Lessons in Love

Our pets play an important role on the journey of awakening. As I began writing, my Pomeranian just insisted that I stop and play for a while. I immediately put aside my work and gave my full attention to a moment of love and snuggles. Though it may have only lasted a few minutes, the energy we shared was healing, calming and felt outside of time.

Animals choose to incarnate as our helpers and act as guides, reminding us how to stay present and love unconditionally. They have a reincarnational series of seven lifetimes as one species and often develop deep connections with a particular human throughout the path of transformation. Each animal remembers all prior lifetimes completely and will often manifest fears and preferences that it adopted in past lives. This helps to give the more advanced animals their special personalities.

When you have a special bond with a beloved pet, it brings added layers of dimension to your life and spiritual growth. They often remind us the importance of taking the time to enjoy the warmth of the sun, to release our worries and play a little and demonstrate the power of unconditional love when we need it most.

Pay attention to the lessons that unfold in your experience through the love, nurturing, loss, healing, and emotional connections that you experience. Honor the sacredness of all beings that cross your path by living with an open heart.

The Path

There is no one in the world like you. Your unique insight, history, passion and talents are meant to be expressed. The journey of your soul can inspire others in ways that you cannot imagine.

In a world of limitless possibility, there is great joy in exploration. New experiences can awaken facets of your spirit that are ready to shine. When we choose to share our gifts with others, we are transformed.

Periodically examine your life experience to discover where you are limiting your joyfulness and positive expectations. Remember that you are here to thrive and to expand your consciousness. Any challenges that arise are providing opportunities to cultivate empowerment and lift your soul to new levels of understanding.

Each of us needs to observe any personal obstacles or behaviors and know that they can be overcome. Be clear and gentle with yourself and re-program your mind to see the love that resides at the core of all situations. Together, we walk the path of exploration and discovery, each life a thread interwoven in the tapestry of existence.

The layers of energy and insight that you are now experiencing can bring you to a place of clarity and passion. Seek to fill your life situation with circumstances, things and people that inspire your soul. Contemplate the perfection of the present moment and it will make itself known to you.

Conditioning is Attachment

From earliest childhood we are conditioned to think in a certain way. This varies from family to family or country to country, and the attachment to beliefs and ideas becomes a powerful playground for the ego.

Adulthood adds additional expectations regarding money, possessions, relationships, appearance and the like, and we are bombarded daily by merchandising, manipulation and the story that the next thing we achieve or purchase will bring happiness. Add to that the rampant ego driven judgment and opinion by social media and it can often feel overwhelming.

Awakening compels us to question these rigid sets of rules and we begin to step outside the current set of norms. We expand into new thoughts patterns, practice stillness and shed the old layers of limitation. When you truly understand your own sacredness, there will be no need for outside validation. The inner expression of peace and harmony takes precedence over the trappings of the physical world.

More than ever, it’s imperative to create spaces of Presence in your experience. Disconnect and reside in the fullness of who you are. Your spirit will see through the illusions of this world and sense the vibrant energy which underlies all things. Then, you can be in the world, but not of it.

This Moment

“There is only one perpetrator of evil on the planet: human unconsciousness. That realization is true forgiveness. With forgiveness, your victim identity dissolves, and your true power emerges–the power of Presence. Instead of blaming the darkness, you bring in the light.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you bring the best version of yourself to the present moment, the future takes care of itself. Mastery comes from cultivating the ability to remain conscious as you address the tasks of the day. Each has the ability to awaken greater insight and awareness. Even something as simple as taking a walk can be done consciously or unconsciously. If you’re only trying to get to the next place, looking down at the phone or lost in thought, an opportunity is missed. Thankfully, there’s another. And another.

Slow down and choose to fully experience the Now. The key to your awakening lies within it. As present moment awareness becomes a habit, your life will sparkle with limitless possibility. As you change, the world around you is transformed.

You can participate without getting caught up in the drama. With awareness, passion evolves into compassion. Judgment dissolves into love and the world explodes into life. This vibrant flow of energy moves through you to play in the world of form.


“Real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Bring a new level of consciousness to your journey. From the mundane to the mystical, everything you encounter offers the possibility of transformation.

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Bring present moment mindfulness to whatever you choose to do and you will discover that you get far better results.

Together we create a matrix of Divine flow. Everything that we do has an impact – not only upon ourselves, but also upon the collective consciousness of mankind, the planet and all her creatures. Mindfulness is paying attention to what we are contributing to the whole at any given moment. Self-awareness teaches us how to tap into that flow of energy in a positive way and bring a higher level of consciousness to what we create.

Don’t wait for moments of fulfillment and mindfulness to happen. Create them. Make them a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s journey.

