Freedom from fear

When you are aligned with love, all need for competition and approval disappears.

That’s Right! It is safe for me to be flexible enough to see others’ viewpoints

Living your truth is an audacious choice. It creates a space of greater compassion for others and freedom from fear. You have the capacity to bring something completely new to your relationships and interactions – consciousness.

When in conversation, listen not only with your physical senses, but with your entire being. Rise above the mundane and recognize two Divine souls sharing a moment in the realm of the infinite. There is much more to life than meets the eye.

Joy awaits you in the present moment. Will you choose to align yourself with it or are you still seeking something else? All that you need is already here.
Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.


Challenges provide the opportunity to see how far you have come.

That’s Right! I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world

Every experience, consciously observed, allows us to apply spiritual truths that we have discovered on the journey of awakening. Some moments will feel fulfilling, some challenging, but all play a role in your soul’s development.

Be gentle with yourself. Seek freedom from limiting beliefs by dropping layers of energy that no longer serve your growth. Every moment is a new beginning that provides you an opportunity to love. Start within.

Release the need to blame anyone and accept people around you just as they are. When you approach the Now with empowerment and personal responsibility, you’ll discover the limitless potential that awaits.

Never forget that you are a master in the process of awakening. Bring mindfulness to this moment and step into the ebb and flow of an amazing life.
Today my intention is to open my consciousness to all the wonderful possibilities of life.


There is nothing more inspiring than someone living an authentic life.

That’s Right! Every moment provides a wonderful opportunity to discover hidden facets of my true nature

In a world filled with expectation and judgment, it can be challenging to choose to be vulnerable and authentic, yet authenticity is what we consistently seek from others. Why spend time trying to please those around you by seeking  approval? Instead, recognize your true beauty shines through when you are at your happiest.

The people who have drawn you into their lives seek to experience your unique gifts and way of looking at the world. We need more joyful, authentic souls to help us to expand into new dimensions. Awakened souls have learned to embrace who they are. Their spirits dwell in a space of truth and light and they bring that energy to all of their interactions.

If you experience stress, anxiety, frustration or disappointment, it’s likely that you’re trying to fit into a preconceived idea of who you should be in a given situation. Being at ease aligns us with the love of the Divine, and allows us to discover the gifts of our true nature.
Today my intention is to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.


Why add to the world’s chaos?

That’s Right! Nothing is more important than my state of consciousness in this moment

It’s time to step out of thousands of years of human conditioning by rediscovering stillness. Listen to the silence that is around you – this will move you into a state of greater awareness. In awareness, we begin to connect with life on a deeper level.

External noise, mental noise and emotional turbulence can block the voice of your inner wisdom. But even in those moments, you can still access the stillness that resides in the background of your life. When you can slow down and step into that energy, you create a sense of peace in your experience. Let that stillness direct your interactions.

Don’t take your thoughts too seriously. Visualize the ego-mind as a stooge who clamors for your attention and recognize that you are far more than the content of your thoughts.

Wherever you are, be there completely. Immerse yourself within the task at hand and pay attention to the experience itself. Every cell in your body is filled with Divine intelligence. The infinite source of life itself seeks to express itself through you.
Today my intention is to remember that awareness leads to transformation and freedom.

Live without limitation

As an infinite being, your role is to discover any limiting beliefs and learn to see through them into the realm of infinite possibility.

That’s Right! I choose to rise above perceived limitation

Your life is filled with enchantment and mystery. Often, what is presented on the physical plane is actually the opposite of what is occurring on the spiritual plane. Speeding from one place to the next teaches patience, lack creates a recognition of abundance, health challenges lead to healthy lifestyle changes, and the list continues into infinity… We learn from contrast.

When you choose to seek the gift in a situation, it guarantees that you will find it. The willingness to open to new perception is the gateway to a life that is joyful and fulfilling. Bring that sense of trust and willingness into all of your life situations and you will discover that interesting things begin to happen.

You are a child of the Universe and therefore connected to everything around you. What you believe is reflected in your experience of life. It’s wonderful to remember that those “aha!” moments that shift your perception have an immediate impact upon your energy and your beliefs. You’ll begin seeing things differently immediately and once you open the doors of perception, anything can happen.
Today my intention is to remember that there are always new levels to explore.

