I Am

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.” 
~Deepak Chopra~
Your words have the power to shape your experiences. Someone who constantly says, “I’m a procrastinator…” “I’m always late…” “I can’t….” or “I’ll never be able to…” strengthens limiting mindsets that dictate how they walk through life.There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Wherever you are, be there completely. Mastery is the act of taking personal responsibility for one’s own life and how we choose to experience what unfolds.

Begin with “I Am Consciousness.” Set a tone of awareness in your experience and reclaim your Divine birthright. You are here to thrive, to be joyful and to rise above limitation. Your conscious intent has the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment.

As a conscious creator, be aware of your words and ensure that they are in alignment with your goals and desires. Your statements can support or sabotage, propel you forward or stop you in your tracks.

Consider practicing with a different “I Am” phrase each day. Journal your experiences. Your journey is ready to expand into new dimensions of expression.

Going Inward

“Go inwards, find your inner space and suddenly you will find an explosion of light, of beauty, and ecstasy.”


Awakening occurs as we release the need for outward validation and become deeply aligned with our authentic, true nature. The journey inward is a powerful one. Within it, we discover the courage to face our shadows – both personal and collective – only to emerge completely transformed by the experience.

Going inward is a perfect description of one who is fully present within the Now. The deepness of the present moment is unfathomable. Beneath the layers of desire and interpretation is pure Presence, a joy that sparkles as we recognize and embrace the sacredness that is both within and without.

Your conscious awareness brings a unique nuance of peacefulness and beauty to the planet. Imagine how our experience of the world would change if each of us could recognize the love that connects us. Begin within. Use the lessons and challenges of the past as stepping stones. Let your wounds be the place where the light enters you. Ultimately, you will discover that an infinite wellspring of light, love, possibility and purpose within you… and that light will guide you home.

Moment to Moment

Step lightly. Be gentle. In this way you can be the observer and rise above the intensity of life. Find balance and peace by bringing loving awareness into this moment and honoring the sacredness of your journey.

There will, of course, be times when you stumble or miss the mark. Don’t take yourself too seriously. Learn to find the humor in the situation, dust yourself off, get up and move on knowing this is just another seed of wisdom that has been planted into your psyche. The light of consciousness will nurture and help it to grow.

Fulfillment is found by going deeper into life. Willingness is the gateway to enlightenment. When you are willing to accept what is, the lack of resistance allows your energy to be channeled into the present moment without being diffused. Pure Divine energy then flows into all that you experience and all that you do.

As evolving souls, we are learning to master the ability to see beyond the physical, beyond the obvious, and dance in the light of infinite possibility. You may be surprised at what you discover as you journey through the days experience…. all that you need is already here.


“Know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world.”

~Oprah Winfrey~

When sparks of energy transform a situation, it’s astounding. You will begin to interpret life differently and share that vision with the world in your own unique way. You can live a life of passion and awareness by being your authentic self.

All of life is a reflection of your state of consciousness; therefore, pay attention to those who inspire you. They are showing not only what is possible but also what is ready to awaken within you. The resonant frequency of energy always seeks compatibility and expression.

Mastery comes through the practice of present moment awareness. When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself. Nothing is more beautiful than one who is a peace on the inner plane.

Be patient with the process of your awakening and keep your goals high. As you rise above the mechanisms of the ego you’ll discover how closely aligned you are to the Divine. Strive to be a pure channel for the energy that seeks expression through you. We are graced by your Presence.

Inner Presence

“Maturity has nothing to do with your life experiences. It has something to do with you inward journey, experiences of the inner.”

Presence is achieved by going inward and accessing grace. The ego disappears, roles and life situations become transparent, and only empowered silence remains. When you begin to realize that you far more than the stories of the mind, you plant the seeds of your own spiritual maturity.

What happens when someone breaks free from the restrictive aspects of the fearful self? Everything. A new energy is set in motion which allows us to explore undiscovered facets of the soul. Rather than seek outward validation, go inward and free yourself from the grip of fear. The Divine seeks expression through you – allow it to flow without limitation.

No matter what you wish to experience, begin to attract it by consciously choosing to immerse yourself in that energy. Tired of all the fighting in the world? Remove conflict within yourself. Wish for better communication in your relationships? Slow down and communicate with love and positive intention. Choose your words carefully and be mindful of the energy you add to our collective consciousness. This is the moment of your transformation.


