Moment to Moment

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”

~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Step lightly. Be gentle. In this way you can be the observer and rise above the intensity of life. You can choose to find balance and peace Now by bringing loving awareness into this moment.

There will, of course, be times when you stumble or miss the mark. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to find the humor in the situation, dust yourself off, get up and move on knowing this is just another seed of wisdom that has been planted into your psyche. The light of consciousness will nurture and help it to grow.

All that you need is already here and the way into fulfillment is by going deeper into life. Willingness is the gateway to enlightenment. When you are willing to accept what is, the lack of resistance allows your energy to be channeled into the present moment without being diffused. Pure Divine energy then flows into all that you experience and all that you do.

Should you need assistance going deeper into the Now, let an animal help you. Here is Skye McKitten.

Immersed in Now

Spend this day as a conscious observer. See how much you can engage with life while saying very little. This will allow you to actively participate and you may come away with a greater understanding of your own level of consciousness (not to mention greater clarity regarding those with whom you interact).

Many people live trapped by fear – and fear is born from lack of compassion and understanding. They seek to be better than someone else, or worry that they may fall short. That fear and worry translate to a lack of joy.

As a conscious spiritual seeker, you can choose to see everyone as an expression of the Divine. Loving waves of energy will then flow outward from you, multiply and find their way back, often in miraculous and unexpected ways.

The art of stillness is one that consistently needs to be cultivated in the midst of a busy and ever-changing world. It’s the one aspect of you that will never change, a great wellspring of peace and power that exists to provide balance and replenish your soul.

You can create miracles in your experience. Open your heart to the wonders of the Universe – they are all around you!

Real Joy

“Real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Bring a new level of consciousness to your journey. From the mundane to the mystical, everything offers the possibility of transformation.

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Mindfulness amplifies your energy.

Don’t wait for moments of fulfillment to happen. Create them. Make them a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play, love… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s awakening.

When you bring your awareness to the Now, the process of self-observation increases your level of consciousness and layers of resistance begin to dissipate. You can always handle the present moment. The answers, resources and strength that you require will be there when you need them.

The mind needs to be still in order to recognize the sacredness and beauty that is all around you. Stillness can only occur Now, this moment. Be here completely. Love yourself enough to be at ease… and then take one more conscious step forward.

Dissolving Blockages

When you seem to be stalled, feeling incomplete or dissatisfied, look within and observe the thoughts that impede your ability to take action. These internal blockages often create greater conflict than any physical obstacle you may face.

The only thing that exists is the Now – don’t destroy it’s potential with worry created by the shadows of the mind. See yourself walking forward in joy and expectation and simply take one more step. Fear dissipates through conscious action. Enter the realm of discovery and cultivate the discernment that allows you to see through the stories of the ego.

This moment is precious. As I stepped outside in gratitude, I was greeted by the stillness of a cold, clear morning. Early storms had passed, frost was on the ground and the stars sparkled across the sky like diamonds on velvet. The darkness had a living texture of possibility and once again, I fell madly in love with life.

Find your inspiration. In the stillness you can connect to the Universe and come home to yourself. The energy of the Divine is yours to experience in any way that you wish. In a changeable world filled with limitless nuances to explore, this powerful connection remains constant.

Divine Feminine

“The way towards the peace and the balance is love… love and respect of everything. Knowing that there is a place for your neighbour, and there is a place for power, and there’s a place for trees and there’s a place for birds and plants. Once you start loving all these things, you leave them be. You respect them. Then there is balance.”
~Reena Kumarasingham~

The divine feminine is grounded in Presence. It creates peace and harmony in our experience by slowing things down and allows us to enter the Now respectfully, honoring the sacred that resides in all things. Once body, mind and spirit are aligned, we are capable of  receiving all that life has to offer.

Nurture the divine feminine within you by opening to existence. When there is no need to defend, you become a channel of light and love whose actions emit a powerful, peaceful depth of being.

We all need to explore the expression of masculine and feminine within our own experience. There are times to receive, to contemplate, to love… and others when it is appropriate to move or take action. The way forward will make itself known. Let it flow, and step into the energy in whatever way is most appropriate for this stage of your journey.

The Greatest Gift

“As delicate as flower, as tender as rose petals, choosing to be tender and kind in a harsh environment is not weakness, it’s courage.”