Live like a Buddha

Live gently.

That’s Right! I honor the sacredness of all things

Simple things matter. Small acts of kindness can change situations in powerful ways. When we choose to live gently, we discover that our sojourn is filled with majestic spaces. Instead of rushing from one thing to another, one person to another, solving problems or acquiring more, we have the capacity to hear the whispers of wisdom.

Consciously create quiet space in your experience. The world is a sanctuary that is overlooked all too often because of our focus on the mundane. Today, seek to bring gentleness to your life situation, whatever it is, and treat yourself well.

In the stillness we can slow down and experience the fullness of life itself. You can step into the inner sanctum of the Divine, drink deeply of peace and bring that sacred energy into the present moment.
Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred.

Life responds to you

Be a conscious co-creator. Your journey is a unique expression of your relationship with the Divine.

That’s Right! I see life as a grand adventure in time and space

Sometimes it can be easy to forget how powerful we are. Energy constantly flows through us to create our experiences, perceptions and interactions with the world around us. When you bring a consciousness to the present moment, you begin to steer the energy with greater skill. Rather than simply responding to what life offers, we discover the ability to direct that flow in ways that empower.

Everything you experience serves your spiritual awakening. Circumstances may be showing you how far you have come, how powerful your words are or how love expands potential and possibility. In other moments, life may reflect a limiting belief, stuck energy or a pattern that has been silently controlling your experiences.

Observe. Change the flow of your thoughts when required. Create transformation through conscious words and actions… and then observe again. You may be surprised at the ease with which you unlock your Divine potential.
Today my intention is to live from a space of inner peace and beauty. I am a Divine soul learning to love and trust.


Have compassion for those who have yet to awaken.

That’s Right! We are all just walking one another home… (Rumi)

Have you ever had a frustrating dream so real that all you felt was relief upon awakening? That freedom is the difference between consciousness and unconsciousness. One opens doors of perception while the other flails in the dark.

Those trapped in self-imposed misery need our compassion. Each of us has the ability to awaken others with our presence; however, one can never know when words and kindnesses may be the impetus that sparks the light of awareness. Therefore, simply continue working on your own transformation and allow your life to inspire as best you can.

Never doubt the impact you have on those who grace your life. The energy that we weave together creates a tapestry of incredible beauty that may only be fully understood when we have the capability to step back and view it in its entirety.
Today my intention is to consciously weave love and kindness in every moment.

Inner peace

Empowerment is taking full responsibility for all that unfolds in your life.

That’s Right! Every moment provides an opportunity for me to discover new facets of my true Divine nature

Life happens. Beneath the mind’s judgments of good or bad or challenging versus pleasant, resides a stillness of infinite potential. As we release the need to create a running commentary of opinion, we discover that we have the ability to consciously choose responses that are aligned with our soul’s purpose rather than distract from it.

You are here to awaken. Everything that you choose to do and all that unfolds in your experience simply provides the playground in which you explore. See how accepting and neutral you can remain within polarizing situations. Eventually, this sense of peace will become the bedrock of your life.

More and more you may notice yourself in the role of observer – untainted by reactivity and at ease within the present moment. When you do choose to take action, your approach will be clear and empowered.
Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

Inner Mastery

A drop in waterYour life is a garden. Consciousness determines what you will plant there. Intention helps it to flourish.

That’s Right! I am living the life I dreamed of yesterday

Every thought plants the seeds of what we will experience tomorrow. Discover the value of bringing mindfulness to the present moment. You intention creates an empowered movement of energy.

When we bring gratitude and happiness into our mindful choices, something new begins to move throughout our experience. With each conscious decision we reprogram the mind to recognize the little joys of life. Enough daily joys add up to an overall happy and fulfilling experience – the garden flourishes, becoming more lush and colorful, filled with scent, color and life.

You are far more powerful than you realize. The awareness you bring to your thoughts, words and actions will create a space in which a transformation can occur. You will know that you are tapped into the infinite energy of the Divine when you are calm and at peace.
Today my intention is to be committed to creating a life filled with joy and wonder.