Gentle Strength

“Tenderness and kindness are not signs of weakness and despair, but manifestations of strength and resolution.”
~Kahlil Gibran~
True strength is measured by authenticity, consistency and compassion. The higher your energetic frequency, the more power you can access. Those who vibrate at lower levels such as anger, pride, apathy or shame must use force in order to feel heard. No matter what change you wish to create in your experience, it must be cultivated within you before you can bring it into the world of form.
When those for whom you care become lost in the illusions of this world, do your best to remain at the highest level of consciousness that you can in your various interactions. We must remain engaged in unconditional love in order to teach: situation by situation, moment by moment. This takes conscious and consistent practice. You are a conduit through which the Divine manifests; therefore, it’s important to clear anything that blocks your ability to love.  View the challenges you face as realms of infinite possibility that deepen your wisdom, cultivate your strength and bring aspects that require attention or healing into the light of awareness. This is the moment of transformation.

Share Your Gifts

“Our higher purpose is what we came here to do on a soul level. We are born with the specific interests, talents, and abilities to fulfill that purpose.”

~Shakti Gawain~

We chose the perfect family, soul group, karmic contracts, life situations and personality traits to arrange the circumstances of our lives in order to find our unique way of being in the world. Whatever you choose to do, do it with love and integrity.

When you are balanced and centered, the resulting feelings of fulfillment and peacefulness flow into all you do. Don’t underestimate the value of the gifts you have to offer. You may be a wonderful listener, someone who remains positive in the face of challenges or a frequency holder who keeps others’ energy fields balanced. When your gift comes naturally to you, it’s easy to miss the effect it has on others, but you are quite literally fulfilling your life’s purpose.

You bring something beautiful to the world that was not here before, and will not be seen again. Share your love, your joy and your laughter. In the sharing you will find express an authentic, powerful connection to the love, light and laughter of the Divine.

The Light of Consciousness

“Those of you who turn your back on this are loved every bit as much as those who accept it… but there is so much more joy of Spirit celebrating those who choose to look in the face of something so difficult only to suddenly find a familiar face looking back…the one they have known forever… a familiar remembered face that smiles in congratulations for a job well done. Then the arms of Spirit are free to support you in full enlightenment for the rest of your days in lesson.”
~ Kryon channeled through Lee Carroll ~

The infinite love of the Divine surrounds us at all times. Although, there are certainly moments when it is easy to feel separate, bewildered or overwhelmed, there it waits, patiently honoring the process of discovery until we are ready to access it once again.

When the light of consciousness shifts your perception, it allows you to recognize the guidance and support that is available, see your infinite potential and trust yourself enough to step into the flow of life.

Awakening is a free will process. We have plenty of room to play here in time and space while exploring all aspects of being human. The spirit seeks to experience the magnificent as well as the mundane and everything in between.


“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~Alan Watts~

Some see life as drudgery. Everything becomes heavy and difficult because of the energy they bring to their life situations. Yet others, perhaps appearing simple or foolish to the uninitiated, seem to play their way through life and manage to navigate challenges with greater ease.

The higher your vibration, the easier things flow. Bring playfulness into your experiences in any way that you can. Be together for the sheer joy of it. Celebrate as you walk the path of transformation without attachment to an end result.

Life is rarely as serious as the ego would like you to believe and there are many, many opportunities to bring lightheartedness into your experience. When you utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening, everything in your experience becomes part of a loving,  vibrant conversation between you and the Divine.

It is safe to be open and vulnerable and filled with delight. May your soul be liberated by laughter. May you discover the many facets of love that seek expression through you.

Make Love Your Foundation

The foundation of personal integrity and compassion is love. This is a much higher vibration and more powerful than any moral codes, commandments or judgement. Those who are willing to judge others are also ready to suffer separation in order to feed the ego’s need for superiority. It’s much easier to condemn another than to look within and face the need for change.

Conscious spiritual seekers bring an entirely different quality to their experiences. Always ready to forgive (or to recognize that forgiveness is not even necessary), he or she embodies compassion for those who struggle with unconsciousness and understands that everyone is in the process of transformation, regardless of how it appears.

The awakened version of morality comes not from conscience, fear or societal pressure but from a higher state of consciousness. Seek always to become more aware of your own inner mastery and wisdom – this will allow you to live in complete harmony with the Divine and you will see it reflected by the world around you.

Often society will not understand the peacefulness of an enlightened person – Where is your anger? Why aren’t you complaining about the state of the world? Aren’t you worried about what might happen? Let love express itself through you in unusual ways and be the change you wish to see.

