Walk Gently

“Peace is found not through seeking peace, but through residing completely in what is.”
~Ezra Bayda~

The awakened spirit walks gently through life, seeking to be present and peaceful. This creates a powerful blending of the spiritual and the mundane.

Living a spiritual life is not some perfection that you will experience at some point in the future. It is the consistent practice of bringing a sense of peace and inner purpose to your journey as best as you can, from where you are with what you have. As we awaken, we naturally cultivate more tools and a greater ability to navigate through the challenges and beauty of life.
Listen to the prompting of your inner guidance. Celebrate your breakthroughs while learning from the challenges that arise. Everything works toward your highest good – always. With this in mind, fear departs as we take a greater role in what we choose to create and how we interpret the circumstances in which we find ourselves.
Trust your inner wisdom. You will draw in the teachers and experiences that are most appropriate for your journey. See each moment only as an opportunity to shine. Infinite gifts of love are waiting to be discovered. 


Integrity and Awareness

“Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind.”

~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

When you embrace your unique way of being in the world and open your heart and mind to new energy, you become a powerful co-creator in your daily experience. A healthy foundation is built on integrity and awareness. Your willingness to keep evolving while living in alignment with your truths allows you the freedom to be consistent in the midst of transformation.

This is where judgment stops. Energetically, we cannot hold the vibration of judgment and love in the same space because they are in opposite realms of experience. The best way to release judgment is to ensure that you are acting with integrity and doing your best. With nothing out of balance, we can see without labeling, forgive without drama and navigate our days with patience and peace.

Life is your canvas, your blank page, a song that is waiting to be played… add to it often. Let it change as you change knowing that the slightest adjustments can have the greatest impact. What we choose to create with our energy matters. Each us of adds something beautiful and unique to our collective experience.

We Are One

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one of two things: either love, or a call for love.”

~Marianne Williamson~

There is no “other” – no enemies or evil to fight against. There is only awakening. Though we experience life from varying levels of consciousness we share the same journey, one that ultimately leads to wisdom, healing and enlightenment.

The ego seeks to create a sense of separation. Casting judgment is divisive and it distracts us from looking within. As long as one perceives the need to fight against another, healing remains elusive.

Seek to find the spark of love in every situation. Compassion opens the doors of perception and allows us to see beyond the roles of this lifetime to the soul. From this space of awareness we have the capability to heal our own wounds; thereby eliminating the spiritual need for that particular conflict in our experience.

Once healing has occurred, a shift in perception allows us to truly be grateful for the lessons, emotional intensity decreases and our knowledge of Oneness reaches new depth and dimension.

All the answers lie within you. Advice from others may point you in one direction or another; however, you must trust your own instincts. Your path is unique.

You Are Joy

“You will arrive at the realization that you are just joy itself, and everything you do arises out of this joy, out of this spaciousness, light, and love.”
~ Mooji~

You are an aspect of the Divine experiencing the illusion of separation. Your loving awareness sparks awakening in those with whom you interact. When you are led by love, when you can step out of the maelstrom and into joy, you become a peaceful haven through turbulent times. Through contrast we discover the Oneness that connects us.

Give those you love space to work through their own lessons. Interact with kindness and integrity, knowing that everything works toward the highest good for all involved. Regardless of how it appears on the physical plane, love ultimately resides at the core of all things. As we each do our work to heal both personal and collective wounds, keep in mind that awareness is the first step of transformation.

Observe without commentary or judgment. Take ownership when necessary and then choose right action. Right action arises through expanded consciousness and mindful choices. Purposely utilize the lessons contained within every situation and you will awaken a version of yourself that is  peaceful, inspiring and empowered.

Self Expression

“The personal life deeply lived always expands into truths beyond itself.”
~Anais Nin~

Old souls are required to teach a certain amount of people before they leave the planet. This process contributes to the expansion of collective consciousness as we build upon what we have discovered. Articulation solidifies a deeper understanding of what you have learned on the journey of awakening.

There will be times when trying to utilize words to explain your perception of the infinite feels limiting. These are the moments you can more effectively teach by example and through conscious self-expression.

With each transition to higher states of consciousness, life will send you someone specifically for this purpose. Live your truth and bless those who demand that you be consistent and authentic. When the student is ready, the teacher appears… and when the teacher is ready, the student appears.

Rather than seeing yourself as a healer, teacher or someone who is enlightened, see yourself as Presence – the nameless, formless, infinite source of being. You are far more than the roles you play in this life. You are life, an ever-expending expression of the love, light and laughter of the universe, and we are graced by your presence.

A Higher Perspective

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
~Wayne Dyer~

Something magical happens when we view life from a higher perspective. Beyond the mechanisms of the mind – thoughts, opinions, confusion, stories, histories and other facades – there is great potential and power; however, the ego often distracts us from seeing clearly.

