Life’s Blessings

“To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves; and what is important in beginning with ourselves is the intention.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

All change begins within. It starts with a desire to create peace or healing or joy, and extends outward. We must be willing to allow new perceptions into our experience. The subtle, yet profound shifts naturally expand our energy and impact our relationship to life.

Challenges show us where we are stuck in outmoded ways of being. Resist nothing; instead, be willing to approach your life circumstances with love and a willingness to change. Be patient with yourself and trust the processes of your awakening. Far more is happening on your behalf than you realize.

You may discover that this new perception, expanded way of thinking and relating, and authentic peacefulness spark healthy changes within all your relationships. This is how we teach one another. And sometimes… love will speak through a stranger. Whether someone graces your life for a moment or for a lifetime, be fully present with them while you walk together on the path of awakening.

This is your moment of transformation. Acceptance and awareness lead to empowerment. Breathe, and take one conscious step forward.


Inner Beauty

“Beauty isn’t in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”
~Kahlil Gibran~

You bring something beautiful and unique to the world. When we drop man-made imprinting and self-criticism, we create a space where something new can emerge. Seek to engage in an inner dialogue that is supportive, kind and adventurous. There is an art to living fully immersed in the beauty of the present moment – see it, experience it. Wherever you are, be the soul of that place.

As a child of light you are entire, complete; nothing is missing, you are fulfilled. One act of trust leads to another, and another. And when doubt arises, choose to see through it and trust anyway. This creates a momentum of transformation and your true potential shines through.
Once you learn to see life as an opportunity to love, a new quality arises in your experience. Begin within. Turn your gratitude and appreciation inward. It will naturally be reflected to you through the whole of existence.


“Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth.”
~Dr. Scott Peck~

Most people treat those they love and respect with compassion. They offer supportive words, a hug when required and provide kindnesses to lift the spirit. But when the focus goes inward, the voice of criticism appears. We tend to be much harder on ourselves, subjecting the psyche to an endless diatribe of expectation, recriminations and judgment.

It’s time to see the sacredness in yourself, to honor the past that has brought you to this moment and to celebrate the strength and wisdom you have cultivated along the way. Choosing to see the perfection in the imperfection is a good place to begin. Make a point to observe your self talk and place your focus on being loving and supportive. Do not allow corrosive words to create patterns of limitation and lack.

When your self talk is aligned with the love of the Divine, you are in tune with universal consciousness. Your inner wisdom, grace and acceptance create an aura of empowerment that emanates from you in myriad ways. Observe the ego when it arises. Bless it for the lessons it has come to teach and then choose to see beyond it to the fire of your soul. Quieting the voice of ego will allow the vibrant light of your inner beauty to shine through.

Waking from the Dream

“You wake from dreams of doom and–for a moment–you know: beyond all the noise and the gestures, the only real thing, love’s calm unwavering flame in the half-light of an early dawn.”
~Dag Hammarskjöld~

Sometimes awakening can be a gentle drifting up through the layers of illusion and symbolism to a morning filled with wonder. Other times, we are jarred awake by an invasive sound, struggling through a nightmare or the movement of another person or animal. These experiences are metaphoric for our spiritual awakening.

The most intense awakenings are abrupt. An experience shifts our perception, a limiting pattern shatters leaving us seeking shelter from the unknown or we feel the insistent calling of our inner purpose. Don’t go back to sleep. There are many, many paths to explore and soul mates waiting to be discovered.

You are the dreamer and life is the dreamed. Quietly hold the illusion in your  mind, what is it trying to tell you? Ultimately you will discover that love resides at the core of everything. All of life supports you in this endeavor.