Mastery and Joy

“I have found that if you love life, life will love you back.”

~Arthur Rubinstein~

Joy is linked to mastery. When desire and expectation are released and we consciously immerse ourselves deeply within the Now, life responds  in amazing ways. Rather than allowing attachment to create moments of pain, we can discover the freedom that is the by-product of  acceptance.

Seek to fill your experience with countless tiny moments of joy rather than seeking to attain one particular goal. When we enter the field of awareness with humility and a sense of adventure, we open floodgates of energy that synergize and awaken, simplifying our journey.

Joy and peacefulness go and in hand. Seek to rise above the mechanisms of the ego by paying deep attention whenever you observe that it is attempting to distract you. Resistance is a great indicator that something powerful is possible. One spark of awareness can change everything.

Honor the processes of your awakening by being a conscious participant in the process. Let yourself be drawn into wonder as you traverse the landscape of your life. Ultimately, love will make itself known, expanding as it is shared. The song of your soul desires to be sung.

Divine Feminine

“The way towards the peace and the balance is love… love and respect of everything. Knowing that there is a place for your neighbour, and there is a place for power, and there’s a place for trees and there’s a place for birds and plants. Once you start loving all these things, you leave them be. You respect them. Then there is balance.”
~Reena Kumarasingham~

The divine feminine is grounded in Presence. It creates peace and harmony in our experience by slowing things down and allows us to enter the Now respectfully, honoring the sacred that resides in all things. Once body, mind and spirit are aligned, we are capable of  receiving all that life has to offer.

Nurture the divine feminine within you by opening to existence. When there is no need to defend, you become a channel of light and love whose actions emit a powerful, peaceful depth of being.

We all need to explore the expression of masculine and feminine within our own experience. There are times to receive, to contemplate, to love… and others when it is appropriate to move or take action. The way forward will make itself known. Let it flow, and step into the energy in whatever way is most appropriate for this stage of your journey.

Gentle Presence

“Bring me a higher love.”

– Steve Winwood~

Why are you so hard on yourself? You are beautiful. When you approach the present moment from the higher levels on consciousness, life becomes simple. Like the delicate flickering of a candle flame, the light of awareness sets the stage for a peaceful interpretation of life’s illusions.

It’s all love and nothing is lacking. No matter what unfolds, you can handle it. Be gentle with yourself knowing that love lives in the shadows as well as the light. Seek to reside outside of the drama and become the compassionate, supportive observer. This intentional clarity will remove all distractions.

Beauty is here Now.

Love is here Now.

Imagine that today is a blank page, waiting to be filled with your thoughts. What will you write?


“Enlightenment is not about becoming divine. Instead it’s about becoming more fully human. . . . It is the end of ignorance.”
~Lama Surya Das~

Enlightenment is a slow, transformative process. The journey inward hesitantly begins with many starts and stops. The heart feels pulled to engage the mystery and we begin the fumbling movement towards ecstasy.

The ego equates enlightenment with death – and indeed, enlightenment is the death of the ego. As we evolve, it must become more subtle and so we visit the same type of circumstances repeatedly until we have gleaned insight from many differing levels of consciousness.

Ultimately, the soul heeds the call of awakening and we are able to break free from the ravages of karma. While life still unfolds as it will, we no longer feel victimized by circumstance; instead, awareness transforms even the most challenging situations through love.

Each of us will forge a unique pathway to higher dimensions. The most beautiful thing that you can do is share your insights and wisdom and act in a way that exemplifies them in the world of form. This is the process of transformation.

Enter Into Love

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”  
~Ezra Bayda~   

Imagine creating a world filled with wonder that sparks enthusiasm and allows you to express the fullness of who you are. You have the ability to transform the world around you with your unique vision. Each time you seek the sacred in each situation, you plant seeds of awakening.

For those who are unconscious, life can be a fearful place. They see through filters that translate every event in a way that supports their fear or anger, and often don’t understand that they have the ability to create anything different in their experience.

Allow the majesty of the earth to awaken passion within you. If music lifts your soul higher, purposely surround yourself with song. If fulfilling work or a beautiful home bring happiness, let yourself be inspired.

When you fall madly in love with life, everything changes. Challenges become adventures. Fear transforms into exploration… and every situation provides an opportunity to discover your passion and live it to the best of your ability. Approach life with an open heart and allow the perfection of the present moment to astound you.

