Peace and Presence

In this moment, you have all that you need. Nothing is lacking; however, it’s easy to get distracted by the ego and miss the miraculous flavor and texture of the awakened life. When you place your focus inward without thought, a gentleness pervades your experience. Settle into this immense energy and simply be.

This is the I Am. This infinite space of pure potential underlies all that we do. When you can access this field of energy in the Now, it flows into your life experience. Moments of grace are available at any time. Bring an awareness to the sacredness of who you are, honor how far you have come, and know that you can face whatever lies ahead.

Gratitude and appreciation take you more deeply into the present moment. Let contentment and stillness free you from the distractions of the mind. The journey inward is limitless. Close your eyes and listen. Be. Accept the love and energy that rains down upon you from all dimensions. The seeds of your awakening are nurtured by purposeful quiet interludes. In the space of infinite possibility we can discover our unique way of being in the world.


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