Mindful Silence

“Silence is not the absence of something but the presence of everything.”

~Gorden Hempton~

Silence is more than the absence of noise. A living presence, it allows us to enter the temple of the Divine by journeying deep within ourselves. Very few people are comfortable in the space of infinite possibility. They seek diversion and distraction and become lost within the echos and mechanisms of the mind.


Mindful silence will connect you to all of existence. This moment is beautiful, fulfilling and poignant. When you immerse yourself within it, it becomes apparent that all you need is already here. Cease striving for a particular end result. Instead, find the completeness in the Now. Whatever you choose to do, however you choose to feel, do it completely and patiently. This immersion will bring about transcendence. Live every moment as if there is no other moment to come.

It is the space between the notes which creates beauty in music. Without the space and intent, there is only noise. Learn to be the space in the symphony of your life. Embody compassion and stillness and purposely align yourself with love. In the stillness you’ll discover that everything is possible, yet nothing is required.

Everything is Music

“If I were not a physicist, I would probably be a musician. I often think in music. I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music.”
~Albert Einstein~

Have you ever stopped to listen to the symphony of existence? All of life plays its perfect part in the symphony of your experience. Dedicate a moment today to listen to the song of your heart. The beauty resides within the contrast and the silences as much as it does within the melody.

Step outside and hear the music of nature. Existence itself sings your name with messages of love. Feel the rhythm and allow it to move your soul. When you find the place where sound and spirit meet, you’ll discover a new depth and breadth of experience.

Become a pure channel for the creative energy of the Universe. Open yourself by learning to embrace periods of silence. Remove all distractions and focus on the beat of your heart and the breath as it fills your lungs. Realize that you are a vibrant, living, evolving work of art.


Spiritual maturity creates freedom. One is no longer controlled by external events but by an inner stillness which offers a sense of peace and connection. This moment carries a gift – consider the foundation you can create in your life  when you realize that joy is merely another aspect of your growth. Each of us walks the Path of Transformation, and no matter where you are on your journey, the light of love will lead you onward.

When at peace, take the time to observe your reflection in all beauty you see. The Divine sparkles in the morning dew. It vibrates within every sound you hear and resides within the core of your being. Find the Infinite within nature, art, inventions, exploration and dance. Experience the feeling of wonder as you walk in communion with life.

When we recognize that we are One, how can we harm another or the world around us? How can we harm ourselves? Life has many secrets to share when we become willing to listen. This is the opportunity to expand your perception and hear the voice of the Divine which is calling you home… and how beautiful is the discovery that home is already within you?

The Flow of Experience

This too shall pass… whether you are enjoying expansion and joyous transition or facing significant challenges, this truth remains. It’s a delight to fully celebrate moments of breakthrough while riding the waves of positive energy; however, it’s also important to understand that everything is cyclical. Beyond the perception of good and bad, there is simply soul-enriching experience.

Share your joy with others and participate fully in whatever the present moment requires. Too often we try to hold on to that which is fluid instead of experiencing what is. Whether we are celebrating or learning, consciously remember, this too shall pass.

The only constant in life is change. We live magnificently within the ebb and flow of experience – living, dying, rebirth, expansion. All contrasts and apparent opposites have their part to play and it can be exceedingly helpful to observe the patterns we encounter. Learn to flow with what is without clinging and embrace your transformation.

Quiet pauses allow us to gather our energy for the next moment of movement. Much like the tidal flow of the ocean, the power and healing lies within the highs and the lows, blending together to form the natural, evolving and mysterious playground of life.

Enter the Mystery

“That is where my dearest and brightest dreams have ranged — to hear for the duration of a heartbeat the universe and the totality of life in its mysterious, innate harmony.”
~Hermann Hesse~
There is something deeply beautiful about sensing the miraculous in the mundane. As spiritual beings having a human experience, we are living conduits between the mystical and physical. Let your heart find delight in the simple pleasures of the present moment.
In stillness, it becomes possible to merge with the energies of the sky, a tree, the ocean or music. Allow yourself to enter the realms of limitless possibility. Just be. Explore Oneness with the world around you. The more expansive your vision, the more able you’ll be to see beyond the roles and limited perception of others. Therein lies the freedom of enlightenment.
See those who grace your life as partners in the dance of awakening. Listen with an open heart with the knowledge that the universe often speaks through the unlikeliest of sources. These gifts of spirit blend to create a tapestry of exquisite design. One day you’ll step back and be able to recognize the mystery and the perfection of it all.