~Luffina Lourduraj~

As you awaken, the world around you is transformed. No longer will you feed the flames of hatred or judgment. Peace will dwell within you and naturally be expressed throughout your life situation.

When you can live from the heart rather than being driven by the stories of the mind, you bring something beautiful to the world. The impact you leave in your wake is greater than you may realize.

The more conscious you are, the less involved you will be with drama, judgment or anger. This inner transformation lifts you to another level of awareness and allows you to bring a higher, more objective perception to any situation. Your sense of peace and insight can spark new growth in those with whom you interact.
We have chosen to assist with the healing of our collective consciousness. Rather than wishing or demanding that others change, demonstrate what an inspired life looks like. Elevate others with consistent loving energy, words and actions. Your Presence is the greatest gift that you can share along the way.

Gentle Presence

“Bring me a higher love.”

– Steve Winwood~

Why are you so hard on yourself? You are beautiful. When you approach the present moment from the higher levels on consciousness, life becomes simple. Like the delicate flickering of a candle flame, the light of awareness sets the stage for a peaceful interpretation of life’s illusions.

It’s all love and nothing is lacking. No matter what unfolds, you can handle it. Be gentle with yourself knowing that love lives in the shadows as well as the light. Seek to reside outside of the drama and become the compassionate, supportive observer. This intentional clarity will remove all distractions.

Beauty is here Now.

Love is here Now.

Imagine that today is a blank page, waiting to be filled with your thoughts. What will you write?

Mindfulness and Transformation

The way to elicit positive change and transformation is mindfulness. Make inner peace and balanced health your first priority – quiet the mind, meditate, and spend a few moments completely free of distractions each day.

When we focus on making conscious choices and make an effort to only use words which support our intentions and desires, we set the stage for a shift in consciousness. Everything is energy and has a collective impact upon your personal vibration.

If mindfulness is something which gets lost in the busy and changeable world of your existence, start small. Choose one hour to be completely mindful in all that you do – in your work, while cleaning house, preparing dinner or petting your dog – choose to be fully present. Any activity can be used as part of your spiritual practice. As you become well versed in mindfulness, extend the time longer and longer throughout your day.

There is nothing new you need to add to your store of knowledge. Mindfulness is simply a removal of the distractions and negativity that block you from connecting to your source. You can do this now, there is nothing to be gained by waiting.

The Sacred Pilgrimage

The joy is in the journey. Every relationship, whether it lasts for a lifetime or for a brief moment, provides an opportunity to discover the mysteries of love. Ego-driven love is rooted in fear and desire. Authentic love supports growth, exploration, discovery and laughter. Seek to experience those who grace your life with an open heart by demonstrating acceptance, openness and patience.

Life is a dance with the Divine. Each person you meet is a unique spark of eternal consciousness that seeks to experience the synergy of awakening. When we approach our life situations with the intention of assisting in this process, the Divine is able to make itself known in miraculous ways.

Practice generosity, sharing mind, body and spirit without reservation or expectation and you will open portals of new experience. Through Presence, each interaction becomes an opportunity to express kindness and compassion. We stand together at the threshold of understanding.
We can consciously move through the infinite landscape of our souls awakening by honoring the present moment. Whenever you enter periods of contrast, paradox, movement or change, choose to face whatever arises with a sense of adventure and growth. This is your sacred pilgrimage.


“Must I fear what others fear?
Should I fear desolation
when there is abundance?
Should I fear darkness
when that light is shining everywhere?”
~Lao Tzu~

(from the Tao te Ching, 20th verse) 

Higher consciousness calls upon us to be deeply rooted in the Now. Presence brings a new type of freedom into your life experience. When you find yourself striving for more or trying to please others at the expense of your own joy, choose instead to relax into the power of the present moment. Set down your burdens. Notice any “what ifs?” that arise – see how they steal your peace?

Be present, move into complete acceptance and see yourself as whole and complete. This empowered choice aligns you with the flow of life. We live in a vibrant, thriving energy field. Our thoughts and beliefs send waves of energy throughout the Universe and they always return in unexpected and beautiful ways.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. Know that everything unfolds in the way that is most appropriate for your souls evolution. You are a child of light, a master in the process of awakening. Imagine having a worry-free existence. That is the gift that awaits you.