The Now

“When I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life.”
~Louise Hay~

When you immerse yourself within the Now, experiences take on a sacred quality. Your soul is always in the process of awakening and will naturally draw in the perfect situations and circumstances to fulfill its purpose. Are you able to view those who oppose you as your healing angels? Their job is to aid you on this journey by pushing you into greater awareness.

There are many wonders waiting to be discovered. The facets of your unique expression of the Divine sparkle by reflecting the light around you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself and allow the joy of the journey to be your guide.

The mental patterns and frustration of the human condition are nothing more than outmoded conditioning. The spiritual seeker breaks free from societal imprinting and chooses to live at a higher level of consciousness.

Loving yourself creates miracles in your life. Self-criticism has absolutely no value. When deeply rooted in the present moment, positive self-talk is extraordinarily powerful. Your thoughts dictate the energy you send out into the world. Create experiences that amplify connection, compassion and breakthrough.

Everything is Sacred

“Our task must be to free ourselves… by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and its beauty.”  

~Albert Einstein~

As we awaken, we become more aligned with life and therefore, will naturally learn to bring a higher consciousness to our decisions and interactions. When the mind, body and spirit are in harmony, mastery is assured. Rather than being a slave of old ideas and preconceptions, we choose to walk gently in the world.

To honor the sacred is to be in communion. The easiest place to begin is in nature. We can celebrate the stillness of a tree and the brief, iridescent existence of the dragonfly with the same mindfulness. Slow down and simplify. In the gap of pure potential we can bask in the radiance of the Divine.

Once you have strengthened your ability to recognize sacredness, practice with objects that you find beautiful. It’s likely that an artisan or craftsman created from a space of deep connection, imbuing it with energy which is now awakening joy within you. Many people respond to the spirit within animals or babies because the lack of ego makes it easier to see love shining through.

The Mystery

Learn how to be at peace in the midst of the mystery and understand that your exploration into spirituality is unique. When playing in the realm of the infinite, explanations cease to have any meaning. Life-changing experiences are so layered in nuance that we often lessen their impact with our words. Simply choose to be fully present in each moment. Rather than describing your journey, embody its magic and wonder within your daily interactions.

The unknown holds infinite possibility. When we seek to understand every piece of the workings of the world around us, we bring limitation into the equation. In a universe filled with limitless potential, it’s important to remember that no matter how much we have learned, we are always at the beginning.

There is much more to life than meets the eye. Energy connects us all and we are constantly setting new things into motion – that is the joy and beauty of evolution. Nothing is stagnant, even when that appears to be the case.

If you choose to experience life with childlike wonder, something miraculous begins to unfold. It brings a little magic into your experience and you may discover the hidden language of the Divine.


“We are travelers on a cosmic journey,stardust,swirling and dancing in the eddies and whirlpools of infinity. Life is eternal. We have stopped for a moment to encounter each other, to meet, to love, to share.This is a precious moment. It is a little parenthesis in eternity.”
~Paulo Coelho~

You are a spark of the Divine… infinite, eternal, beautiful.

With our limited human perception, it’s difficult to process the idea of eternity. Time is a construct of the mind and often it drives us to hurry through the present moment in order to get somewhere else; however, the present moment is all there is. And it is the eternal Now.
We are all participating in an exploration of separateness. The lifetimes we spend on this planet, the roles we play and the lessons we learn from one another are only the beginning of the incredible journey we share.
There is enough time. Everyone on the planet will eventually evolve through experiencing all the earth-based soul ages: Infant, Baby, Young, Mature and Old to finally discover the nature of love. Tending to your own state of consciousness will ultimately aid in the awakening of all humanity. Have compassion for yourself and for one another.


“When you reach a calm and quiet meditative state, that is when you can hear the sound of silence.”
~Stephen Richards~

It’s time to step out of thousands of years of human conditioning and rediscover stillness. Listen to the silence that is around you. This will move you into a state of greater awareness where you can connect with life on a deeper level.

Behind the sounds, beyond the experience, under the chatter of the mind lies the brilliance of your own Divine nature. When you slow down and align yourself within that energy, you create a foundation of peace in your experience.

Peace is a simple thing… all we need to do is clear away the clutter and listen. The conscious awareness of the spiritual seeker opens these moments of connection, and from there our perception of the world expands into something wholly new.

Wherever you are, be there completely. Listen, just listen. Find the heartbeat of life and enter into it. You are infinite. You are divine. You are awake. Immerse yourself within the task at hand and pay attention to the experience. The infinite source of life seeks to express itself through you.