You have the ability to interpret life from many different perspectives. As your vibration increases, new viewpoints become available. Periodically bring your awareness to your own state of consciousness. Are you fully present? Can you purposely shift your thoughts in ways that are empowering? How often do you show yourself love and compassion?

Consciousness is the journey of expansion into all dimensions, the discovery of broader perspectives and the integration of all that we have learned. It seeks to express itself through our interactions and provides an opportunity to see life differently.

Life is a tapestry of dark and light, a blending of dimensions from the depths of lower consciousness to the heights of love and communion. They exist together and when we cultivate the understanding that all are required in this dance of awakening, we begin to have a very different perspective of the world.


“I think instead [of happiness] we should be working for contentment… an inner sense of fulfillment that’s relatively independent of external circumstances.”
~Andrew Weil~
You are a miracle and there is no one in the world quite like you. Your insights and unique way of looking at life are an integral part of the whole of existence. Simply by being yourself, you bring light to our collective experience.
Part of the human condition is to forget our brilliance. Doubt and self-criticism blind us to the beauty of creation that lives through us. Seek to turn your attention inward. Find the space between breaths, between thoughts and enter the gap of infinite possibility.
Fulfillment is nothing more (and nothing less) than being at ease where you are. Take a moment tonight to go outside and gaze at the full moon, appreciate the starlight and feel the love that rains down upon you from all dimensions. Everything seeks to support your awakening.
You have an opportunity to share your love, your light and your laughter. See your life as a communion with the Divine. Bring gentleness and humility to your life experience and you will feel at home wherever you are.



The Light of Love

“The more Light you have, the better you can see what is trivial and outmoded in your conditioning.”
~Ralph Blum~
The light of consciousness dispels the darkness that obstructs some aspect of your life situation. When you choose to open to receive, it is ready to pour into you. Utilize your relationships to heighten your awareness. Life is about being open to experience, vulnerable and willing to expand into joy from wherever you are with what you have. Seek to cultivate the art of love. You are the Universe in motion.

When you interact with those who struggle with repeating patterns, hold them in your mind with love and compassion. Everyone is on the same path. Whether we awaken in this particular lifetime or one yet to come, it’s important to remember that awakening and joy will definitely come.

This is the moment of renewed clarity, opening and awareness. We are participating in a collective shift of energy. Joyousness illuminates our ability to see clearly and this new clarity may call upon you to shift direction and move into new experiences. Ask, “What do I have to offer?” and then allow love to lead the way.

Miracles in the Stillness

“To understand the immeasurable, the mind must be extraordinarily quiet, still.”
~J. Krishnamurti~
Within the stillness lies unlimited possibility. When we can quiet the ravages of the mind, we discover that the present moment is filled with countless little gifts. Enter the gap by being very gentle, very receptive. Awareness seeks to experience itself through you.
Gaze at the clouds as they move across the sky. Notice how the shadows change. Hear the calls of birds in flight. The canvas of life is constantly in motion, each movement effortlessly creating a new work of art to appreciate. Even as I write these words, I find myself enjoying the candlelight as it flickers on my altar of friendship.
By bringing a gentle awareness into the Now, you will be more able to recognize the sacred in everyone and everything. As you continue to awaken, the veils of illusion which have clouded your perception begin to separate and ultimately dissolve into faint memory. The time has come to step into awareness of your true nature and walk forward with wonder.At the deepest core of our being we are the observers, witnesses of the miracle of existence. From this space of awareness we can engage with the spark of life and love that resides within us.

Love and Compassion

“For me, I am driven by two main philosophies: know more today about the world than I knew yesterday and lessen the suffering of others. You’d be surprised how far that gets you.”
~Neil deGrasse Tyson~
Awareness transforms the way that we walk in the world. Collectively and uniquely, we fumble our way towards enlightenment and as our consciousness expands, we gain a greater understanding of one another and view life from a broader perspective. This dance of awakening calls upon us to give greater consideration to how our actions impact one another as we move forward. Integrity is found in the choices that we make when we’re alone.
I feel honored when I am witness to loving behavior. I see people picking up trash as they walk their dogs, opening doors for another as they enter the store, working in community gardens, helping those whose voices are not heard and countless other demonstrations of love and compassion. These kindnesses are the by-product of awareness. Rather than being lost in the world of illusion or trapped in their own problems, they reach out – simply and quietly, fulfilling the souls purpose to awaken.
Open your heart to new knowledge today. Hear someone’s story. Understand a different point of view. Research a new topic. This world is filled with many opportunities to learn from one another, to love one another and to honor each path as sacred.