Into The Mystic

“If you cling too much to logic you will never be able to be part of the living process that this existence is. Life is more than logic: life is paradox, life is mystery.”


You are a unique, evolving expression of the Divine in physical form. Why not allow life the freedom to surprise you? Many walk through their days blind to the beauty which surrounds them; however, the spiritual seeker explores the ability to infuse enchantment into the mundane with their attitude, joyful expectation and innocence.

Much of the path of awakening is remembering how to be amazed, how to dance with delight in the rain, take a leap of faith or seek inspiration. Everything, in its reflection of you, becomes a message of love. Together, we rise when we consciously engage with life.

There are infinite threads of commonality that bind us. Seek out those threads, draw them into your experience and witness their impact on the exquisite tapestry of which we are all a part. We can choose to live in a way that is both connected and expansive. Set aside any perceived limitations, be enchanted by love and give expression to the magic within you.

Internal Validation

The need for outside validation is an ego-generated journey of frustration and soul crushing compromise. When one constantly tries to determine what others may be seeking, they discover that chasing recognition ultimately leads into the abyss of fear. Many people defer to their inner critic, typically seeking to please others based upon childhood imprinting or societal expectations. The tendency is to put aside their own joy and they walk through life striving to attain outside validation.

Peacefulness comes through internal validation, honoring your strengths and insights, learning from your challenges and knowing that your path is sacred and unique. Once you discover your authentic way of being in the world, everything becomes very simple. You can effortlessly embrace the call of your spirit and consistently demonstrate your level of consciousness, whether or not anyone else is around to witness. Beautiful, vibrant energy flows through you, infusing all that you do with the higher vibrations of love, light and laughter.

As we awaken, we come to understand that life is about being consistent, conscious expression of the Divine. The illusions which surround us become less important as we discover the value of experiencing happiness and fulfillment in the present moment.

The Veil of Illusion

“I do not exist to impress the world. I exist to live my life in a way that will make me happy. ”
~Richard Bach~

The Divine seeks to experience life in its many forms through each of us. When we choose to embrace one another as an expression of infinite energy, we begin to witness our interactions from a higher perspective. All that is required is the willingness to see through the chosen roles we play and the dramas we create. The awakening soul recognizes the miraculous in the mundane and these sparks become the flame of awareness.

Existence is overflowing with opportunities for our collective expansion. The ideas of poverty, comparison, lack and fear are man-made concepts. Abundance is everywhere – watch nature in motion, try to count the stars, measure the gifts of sunlight. To live is to create a joyful existence. To be abundant is to honor life in motion, see through the illusions and find beauty in the layers and contrasts of experience.
The light of your consciousness transforms all that it shines upon. Purposely turn your focus inward and illuminate higher aspects of the Self. This attention cultivates the ability to see past mind-made illusion to the truth of who you are – a master in the process of awakening.

Be Yourself

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
Our cultural imprinting teaches that something is missing. Many feel pressured to look or be a certain way, and indeed we have entire industries dedicated to ensuring a subconscious (or not so subconscious) belief that we are flawed. Because of this, many seek to transform their experience because they do not like a particular aspect of themselves or their life; however, when we approach change in this way, we actually reinforce the perceived negative circumstances to remain in place.
Take it to a higher dimension. When you choose to operate from a place of love and acceptance, your actions have greater power and momentum. It becomes easy to release old patterns and explore one’s relationship to life in a way that is healthy and enlightened.
Let your choices be a tribute to your unique way of being in the world. See yourself as a living expression of the Divine. Your words and actions will then be a peaceful and empowered reflection of the love you have for yourself.

Flowing With Presence

“The more you know yourself, the more clarity there is. Self-knowledge has no end – you don’t come to an achievement, you don’t come to a conclusion. It is an endless river.”

~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

In every generation there are new distractions to occupy the mind. Our role, as awakening beings, is to retrain habitual patterns to be fully present where we are. Allow there to be space in your experience. Give others your complete attention. Stop ‘killing time’ by doom-scrolling or playing games incessantly.

When you align yourself completely with the present moment, you’ll discover the expanding vibrancy of the Divine everywhere you look. Teeming with movement and miracles, the glory of our existence is constantly in the process of transformation. We can choose to bring this awareness into our conversations, our passions and our work.

Life is a dance of experience. You must be aware and present whether dancing with another or finding expression in the solitary movement of interpretive creativity. When you bring the best version of yourself to this moment, the future will take care of itself.

Mastery and Miracles

“When I see someone smile, I know immediately that he or she is dwelling in awareness.” 
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

One of the most important aspects of mastery is being willing to take responsibility for your own state of consciousness. What would your experiences be like if you viewed everything as a miracle? Each moment would simply become a loving conversation between you and the Divine.

