Finding Your Rhythm

There is an ebb and flow to awakening. Be willing to release all that no longer serves you. Often, when we have identified with a particular way of being for a long time, the ego becomes invested in that idea and is resistant to all else. When in discussion with others, you may hear them say (or hear yourself say…) “that’s the way I’ve always been” as if that’s a good thing.

We are here to evolve, to discover the limitless depths of being and play in the realms of infinite potential. Imagine if the caterpillar, upon discovering her brand new wings, ignored them completely in favor of continuing to crawl  through life simply because that is all she has ever known.

In order to find your rhythm within the flow of life, one must master the art of being receptive and accepting without becoming apathetic or asleep throughout the process of transformation. Take a moment to sit in silence. Notice your breath. Pay attention to the rhythms of your body and the flow of thought which arises. It can take some practice to create peaceful space within your mind, but there it waits – love in the space of stillness.


“Look at a tree, a flower, a plant. Let your awareness rest upon it. How still they are, how deeply rooted in Being. Allow nature to teach you stillness.”  
~Eckhart Tolle~ 

Practice listening. Observe without mentally labeling what you see. Choose to experience the sacred energy which flows through all life. It sounds simple, but active listening and observation call upon us to break free of thousands of years of human conditioning. When you strip away the cacophony, love is speaking through the stillness.

We have a role to play in the transformation of our collective consciousness. The moment you choose to approach situations differently, you create an opportunity for growth. This can only be accomplished by being present. If your mind is elsewhere – worrying about the future or carrying the past – you’ll be too distracted to see clearly.

Each of us is responsible for our own state of consciousness. In this moment, how peaceful are you? Resistance creates anxiety while acceptance opens us to receive grace. Cultivate your ability to accept what is and respond to life with inner awareness. Enlightenment is not something that you’ll experience at some point in the future. It is here Now.

Limitless Possibility

Every moment is a new beginning filled with limitless possibility. You are not defined by past experiences or perceptions and, knowing this, you can consciously take one joyful step forward.
A world of possibility is open to you. As a spiritual being who longed for the human experience, you are now in the process of discovering that limitation can be released. There is no need to fight when you can simply rise above the blockages created by the mind into the realm of infinite possibility. The more loving you are to yourself, the easier it is to interact with others. It’s time to celebrate the wonders of your life.
This moment is all there is. The transformation that is happening within you opens dimensions of energy in which to play. All the events of your life are meant to bring more clarity, awaken your divinity and allow expansion into new directions. There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in this moment – what are you choosing to experience?
Freedom is found when we release all judgment and attachment; therefore, learn to accept whatever unfolds in the Now as a blessing. In every moment, we are learning, sharing, healing, celebrating, releasing and becoming more aware of our true connection to the Divine. We are spiritual beings who chose to have a human experience in order to rediscover the infinite nature of love.

Emotional Freedom

“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart.
…live in the question.”
~Rainer Maria Rilke~
You can create joy wherever you are. While the spiritual journey may never be completely free from life’s ups and downs, there will come a point where you don’t need it to be. Emotional freedom  the ability to ride the currents of experience without resistance while bringing a calm inner presence into the Now.
This lifelong process of discovery is a dance of love with the Divine. Every circumstance offers something of value and when we trust our inner wisdom enough to drop reactivity and fear we cross a threshold into a different type of experience. Periodically access your emotional temperament. It’s quite likely that you interpret and respond to life quite differently than you did 5, 10 or 20 years ago.
We share this slow and transformative process of awakening. Don’t wait for life to fall into place before you choose to be happy. Let your happiness inform your experience. Approach the infinite energy of limitless possibility with awareness, faith and openness and there you may discover a sense a peaceful self-love and acceptance that sets you free.


“…for you know that soft is stronger than hard, water stronger than rock, love stronger than force.”
~Hermann Hesse, Siddhartha~

The only thing over which you have any control is how you choose to experience the present moment. It’s time to reignite life’s mystery and leap fully into the spiritual experience. The energy that we put out into the world matters. Your sense of connection matters. More than ever before, life needs peacekeepers, artisans, free thinkers, healers and creators.

Consciousness has expanded because of a willingness to journey through darkness. As we emerge from the shadows, we find ourselves transformed, and it is this strength and awareness that can now be brought out into the light. The role of the awakened soul is to demonstrate what empowerment looks like in the world of form. Gentleness, kindness, and compassion arise when we have cultivated them within.

Keep it simple. Focus only on this moment and how you can bring the best version of yourself to whatever unfolds. Even solitary, mundane tasks take on a sacred quality when you are thusly engaged. Imagine how life would feel if you consistently experienced the Now in this manner. Your peacefulness creates a true sanctuary.