Inner Mastery

“Make your own Bible. Select and collect all the words and sentences that in all your readings have been to you like the blast of a trumpet.”
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~

Spiritual Mastery is often not something that is learned, but remembered. An idea or teaching touches your heart or ignites your passion and the soul opens to receive. Your practice will likely lead you to many wonderful teachers and ideas. Each of these is merely a reflection of you. The aspects that are ready to awaken make themselves known. In the words of Rumi, “Don’t go back to sleep!” Find a way to keep them relevant in your experience until they become natural aspects of being.

Consistent practice and authenticity create inner mastery. It’s likely that your expression of consciousness will mature over time as you activate new facets through experience and exploration. Ultimately, your journey is unique. Be your own guru. Celebrate the many manifestations of the Divine as you walk the path of transformation.

May your life contain the richness of spirit that you desire. May your light be a blessing to those who seek inspiration. May the gifts of your soul expand with every step you take.


May I be the medicine for those who are sick, a partner for those who are lonely, a bridge for those who need to cross over, and a light for those who are blind.
~Buddhist Prayer~

You have access to infinite wisdom and the language of the heart speaks in gentle whispers. It often comes once, creates a positive flow of energy and, if allowed to flourish, propels life into inspired and healthy directions.

The ego, on the other hand, is repetitive, fearful and clamors loudly to be heard. It can be easy for the instinctive and supportive messages of the heart to become lost in the cacophony of thought.

You have the means to transcend ego. The ability to recognize intuition and inner knowledge will grow stronger with use. Practice trusting your initial instincts so you become aware of the energy connected to Truth. This will help you to adjust course more easily when required.

Fear and anxiety are destructive flows of energy. They emerge from the illusions created by excessive thought and seeking fulfillment outside of ourselves. Travel inward. Listen to the love that flows through you – it comes directly from the Divine.

The Life Experiment

Observe how you respond to the world around you.

“The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Pay attention to how your well-being is impacted by the world around you. Part of this life experiment is discovered through openhearted exploration of our physical experience while observing how we respond to all that we encounter. Things that are enriching can be celebrated and enjoyed. Anything depleting should be released or consciously transformed.

The key is to notice when we feel more connected to one another and to the Divine. If particular foods or drink affect the body negatively, observe without judgment and choose to make healthier choices as you move forward. Trust your inner wisdom and apply that same mindful attention to music, reading material, those who surround you and what you choose to bring into your experience.

Eventually, you’ll surround yourself with uplifting energy and encounters that consistently enhance your spiritual, physical, mental and emotional experience. You can choose reactivity or purposely take an active role in creating the life of your dreams.


Consider This…

Consider this…

You are right where you need to be.

The obstacle is the path.

The person who challenges you the most on the physical plane, loves you the most on the spiritual plane.

Your perceived flaws can be transformed into your biggest assets.

Everything in your experience is a purposeful aspect of your awakening.

Your life is a vibrant conversation with the Divine.

When you bring your shadows into the light of consciousness, they begin to lose their power over you.

Personal responsibility is the gateway to empowerment.

You are much stronger then you know.

When you can embrace the paradoxical nature of your being, resistance disappears.

Limitations can break you free from habit and pivot you into a new adventure.

When you are ready to receive, miracles flow into your experience.

The desire for enlightenment transforms obstacles into opportunities.

Everything unfolds in the perfect way at the perfect time.

High emotion or reactivity indicates that a lesson is in progress.

Just by being who you are, you bring something unique and beautiful to our collective experience.

You are a master in the process of awakening.

And finally… if 10% of us shift to a higher level of consciousness, the world will shift to accommodate us.




Find Your Voice

How often do we witness people living day to day in a state of unhappiness or exhaustion, doing what they feel they need to do instead of what they want to do? From the outside it’s easy to see that different choices will bring a different experience; however, we are often blinded by our own programming and expectations.
A friend shared a story recently: He was speaking to his teenage daughter, giving advice about work and purpose and sharing his belief that she should love what she does if she wants to be happy. When she innocently asked why he works in a profession that he dislikes, he realized that he had set his dreams aside. In that moment, she became the teacher. He decided to change his life, live his passion and expressed gratitude to his kind and insightful daughter for leading him back to happiness.
If you’re not in a position to drop all and do what you love, choose to love what you do. Life will respond to the energy you bring to each moment – often in ways that are unexpected.

Walking your talk and speaking your truth with integrity is your unique and authentic way of being in the world. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who is comfortable with who they are. Peace emanates from them. No energy is wasted trying to please the perceived desires of others. Instead, they allow the light of the Divine to experience itself through them and it’s incredibly beautiful.