Your Moments of Stillness

“Alone-in moments of prayer or meditation, or simply in stillness-we breathe more deeply, see more fully, hear more keenly. We notice more, and in the process, we return to what is sacred.”
~Katrina Kenison~
There is no right way to enter stillness. The beauty of exploration is discovering the ways in which your unique light comes alive. Over the years I’ve found peacefulness in the small moments of conscious gratitude – sitting outside with a good book, writing in the early hours of the morning, watching the sun rise as I commune with the Divine, eating mindfully. There is nothing unusual or earth-shattering about my practice. It simply soothes my soul.
Your peacefulness is the barometer of your awakening. As you engage with life, be the observer. Notice how you respond to the unexpected or the unwanted. Simplify where you can and fill your experience with little sparks of joy. The infinite source of life itself seeks to express itself through you. Give yourself time to be. The pathway to love is lit from within and in order to access that guiding wisdom, stillness is required.

Living in Totality

“When you give your complete attention – I mean everything in you – there is no observer at all. There is only the state of attention which is total energy, and that total energy is the highest form of intelligence.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
Practice being present. Without the need to name or identify, simply observe the world without filters. Bring stillness into the Now and appreciate whatever appears. This wholeness, this awareness has a higher quality. Imagine walking through life without opinions, descriptors or categorizing. The art of being present is based in stillness.
Life is artistry in motion. Many forget to enjoy the beauty of being outside at twilight, watching the light change the colors of the sky, or to receive the gift of a sunrise as the birds awaken. This is the time to reignite the flames of experience, open the heart and remove preconceptions that distract us from appreciating the beauty of Now.
We are not separate from life; rather, it is an outward reflection of our inner state of consciousness. Taste the fullness of this moment. Immerse yourself within it. Let all of your senses come alive. Your awareness is transformative.

Nature Heals

“The goal is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with nature.”
~Joseph Campbell~

When the heart and mind are overwhelmed, let nature heal you. Whether exploring the wilderness of remote places or standing alone barefoot in the grass, there is a stillness that speaks to the soul.

Even when indoors, a glance out the window to a sky filled with clouds and color can remind us of the miracles and artistry of life. Often I hear birds outside my door and it brings me joy to bear witness to the songs of their delight.

Nature, in whatever form it arrives, is soothing because there is no thought. The flowers are deeply present. The trees stand sentinel and within the cawing of crows I hear reminders to speak my truth.

The things that bring delight are simply consciousness in physical form. Everything is an aspect of love and when we take the time to listen, experience and appreciate, we can walk gently in the world.