“If the sight of the blue skies fills you with joy, if a blade of grass springing up in the fields has power to move you, if the simple things of nature have a message that you understand, rejoice, for your soul is alive.”
~Eleanora Duse~

When you live in alignment with your true nature, life becomes simple. It can be an empowering process to de-clutter your life experience. Observe the various distractions you face – how many are self-imposed?

See if you can simplify your life, expectations and desires. Find joy in the little things. Give when you can. Love with all your heart. Allow your presence to make a difference by planting seeds of kindness and giving them time and space to grow.

Vibrant energy flows through you into whatever you choose to do. Awareness is enhanced by removing distractions. The human condition is to complicate; however, the role of the spiritual seeker is to see through the mechanisms of the ego and rise above them. The mind may want you to believe that such an approach to life is boring; however, you’ll discover that it is a vibrant, inclusive, limitless, empowered existence… beautiful in its simplicity.

One More Step

“When you reach the point where you think you can go no farther, taking one more step, one more breath into the heart, is all that’s required.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The path of awakening is the process of remembering our true nature. It calls upon us to release old baggage and beliefs and create a space where transformation can occur. Whenever you observe a repetitive pattern in your experience, see it as an opportunity to break free of habitual ideas and responses. Peace can happen in one place only – the present moment.

The more aware you are, the greater your ability to purposely make choices that support your spiritual growth and development. Conscious breathing is a wonderful way to center yourself within the Now. From a place of balance and stillness, new pathways will make themselves known. Gradually you will discover friendships and circumstances that open new doors of understanding and will joyfully celebrate your ever-evolving way of being in the world.

Take one more step forward. Let the momentum of enthusiasm, joy and acceptance inform whatever actions you choose to take. Your intention and mindful approach to the present moment ignites energy in motion that sets the stage for tomorrows experience.


“To an Earthkeeper, love is not a feeling or something your barter with. Love is the essence of who you are, and it radiates from you as a brilliant aura: You become love, practice fearlessness, and attain enlightenment.”

~Alberto Villoldo~

There is something beautiful about nurturing what you love. Selfless acts of kindness and personal responsibility  demonstrate the power of a loving heart. The awakening master walks gently in the world with no thought of recognition, and a higher state of consciousness infuses every decision.

We are defined by what we do when no one is watching. Enter into the stillness of your soul and bring that grace and wisdom into your daily journey. Quietly become part of the solution by honoring this playground as sacred. We all have our roles to play in our collective experience and each is vitally important.

Everyday offers the possibility of discovery and insight. When you walk through life with an open heart and mind, you create space for inspiration, motivation and right action. Dance with the breezes, revel in the mystery of awakening, sing with the birds as they greet the dawn. We are the Earthkeepers.

Just Be

“Just be yourself. Let people see the real, imperfect, flawed, quirky, weird, beautiful, magical person that you are.”
~Mandy Hale~

Just in case it might have slipped your mind… You are an absolutely unique, beautiful, ever-evolving, radiant being of light, resplendent as the noon-day sun, breathtaking and magical. Thank you for being here.

When life gets overwhelming and opposing energies seem to tug you in several different directions at once, take some time to re-balance, breathe, and settle into the truth of who you are. You have chosen to be here now for a specific purpose and the world needs your unique perspective. You bring something to our shared collective that no one else can.

Demonstrating gratitude, slowing down, allowing mindfulness to infuse our responses to life and honoring all paths as sacred helps us to see more clearly. Our role is often to show others a different way to be; however, that can only be accomplished when we are fully present and acting without attachment. Unwavering authenticity and compassion create a powerful foundation that supports conscious interactions with one another.

Your kindness sends ripples of energy throughout the universe. Like a flower, simply reach toward the sun, move gently in the breeze and enjoy blanketing the world with your natural beauty.

Peace and Presence

In this moment, you have all that you need. Nothing is lacking; however, it’s easy to get distracted by the ego and miss the miraculous flavor and texture of the awakened life. When you place your focus inward without thought, a gentleness pervades your experience. Settle into this immense energy and simply be.

This is the I Am. This infinite space of pure potential underlies all that we do. When you can access this field of energy in the Now, it flows into your life experience. Moments of grace are available at any time. Bring an awareness to the sacredness of who you are, honor how far you have come, and know that you can face whatever lies ahead.

Gratitude and appreciation take you more deeply into the present moment. Let contentment and stillness free you from the distractions of the mind. The journey inward is limitless. Close your eyes and listen. Be. Accept the love and energy that rains down upon you from all dimensions. The seeds of your awakening are nurtured by purposeful quiet interludes. In the space of infinite possibility we can discover our unique way of being in the world.