Creativity and Empowerment

“True creativity flows only from stillness. When stillness becomes conscious, the spiritual dimension enters your life and you begin to be guided by an intelligence far greater than the human mind.” 
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Practice getting out of your head and let yourself be totally immersed in whatever you choose to do. When you bring a creative component to your actions, you become a channel for white light and higher consciousness. Imagine the difference between one who agonizes over a recipe, determined to get it totally right, stressing throughout the process and one who tastes and explores, dancing around the kitchen, enjoying the act of creating. What type of energy is being channeled into the food?
Art is your singular expression. Whether writing in a journal, painting, creating music, decorating your home or finding your unique style, releasing ego opens you as a conduit for divine inspiration.
Expression is the basis for transformation. You may wish to create (or renew) a sacred space in your home. Fill it with anything that inspires you and just sit with the energy. Just be… then, bring that higher state of awareness and peacefulness into your day. You add something beautiful to our collective experience.

Releasing Attachment

“Dying to your own attachments is a beautiful death.
Because this death releases you into real life.
You have to die as a seed to live as a tree.”

Imagine being genuinely at peace no matter what unfolds in your life experience. Live passionately and joyfully, pursue your goals, love who you love, and allow life to unfold as it will. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to the present moment.

The awakened spiritual seeker understands the empowerment that comes from transforming challenges into opportunities to awaken. Clinging – whether to an idea, person, pattern or possession – guarantees that eventually you will see yourself as a victim. Everything is impermanent… except for the inner stillness of Presence which resides at the core of your Being.

No matter where you are on the journey of awakening, you can discover life’s magic and wonder. It is everywhere, residing in the realm of pure potential. You can enter this space through the gentle process of allowing life to be as it is. Resist nothing. Acceptance creates a flow of grace and ease throughout your life.

When you choose to live with an open heart and honor your path as sacred, you create space in which transformation can occur.


Be True

“Open your eyes to the beauty around you, open your mind to the wonders of life, open your heart to those who love you, and always be true to yourself.”
~Maya Angelou~

Our relationship to the world reflects our true relationship to ourselves; and through that, awareness of our connection to the Oneness of all life. When we allow the present moment to be as it is without expectation or resistance, we begin to experience the world in all its beauty.
If you encounter conflict in any area of your life – relationships, body image, traffic jams, drama, etc. – understand that it is meant to alert you to the fact that you are out of alignment with your true nature.
Peacefulness in the present moment is needed to become aware of the beauty, the majesty and the sacredness of life. When we become engaged in the discovery of the Self, lessons present themselves everywhere we look. The art of stillness connects us to love. As you watch the sun lighten the sky, you are greeted by love. As the birds awaken and sing in the stillness, you are serenaded by love. In the flow of breath, you are connected to love.

One More Step

“When you reach the point where you think you can go no farther, taking one more step, one more breath into the heart, is all that’s required.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The path of awakening is the process of remembering our true nature. It calls upon us to release old baggage and beliefs and create a space where transformation can occur. Whenever you observe a repetitive pattern in your experience, see it as an opportunity to break free of habitual ideas and responses. Peace can happen in one place only – the present moment.

The more aware you are, the greater your ability to purposely make choices that support your spiritual growth and development. Conscious breathing is a wonderful way to center yourself within the Now. From a place of balance and stillness, new pathways will make themselves known. Gradually you will discover friendships and circumstances that open new doors of understanding and will joyfully celebrate your ever-evolving way of being in the world.

Take one more step forward. Let the momentum of enthusiasm, joy and acceptance inform whatever actions you choose to take. Your intention and mindful approach to the present moment ignites energy in motion that sets the stage for tomorrows experience.

Quietness, Love and Fearlessness

Quietness without love is simply non-participation. Stillness can be a celebration, a silence that sees all and bears loving witness. But authentic love is only possible when we are fearless. Remember that fear and love vibrate on opposite ends of the spectrum. Love empowers while fear weakens.

Many look to relationships to heal their anxiety. Even when the spiritual seeker understands that true happiness comes from within, it’s human nature to seek fulfillment and completion through partnership. We think that we need to be loved, but what the heart truly desires is to love.

The purity and beauty of your soul never fades, dear one, though sometimes you may not realize your divinity out of fear that you are not enough in some way. Recognize the divine energy within you – it is time to be present and honor that path which has brought you here Now.

All of us come from the same source of love. We are just in various stages of discovery and awakening. Be willing to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe. You can choose to create a peaceful and joyful path of grace. There are many levels of love that await your exploration.