The Dance

“Energy moves in waves.
Waves move in patterns.
Patterns move in rhythms.
A human being is just that
energy, waves, patterns, rhythms.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
A dance.”
~Gabrielle Roth~
Once you see the energy that flows between us, it becomes impossible not to love. Collectively, we dance our way to awareness, discovering the beauty of contrast, passion and joining together.
Everything participates in this dance of experience and even stillness has its role. All aspects of movement can be considered sacred practice. Discover the beauty of being fully present with whatever action you choose to take. Your attention allows you to dance within the Now while cultivating a greater awareness of your place in the universe.
You are a living, evolving expression of the Divine that is constantly in motion. This never-ending dance is simply another form of creation and the natural ebb and flow of energy. Find your rhythm in the unique expression of your life.  Your inner spirit will emerge through conscious movement and enthusiasm when you choose to let the music of life flow through you.

Embrace the Now

“Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.”

The present moment is filled with countless miracles. When you truly immerse yourself within the Now, life becomes sacred. Everything is a reflection of the light of the Divine, adding to the mystery and the perfection of your experience. With each breath, you become one with life.

The mental patterns and frustrations of our humanness are nothing more than outmoded conditioning. The spiritual seeker breaks free from desire and societal imprinting and chooses to live purposely at a higher level of consciousness. This is the light that awakens the light in others.

When we seek only to learn from and love one another, something miraculous occurs… there is an effortless blending of energies that creates something entirely different. And from this new place of compassion, insight and experience a world of infinite potential opens and we can step through the doorway with an open heart.

Sparks of Light

“The real gift of life is not what you give, but who you become in the process of giving.”
~Debasish Mridha~
You are a radiant being of light and wonderment. When you live in such a way that your joy impacts those around you, then you are fulfilling beautiful aspects of your soul’s purpose. Sparks of light can create a magnificent impact. Whether emitting soft flutters like lightning bugs or awe-inspiring cascades of fireworks that light up the night, your light is transformative.
An unlit candle isn’t sad or evil, it’s potential is simply unrealized. By gently demonstrating a different way of being in the world, we can be an inspiration to those who have yet to discover their inner light and potential. We must begin by recognizing our shared humanity.
We are all engaged in a lifelong exploration of the nuances of awakened living. Choose to be led by joy, enthusiasm, passion and humor and you will become a powerful, conscious co-creator in your own experience. Your adventure is unique and the Divine seeks to express itself through you.

Conscious Parenting

“Your most important job as a parent, or as a friend to a child, is to mentor children in a field of unconditional love and acceptance. Your gift is to see the rightness in them and reflect it back. You are the witness of the Divine in them.”
~Tara Bianca~

Conscious parenting calls upon us to see the very best in one another. Every soul who chooses to come to this planet seeks to become more aware, and each relationship we have provides an opportunity to set the stage for that awakening.

Lower levels of awareness teach that life is something to be conquered, controlled or won. When parents seek to shield their children from hardship or intervene immediately when challenges arise, they rob those in their care of the ability to cultivate personal empowerment. It’s healthy to allow those we love to experiment while providing support, safety and gentle reminders to seek out one’s own potential.

Likewise, children can teach the adults around them. It’s powerful to remember that they are mirrors. Laughter can allow a family to grow together in consciousness. Experiment, observe, love, and remember (in the words of Ram Dass) that we are simply walking one another home.

You Are A Divine Being

“May you recognize in your life the presence, power, and light of your soul. May you realize that you are never alone, that your soul in its brightness and belonging connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe. May you have respect for your own individuality and difference. ”
~John O’Donohue~
Step back from the masses and create a reality that consistently supports your growth. The journey of awakening calls upon us to be unique in a world of conformity. We can choose to express a higher consciousness throughout the movement of our lives.
There are many paths to enlightenment. Explore those that nurture your spirit while allowing the light of love to shine through you. Be aware of how you utilize your energy. Instead of trying to get others to understand your way of being, demonstrate it.
You have chosen to be here now, in these times of upheaval and darkness, to be a source of light. Don’t go back to sleep. Open your heart to the wonder of life and love, and the Oneness of our collective experience. There is nothing more beautiful than being in the presence of one who is a conscious, living embodiment of the Divine.