Navigating the Paradox

“It’s the paradox of the true spiritual path, but the more conscious we become of what limits us, the more limitless becomes our life.”
~Guy Finley~

Don’t try to change, simply be aware… awareness begins the process of transformation. Spiritual practice is often a blend of paradox – confusion and clarity, separation and wholeness, detachment and presence. The word paradox itself comes from the Greek para dokien which means beyond thought. See yourself as a physical expression of the Divine who wishes to experience life in it’s various forms. Teach yourself how to see through the illusion while acting consciously within the present moment. Eventually the illusion becomes easier to navigate on the path toward Oneness.

Be gentle with yourself and remain open to the potential that joy brings. No matter what teachings you embrace, you must ultimately trust your own divine nature in order to align with your truth and integrity. Give yourself permission to live consciously within the paradox without dissecting or analyzing it.

The same energy, knowledge and peace discovered by all the masters who have walked the Path of Transformation awaits you within the openness of your own heart. For all our searching, the answers lie within.

Rising Above Ego

“Enlightenment is the ego’s ultimate disappointment.”
~Chogyam Trungpa~

Prior to awakening, the mind is in control. Always comparing, seeking, distressing, planning, fixing or creating dissatisfaction with the present moment, it mercilessly controls our lives. It’s important to honor the ego as a teacher rather than see it as an enemy. It’s purpose is to maintain the illusion of separateness. This prompts our quest for Oneness.As we move to higher levels of consciousness, we become more aware of the mechanisms of the ego. We learn to transform challenges into empowerment while cultivating the ability to see clearly. The ego must then find news ways to function, so it shifts to a more subtle but still disruptive force. You’ll know ego is activated in some fashion whenever peace and acceptance elude you.

As you cultivate wisdom and taste the freedom and expansiveness that is discovered, you will begin to view the ego as a teacher – nothing more, nothing less. It then becomes easier to see through the illusion. In moments of imbalance stop and observe your thoughts. See them objectively and then consciously move into love. Every moment is an opportunity to be still and deepen your connection to the Divine.

Everything is Extraordinary

“If there is light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person. If there is beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house. If there is harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.”

~Chinese Proverb~

Do you ever forget that you are a magnificent, abundant, infinite being of light playing a game of discovery…? You bring something special to the collective consciousness of the planet that contributes to the growth of us all. Allow yourself to shine and relax into your potential.

One important aspect of awakening is personal responsibility. When you seek to bring mastery to all that you do, every moment, in some way, contributes to your soul’s expansion and expression. Observe yourself without judgment or condemnation.

There is only consciousness or unconsciousness. One brings peace, the other conflict. As your inner light begins to express itself, realize that nothing can ever dim the infinite beauty of the Divine. It seeks only to experience the present moment through you, bringing something beautiful to the world that perfectly completes this intricate tapestry we call life.

Divine Wisdom

“The heart that seeks to awaken, to live genuinely, is more real than anything. That nameless drive calls you to be who you most truly are.”
~Ezra Bayda

Sometimes you are closer to your divine wisdom than you realize. On those occasions the Universe tends to send confirmation – the perfect book falls into your hands, you repeatedly hear the same message, knowledge makes itself known to you – it can be a delight to watch how the synchronicities unfold.

Our conditioning often leads us to place more faith in validation from others than in ourselves. These loving messages from the Divine are meant to strengthen your unique vision so that you can more easily follow the inner prompting of your heart. For many, this begins an incredible transformation that reverberates throughout their life experience.

You will awaken in whatever way best serves your evolution. Apparent losses and challenges are simply part of the game of awakening in which we are all engaged. Whether someone is consciously seeking awareness or not, their soul is still propelling them forward in the most appropriate way for the unfoldment of their journey. As we tend to our own awakening, this loving energy impacts everything and everyone around us.

We Are One

Everything is interconnected. Because of this, even the smallest of things has the potential to show you the way back to the Divine. Looking with an open heart, see a rock, animal, tree or flower and honor its sacredness. Sense its perfection and allow it to be as it is without any commentary whatsoever. What arises is a childlike sense of awe and wonder that silently communicates your own beauty and divinity back to you.

When you discover the inner dimension of the Divine within yourself, your actions and relationships with reflect Oneness. This is how we move into the vibration of love.

Any conscious action, motivation or conversation carries the greater power of the high frequency vibration behind it. Remember, life will provide whatever experience is most appropriate for your soul’s growth. Be at peace with the present moment. Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. This is how we live in harmony with life itself.

Today, consider setting an intention to be in total harmony with your environment: the sun, the moon, the wind, the rain and the earth. With your loving attitude you help create a world where it is safe to love one another.