Spiritual Integrity

“Perhaps the most “spiritual” thing any of us can do is simply to look through our own eyes, see with eyes of wholeness, and act with integrity and kindness.”
~Jon Kabat-Zinn~
Throughout the process of awakening we examine various beliefs, commune with teachings of the ancient masters and find inspiration from those who are in alignment with our preferred way of being.
Once you find your path, live it fully. To be in ones integrity is simply to be authentic and consistent with a soupçon of laughter and humility. Through exploration we discover spiritual insights which ultimately create the foundation of our unique journey.
This is a planet of contrasts. Often we choose to be who we aren’t in order to discover who we are. The past does not define you, but it does inform you. Each experience teaches the importance of integrity, and while the expression may be different from person to person, the lesson is the same.
Your life is an reflection of who you are… an ever evolving child of light, a master in the process of awakening. Honor yourself by living in your integrity. Your path is sacred. You are Love seeking expression in the world of form.

Conscious Presence

Acting with integrity means that you’ve chosen an action that resonates with your highest truth. Decisions are based on authenticity rather than ego and have more impact because of the foundational strength and wisdom within the interaction.
From this place of empowerment and consciousness you will recognize when you’ve done your best in any given situation. Because it’s very natural to vacillate between awareness and ego, its important to remember that we all do the best we can with what we have in every moment. There is always something new to learn.
Should you experience stress or unhappiness within your life situation, realize that the ego is likely active and begin to examine your thoughts. Purposeful attention disrupts the mechanisms of the ego and creates space in which a transformation can occur. Presence ignites the ability to accept what is, move into expanded awareness, and recognize the limitless possibilities that are available.
Your loving awareness ensures that change will happen. When we choose to flow with life instead of fighting against it, our energy becomes more balanced and we remain deeply connected to Oneness. The greatest gift that you can give those who grace your life is conscious Presence.

Enjoy, Simplify, Love, Be

“If you are simple deeply simple in yourself you will discover something extraordinary.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

Sometimes life’s beauty gets lost in the details of being too busy. We run from one problem to the next, always searching for something to fix. This is not to say that we should ignore life’s challenges, but the key to happiness is in how we approach them.

There are many ways to bring joy into your experience. Appreciation adds flavor and texture to the journey. Within the souls desire to awaken there is a spark of love that seeks expression. Quiet the mind and go deeply into the Now. Be present with what is. In the stillness we can tap into the heartbeat of sacred mother earth.

What you place your focus upon grows stronger in your life; therefore, be mindful of how you utilize your energy. See if you can enjoy the dance within the flow between the sacred and the mundane. Your unique physical experience ultimately facilitates the awareness that is arising within you.

Approach life with a sense of wonder and for you, life will be transformed into something magical, extraordinary. This expanded perception adds something beautiful into the world.

The Pilgrimage

“You must love in such a way that the person you love feels free.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

The journey is more important than the destination. The path that you walk is a sacred place, filled with adventure, new discoveries and old friends. As you move from one place to the next, growth is assured. There is no need to struggle or plan too much (though if you choose to do so that’s ok too…). Consider embracing the new with an openness and acceptance that will allow you to learn whatever your soul is ready to learn.

This attitude of openness ensures that new opportunities, friendships and experiences will enter your life. The journey is ever-changing and life is about walking the pilgrimage with joy.

No matter where you reside on the Path of Transformation, search your life for the evidence of the hard-won truths you can claim as your own. There is great power in being courageous enough to take responsibility for who you are as you live aligned with your true nature.

People are often afraid of the own divinity. They find it easier to see their perceived flows and faults than to allow their limitless potential to be expressed.

Live in communion with life. Become one with the experiences that come your way and walk the path with humility. Look deeply into the eyes of another – a loved one, a child, a friend, or simply hug a tree and realize that the love is returned. The sacred works through all forms and calls you home again and again.

Find Your Inspiration

“I always say, don’t be a Christian, be Christ-like. Don’t be a Muslim, be Mohammed-like. Be Buddha-like. Emulate these great spiritual Masters and what they were teaching.”
~Wayne Dyer~

What is the driving force of your life? You can choose to be inspired. Your birthright is to thrive, to be joyous, to discover how to live balanced and peacefully.

From a young age, we absorb conditioning that blinds us to life’s beauty. We are bombarded with violence and fear in our art, sports and news reporting. Is it any wonder that it is now rising to the surface? I believe we are collectively engaged in the process of facing our shadow so that it can be healed.
Many people believe that hatred is a necessary part of life. They fear people and things that are different and see any challenge to the status quo as something to be conquered. The only danger we face is the danger of losing compassion for one another.
Love resides at the core of all things – love, or a call to love. Seek to remove low energy vibrations from your personal experience. Cultivate a sacred space and consciously be aware of what you’ll allow there. You can choose to be inspired, enchanted and authentic.