Growing Beyond Limitation

“We are here not only to experience limitation, but also to grow in consciousness by going beyond limitation.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Perceived limitations can be overcome physically (such as releasing poverty consciousness and becoming more receptive to abundance or overcoming an illness), mentally (learning to accept limitations thus transforming them into strength), or spiritually (bringing love to a situation filled with hate). The soul seeks to expand, awaken and overcome adversity.
You can access your ability to be a conscious c0-creator by moving into acceptance. Accept life as it is and take responsibility for your state of consciousness in the present moment. Release the need to blame, defend or struggle. Learn how to see perfection in the imperfection and recognize that you are right where you need to be. Whatever has arrived in your experience has a specific purpose in your soul’s growth. When you change how you think about a situation, transformation begins.
When you embrace the present moment and bring your full attention to whatever you are doing, your actions will be filled with deeper intention and empowerment. No matter what you are prompted to do, find a way to bring the light of consciousness to the forefront of your experience.

Find Your Adventure

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

The hard shell of a seed provides safety and a plant can remain viable for years. The moment it sprouts into being it is immensely vulnerable, yet that is the journey toward beauty and fulfillment. We are not here to play it safe. The human experience calls upon us to take risks, to find our way through darkness into the light. The enchantment of awakening is the souls true purpose.

When we approach the present moment with the innocence and openness of a child, miracles begin to unfold. See your life as an adventure in time and space. Become a loving witness to the infinite ways in which the Universe speaks to you. When you look through the lens of higher consciousness, you’ll receive messages meant to guide your unique path of transformation.
The new friendships, experiences, ideas and circumstances will break you free from any limiting routines you may have created. These compelling energies will awaken the aspects of yourself that are ready to shine and bring them to the surface.


“To me there is nothing more sacred than love and laughter, and there is nothing more prayerful than playfulness.”


Balanced play creates greater peace in your experience and squirrel is a wonderful teacher. She constantly frolics and chatters, often chasing a friend in circles around the trees. But she is also industrious. In her play, she gathers and stores nuts. As the seasons change, many of those hidden nuts are forgotten and some begin to grow. In her playfulness, she emits the essence of pure presence, the side effects of which can be seen for years to come.

Consider bringing lightheartedness into your experience. This can be accomplished with a conscious change of attitude. Day to day tasks take on new meaning and time flows differently. The work still gets done, but it is no longer draining. Your balance and well-being amplifies all that you do with heightened energy and meaning. You may be surprised to discover how much energy is available to you.

Your joyful energy can be a reminder to those who are driven by fear, stress or worry that there is a different way to experience life. And perhaps, your example will plant seeds of transformation.

The Unique Treasures of Your Soul

While doing healing work, I am occasionally gifted with beautiful visions of the upper world. In this space of exploration, I’ve discovered that every challenge is unique and the way to healing changes from person to person.

Imagine being in a place that is completely safe, peaceful and restorative. The waters run clean, light sparkles in a way that makes everything come alive with meaning and awareness. The food and drink found here is grown from the depth and breadth of your soul. Unique plants, nuts, fruit and grains combine to create sustenance that reminds you of who you truly are.

When faced with the need for a new perception, you can walk through a small wood to a pool of water that, in it’s divine stillness, shows the truth that needs to be seen. Whether a vision of potential, wholeness, courage, peacefulness or passion, the answer always comes and the way forward makes itself known. You are supported by various helpers, ancestors, healers and angels and can bathe in the waters of life.

Each of us has access to this inner realm. Whether you find it through meditation or prayer, gratitude or creativity, it waits for your loving Presence.



Your first thoughts and actions upon awakening dictate how the energy of the day will be experienced. When you consciously choose appreciation and gratitude, you open to receive the love that flows upon you from all dimensions.
Longing is another form of suffering. Rooted in some undetermined future, it robs us of the ability to experience the vibrancy and potential of the present moment. The enlightened spirit takes full responsibility for their own state of consciousness. Seek to adjust your inner dialogue whenever necessary and observe how you choose to respond to the present moment. This simple movement of awareness is transformative.
Human intimacy, and all the emotional aspects it contains, provides the richness of spiritual life. Many seek to rise above the mundane as an aspect of their spiritual journey; however, the repudiation of worldly interaction can sometimes become the ego’s way of grabbing hold through denial or judgment. Anyone can be zen while meditating on a mountaintop. The spiritual master brings that sense of peace into each and every relationship.

Be willing to be vulnerable as you participate in the experiences of your life. Conscious choices are always available when you remember that every situation is an active, integral part of your awakening. The present moment brings what the present moment brings. Live it. Release the word “should” from your vocabulary, it indicates expectation rather than acceptance.