beautiful visions of the upper world. In this space of exploration, I’ve discovered that every challenge is unique and the way to healing changes from person to person.

Imagine being in a place that is completely safe, peaceful and restorative. The waters run clean, light sparkles in a way that makes everything come alive with meaning and awareness. The food and drink found here is grown from the depth and breadth of your soul. Unique plants, nuts, fruit and grains combine to create sustenance that reminds you of who you truly are.

When faced with the need for a new perception, you can walk through a small wood to a pool of water that, in it’s divine stillness, shows the truth that needs to be seen. Whether a vision of potential, wholeness, courage, peacefulness or passion, the answer always comes and the way forward makes itself known. You are supported by various helpers, ancestors, healers and angels and can bathe in the waters of life.

Each of us has access to this inner realm. Whether you find it through meditation or prayer, gratitude or creativity, it waits for your loving Presence.



“True creativity flows only from stillness. When stillness becomes conscious, the spiritual dimension enters your life and you begin to be guided by an intelligence far greater than the human mind.” 
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Practice getting out of your head and let yourself be totally immersed in whatever you choose to do. When you bring a creative component to your actions, you become a channel for white light and higher consciousness. Imagine the difference between one who agonizes over a recipe, determined to get it totally right, stressing throughout the process and one who tastes and explores, dancing around the kitchen, enjoying the act of creating. What type of energy is being channeled into the food?
Art is your singular expression. Whether writing in a journal, painting, creating music, decorating your home or finding your unique style, releasing ego opens you as a conduit for divine inspiration.
Expression is the basis for transformation. You may wish to create (or renew) a sacred space in your home. Fill it with anything that inspires you and just sit with the energy. Don’t think – just be… then, bring that higher state of awareness and peacefulness into your day.

Creating Sacred Space

In this fast-paced, intense world, everyone needs a sacred space to re-balance, recharge and be at peace.

Everything is energy and we are significantly impacted by the frequencies that surround us. It’s important to ensure that your home is set up in a way that allows you to feel more deeply connected to your true, authentic nature. This looks different for everyone, of course, and that’s the beauty of discovery!  Does everything around you touch your heart in some way?
It’s also important to create a specific space to meditate, pray or move into stillness. Keep this space dedicated for mindful activities so that the energy is always ready to help when you need to release the stress of an intense day. The more consistently you use this space, the more it becomes filled with the light of consciousness.
This is immensely helpful when there are many people sharing the home. Amethyst can enhance one’s ability to remain emotionally calm and rose quartz awakens our ability to love unconditionally. When you are at peace, you have more kindness, patience and compassion to share with others.

The Sacred Quest

“When you enter a place of stillness, you awaken the divinity within you.”

~Peggy Sealfon~

To walk a conscious path is to live with greater purpose. Most people take the leap toward the unknown when life presents a challenge that forces them to grow; however, as an awakening soul, you can do this intentionally without waiting for life circumstances to force it upon you.

It’s time to rediscover your grace. In stillness, you can ask your angels, spirit guides, healing masters and helpers how to live in alignment with that sacred contract.

This world can be overwhelming. Our relationships, work, dramas and commitments often take center stage, distracting us from our calling. And there it resides, the calling – a pull toward something greater – waiting for us to recognize our purpose.

Explore the mystery. There is no end to what you will discover.

Look beyond the role you play. Look beyond the physical appearance you have chosen. See beyond the stories of the mind. Breathe in the breath of life… slowly, mindfully, sacredly… and just be. Bask in the radiance of present moment. In stillness, you can begin to tap into the infinite potential of the Divine.

The Vastness of Being

“There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being.”

It is here, within the stillness of this moment, that you can immerse yourself within the vastness of your own being. Pay attention to the gaps between words, breaths, or heartbeats, and you will discover a portal. See yourself as Consciousness seeking expression in the world of form and  purposely bring that awareness into the Now.

In the face of the infinite we are humbled, yet liberated from fear. When you can rise above the mechanisms of the mind and see beyond the illusion, any perceived limitations are transformed. Walk through life as a conscious co-creator who can choose to interpret your life experience in a way that is empowering.

There is no end to what you will discover. In the limitless space of stillness, you are completely free.