The Sacred Pilgrimage

The joy is in the journey. Every relationship, whether it lasts for a lifetime or for a brief moment, provides an opportunity to discover the mysteries of love. Ego-driven love is rooted in fear and desire. Authentic love supports growth, exploration, discovery and laughter. Seek to experience those who grace your life with an open heart by demonstrating acceptance, openness and patience.

Life is a dance with the Divine. Each person you meet is a unique spark of eternal consciousness that seeks to experience the synergy of awakening. When we approach our life situations with the intention of assisting in this process, the Divine is able to make itself known in miraculous ways.

Practice generosity, sharing mind, body and spirit without reservation or expectation and you will open portals of new experience. Through Presence, each interaction becomes an opportunity to express kindness and compassion. We stand together at the threshold of understanding.
We can consciously move through the infinite landscape of our souls awakening by honoring the present moment. Whenever you enter periods of contrast, paradox, movement or change, choose to face whatever arises with a sense of adventure and growth. This is your sacred pilgrimage.


Never underestimate the value of kindness.

It is said that no act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. Choose to bring this lovely energy to the planet. Whether you rescue a spider, listen to a stranger, hold space for your child or help another to see their own beauty, you can walk gently upon the earth.

We live immersed by ego-generated opinions and the contrasts of belief systems seem to be widening. Things appear chaotic. And yet… we are on the verge of tremendous growth and breakthrough. Great change is always proceeded by disruption. Most people expect (or even seek) push-back, thus allowing the ego to feed existing negative energy through debate. When others seem to want conflict, give kindness.

The goal is to see through and break free from the mechanisms of the ego. There is no need to be right. We can utilize conscious actions and insights to infuse our life situations with high vibration energy. Rather than repeating old ideas and behaviors, seek instead to embrace a new way of being. Our collective consciousness is ready for expansion. Educate others by demonstrating what authentic loving-kindness looks like and let your life be your message.

Infinite Possibility

“It was perhaps one of your greatest acts of love. Choosing to be alive at a time when so many are so deeply in the dark.
And already things are looking brighter.
All bow.” 
~ Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe~
Adversity awakens you. Joy awakens you. It’s your choice. and your journey of awakening is unique. No matter how you decide to experience life, it provides myriad opportunities to grow. Imagine your soul expanding as it opens to receive new energy, insight, healing and balance.
Collectively, we are engaged in evolution. We learn from our interactions with one another and with our sacred mother earth. Your light transforms the darkness. When you choose to approach your life situations with a willingness to learn, anything is possible.
So, choose to become a lifetime student of love with the knowledge that untold gifts still await discovery. You are not only strong enough to face whatever unfolds in your experience, but also awakened enough to utilize the events you face in a way that is unique and empowered. You are here to awaken to the knowledge of your own true nature as a divine, infinite spirit of pure potential, and you are amazing.

I Am

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.” 
~Deepak Chopra~

What do you choose to say after the words, “I Am?” It’s important to realize that your words are powerful. Many live in self-imposed prisons that their thoughts and words reinforce everyday.

Ask someone close to you to observe the words you say and give them permission to gently interrupt and bring your attention to anything negative or limiting. Awareness is the first step of transformation. It may be surprising to realize how often you reinforce old programming.

Empowerment is taking full responsibility for whatever unfolds in your experience. With a blend of strength and humility it becomes possible to set new intentions and consciously direct your energy in beautiful ways. Life will always reflect your beliefs and intentions back to you, and thus awareness begins the process of change.
It’s exciting to remember that no matter how much we have learned or how far we have come, that we have barely scratched the surface of what is possible. Your journey is sacred. You are sacred, and there are many levels waiting to be explored.

Releasing Limiting Patterns

“You have the power to choose bliss.”
~Amy Leigh Mercree~

When we recognize infinite possibilities in the world around us, life becomes a mystery to be lived rather than a business to be managed. You can choose to become more aware of limiting patterns and focus on making joy the top priority in your life.

Limiting behavior includes complaining… if something bothers you, change it. If it cannot be changed, change your response to it. Whatever we put our energy into grows stronger, so complaining in any form is an act of self sabotage that robs you of joy in the present moment.

Certainly there will be circumstances that inspire us to shift consciousness or make necessary changes. As soon as you notice the desire to mention how something bothers you, take a moment to go into silence. Ask yourself if you have the power to change the situation. If the answer is yes, make the conscious decision to speak about the solution or new approach rather than the problem itself. If the answer is no, become aware of the ego’s desire to speak and begin the process of moving into acceptance. This process will transform your life and experiences in magnificent ways.