Inner Presence

“Maturity has nothing to do with your life experiences. It has something to do with you inward journey, experiences of the inner.”

Presence is achieved by going inward and accessing grace. The ego disappears, roles and life situations become transparent, and only empowered silence remains. When you begin to realize that you far more than the stories of the mind, you plant the seeds of your own spiritual maturity.

What happens when someone breaks free from the restrictive aspects of the fearful self? Everything. A new energy is set in motion which allows us to explore undiscovered facets of the soul. Rather than seek outward validation, go inward and free yourself from the grip of fear. The Divine seeks expression through you – allow it to flow without limitation.

No matter what you wish to experience, begin to attract it by consciously choosing to immerse yourself in that energy. Tired of all the fighting in the world? Remove conflict within yourself. Wish for better communication in your relationships? Slow down and communicate with love and positive intention. Choose your words carefully and be mindful of the energy you add to our collective consciousness. This is the moment of your transformation.

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