Quiet Moments

“How many times have you noticed that it’s the little quiet moments in the midst of life that seem to give the rest extra-special meaning?”
~Fred Rogers~

Our spiritual journey is accelerated when we bring a sense of inner awareness and consciousness into whatever the present moment has to offer. Rather than only setting aside specific moments for your enlightenment, scatter them all throughout your day. View consciousness as important as breathing until it becomes second nature. These moments of deep connection align you with the miraculous beauty of life.

Beauty lies in the gaps within the movement of space and time, in the realm of infinite possibility… and there you can find the beauty of your soul.

Periodically look around you and choose to fall in love. Go inward and honor yourself and your expression of the Divine as sacred. You are the bridge between the physical world and the infinite. Seeing this clearly is enlightenment.

There are many wonders waiting to be discovered. The myriad facets of your unique expression of life sparkle by reflecting the light around you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself and allow the joy of the journey to be your guide.

Your Unique Self

Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.
~Eckhart Tolle~
This moment, whatever it contains, is the perfect opportunity for you to shine. Think of everything that had to fall in place for you to be here now and realize that you are right where you need to be. Your exploration through life has likely taken you through all the highs and lows of experience for the sole purpose of discovering who you are.
Your unique journey of awakening is a beautiful and creative expression of the Divine in human form. As we move through our experiences, new pieces of the puzzle begin to fall into place. It’s empowering to honor the process as sacred.
Everything plays a role in your spiritual growth. Moment to moment, choose to bring the highest version of yourself to the circumstances of your life experience. Rather than seeking for meaning, bring meaning to the joys and challenges you encounter. This approach will always send you on a journey inward to touch the wisdom of the heart.


The Path

“I have not always chosen the safest path. I’ve made my mistakes, plenty of them. I sometimes jump too soon and fail to appreciate the consequences. But I’ve learned something important along the way: I’ve learned to heed the call of my heart. I’ve learned that the safest path is not always the best path and I’ve learned that the voice of fear is not always to be trusted.”
~Steve Goodier~
Each path is unique. When we choose to embark upon adventures into the unknown, we discover that everything offers an opportunity to learn. For one who is a conscious participant, life becomes a consistent, loving conversation with the Divine.
Change allows us to explore aspects of ourselves that we may not have yet discovered. The journey of the soul is one of experience. Life’s  contrasts ultimately provide insight and compassion. Understanding the yin and yang of a situation teaches the value of balance as well as the beauty of dark and light playing off one another.
Ultimately, love makes itself known. Act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will. Your journey will offer the perfect experiences for your growth.

The Portal

“The way of the miracle-worker is to see all human behavior as one of two things: either love, or a call for love.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Love seeks expression through you. Each of us is a conduit through which Divine energy flows and our task is to create a clear pathway. Within the physical illusion our true spiritual nature becomes convoluted by childhood imprinting, beliefs, expectations and the ego-driven need to identify with the role we play rather than with the essence of the soul.

You will draw in the people, circumstances and experiences that best serve your growth. Acceptance and awareness begin the process of expansion. Your conscious interpretation and willingness to learn opens the doorway to greater insight and development. This process will continue until you are simply a consistent source of love, no matter what unfolds in your experience.

Immerse yourself deeply within the Now. Let your loving heart awaken so that you may see only the soul of the other and learn something extraordinary about life and about yourself. With compassionate detachment we can offer empathy, take right action or be a consistent source of peace. The key is simply to bring loving awareness to the present moment.


“And I learned what is obvious to a child. That life is simply a collection of little lives, each lived one day at a time. That each day should be spent finding beauty in flowers and poetry and talking to animals. That a day spent with dreaming and sunsets and refreshing breezes cannot be bettered.”
~Nicholas Sparks~

Expect the very best. When you live in alignment with your inner truth, life becomes simple. Choosing to honor each moment as sacred brings a quiet quality of empowerment to any situation.

Simplicity, patience and compassion form the core of each interaction, the foundation of every relationship, and most importantly, the realization of joy in your experience.

Fill your life with sparks of awareness, joy, gratitude and passion. Experiencing the quiet of the early morning, enjoying the a favorite scent, getting lost in a moving piece of music or snuggling with a beloved pet can all align you with the love of the Divine.

Keep life simple. Be patient and honor the processes of your awakening. Most importantly, allow compassion to be the defining quality that you express throughout your experience. It is your birthright to express yourself in ways that are deeply fulfilling. No matter what has come before, every moment is a new beginning.