The Now

“When I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life.”
~Louise Hay~

When you immerse yourself within the Now, experiences take on a sacred quality. Your soul is always in the process of awakening and will naturally draw in the perfect situations and circumstances to fulfill its purpose. Are you able to view those who oppose you as your healing angels? Their job is to aid you on this journey by pushing you into greater awareness.

There are many wonders waiting to be discovered. The facets of your unique expression of the Divine sparkle by reflecting the light around you. Remember to be patient and gentle with yourself and allow the joy of the journey to be your guide.

The mental patterns and frustration of the human condition are nothing more than outmoded conditioning. The spiritual seeker breaks free from societal imprinting and chooses to live at a higher level of consciousness.

Loving yourself creates miracles in your life. Self-criticism has absolutely no value. When deeply rooted in the present moment, positive self-talk is extraordinarily powerful. Your thoughts dictate the energy you send out into the world. Create experiences that amplify connection, compassion and breakthrough.

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