This connectedness shifts our perceptions in a profound way. In order to remain aware, we must learn to rise above the mechanisms of the mind, which seeks only to remove the magic and mystery from life.

Choosing to see the magical is the difference between viewing a tree while quoting all the facts that you may know about it, or conversely, quietly opening your heart to it in order to experience its essence, patience and wisdom. Each approach comes from a different level of consciousness. The latter, more expanding experience brings a sense of awe, sacredness and respect into the equation.

Practice experiencing the mysterious in nature. Move gently through the world and allow your vision to transform the mundane into the miraculous. Life is not happening to you. Life is responding to you.

What Bees Teach

“Bees do have a smell, you know, and if they don’t they should, for their feet are dusted with spices from a million flowers.”

~Ray Bradbury~

I enjoy beginning each day in gratitude and laughter, honoring the perfection of the changing seasons… Lately, the blooming trees and flowers tell me that spring has arrived. I often pause throughout my walk to appreciate the colors, listen to the soft drone of bees, delight in the antics of birds and bunnies and squirrels as clouds paint pictures in the sky.

Life is a conversation with the Divine. We can choose to be open and receptive or caught up in thought. It’s interesting to notice how often the ego seeks to distract us from simple pleasures. Bees teach us to love our work, to do what is best for our collective experience and are a consistent reminder that the smallest things are often the most important.

Choose to immerse yourself in wonder. Find your own pathway through life’s magic and deeply engage with the power of the present moment. From there, any action you take will hold powerful intention and passion. You are one with everything.

Observation, Awareness and Transformation

As we change, the world around us is transformed. When we seek the Divine within our circumstances, it will surely be recognized. The dramatic shift in vibration changes our relationship to the present moment and the result is nothing short of miraculous.

Imagine a life filled with acceptance, delighting in the Now, comfortable with the unknown, sharing your gifts and living immersed in faith… can you?

  • Observe your interactions today. Notice the pleasures, the difficulties and how much you allow others to impact your joy
  • Should you notice any judgments that arise, purposely shift to acceptance and see how that changes your energy. How does it change the energy of the situation?

Observations bring awareness and awareness brings transformation. When we are balanced and empowered, it becomes easier to remain peaceful when faced with unconsciousness or challenging situations. One important aspect of awakening is realizing the unique beauty of your journey, your attributes and what you bring to this experience of being human on planet earth. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anyone with your way of being in the world. Wherever you reside on the journey, celebrate the awakening master within you.

In this moment, you are right where you need to be. Whether engaged in the art of discovery, struggling with the past or at ease within the Now… all things serve your path. You are weaving the tapestry of your existence, and as you release the old patterns that no longer serve you, new patterns emerge. They are born of your experiences, but not limited by them.

Taste the Nectar of Life

“Bees are a recurring symbol of the Merovingians and the humming or buzzing sound of bees is likened to supersensible “sounds” experienced by many Sufis as they enter spirit realms.”

~Laurence Galian~

In many cultures, bee represents the importance of drinking the nectar of life. They taste through their feet and dance from flower to flower, pollinating, creating, and ultimately creating sweetness to share.

Allow joy to emanate from the eternal, timeless, spark of life within you and infuse it in your work and passions. Don’t be so consumed by time and desire that you forget you are eternal.

You are a master in the process of awakening, a beautiful masterpiece coming alive, each line drawn through the gift of experience. When you quietly do your inner work and allow the infinite energy of the Divine to flow through you, your actions will be guided by love, kindness and joy. Work, done for the joy of the moment, ceases to feel like work. It becomes a living expression of your vibrant and beautiful energy.

Once you discover your purpose, give your heart to it. Immerse yourself within the moment, be led by love and enter the realm of pure potential.

Spiritual Gardening

Recently I spent some time communing with sacred mother earth – tending the trees and flowers, watching the interplay of bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, receiving loving messages from the Divine. Our yard had been left untended for a few months and I was delighted to rediscover the joys of weeding.

Everything we do mirrors our state of consciousness… the microcosm reflecting the macrocosm. I realized that weeds too serve a purpose as teachers. Much like the mechanisms of the ego, if one takes the time to remove them consciously, getting the root, the clearing is complete. Others, not yet willing to let go of their hold (either through their own strength or my impatience), broke off and will likely return to provide another opportunity to attempt removal.

As we clear away unhelpful patterns and energies, we too have a choice. We can allow them to grow untended until they attach to the various aspects of our experience and personality, taking over and absorbing valuable life force from the areas that long to thrive, or we can set ourselves the task of removing them. Sometimes easy to accomplish, sometimes challenging, but always rewarding.

You are the creator of your experience. This is the time to consciously choose your thoughts, words, intentions and actions with the knowledge that the seeds you sow today become the gifts of tomorrow.