Be the love you wish to see

Not all wounds are visible.

That’s Right! I bring an open heart to our meeting place

Some lessons of spiritual growth cut right to the core of our being. They bring up painful patterns that get expressed in our interactions, and even as we move toward wisdom, we struggle to break free from old behavior.

Remember that everyone you encounter is working on some aspect of their awakening. Whether conscious or not, the soul is still engaged in whatever situation is required for the growth of all involved.

As a conscious student of love, be willing to bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place. Your kindness, compassion and optimism will shine a light, perhaps bringing new clarity and transformation to challenging situations.

When we choose to release judgmental, restrictive or angry thought patterns, we open to receive Divine blessings of karmic healing. With gratitude and love, the heart becomes a vessel for the expansive energy that helps to heal the world.

Today my intention is to be the love I wish to see in the world

The space of pure potential

Underneath the busyness of the mind resides the space of pure potential

That’s Right! I am willing to see clearly

Don’t forget to breathe. Dance slowly. Open your heart to the expansiveness of life. Be still.

Life is a series of changes that allow us to discover new aspects of our strength, cultivate inner wisdom and expand our consciousness. Every situation you encounter provides an opportunity to grow; therefore, it’s important to periodically create spaces of absolute stillness and silence in order to receive the insight and energy that await you.

Many people struggle when trying to turn off the mind and go inward. Habitual thought is a distraction that plagues the human condition; however, the art of listening (without inner commentary) is a wonderful way to enter stillness.

Sit today and listen to the silence beneath the sounds around you. This is the space in which life unfolds, the space of pure potential. See if you can become one with it and enter into the love of the Divine.

Today my intention is to remember that I reside in the space of infinite possibility. I will not limit my experience with demands or expectations.

Motivated by love

Spiritual life isn’t about being safe, secure or comfortable.

That’s Right! I am aware that what I do not want to change is exactly what I need to change the most

There is a fundamental security that develops from many years of practice. It is far deeper and more enduring than the immediate comfort we now crave in our life situations. There are no guarantees. We have chosen to incarnate together and walk the path of transformation at this time for a specific purpose – perhaps to collectively break free from outmoded thoughts and beliefs.

Enlightenment requires the ability to view challenges as vehicles of awakening. Rather than seeing them as defects or something to resist, we can turn and face whatever is happening without getting lost in judgment about it. The higher your vibration, the more empowered your actions will be.

Allow all your decisions to be based on love rather than fear. Bring awareness to the present moment, recognizing your strengths and triggers, your joys and perceived limitations. This purposeful clarity will create a space in which a transformation can occur. Remember, you don’t need to be angry to bring about positive change.

Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.


Mastery of life is the opposite of control.

That’s Right! I move forward with confidence and ease knowing that all is well in my future

When we allow ourselves to experience life as it is, without inner commentary, guilt, judgment, fear or regret, we fully enter the Now. Provide yourself space to simply be. When you are at ease within the present moment, a deeper connection arises.

Inner balance allows divine intelligence to act through us. In Stillness Speaks, Eckhart Tolle says, “A power and intelligence greater than you and yet one with you in essence takes over. There is no decision-making process anymore; spontaneous right action happens. Mastery of life is the opposite of control. You become aligned with the greater consciousness. It acts, speaks, does the works.”

When thoughts arise, choose to see beyond them to the infinite, true nature of your being. Who are you without those thoughts and beliefs? How much have you identified with a particular paradigm? It’s important to remember that there are always new levels of consciousness to discover. Become comfortable with exploration into the unknown. Love will meet you there.

Today my intention is to help create a world where it is safe to love one another.

Our meeting place

Empowerment is breaking free from old patterns.

That’s Right! I see the best in everyone and help them bring out their most joyous qualities

We are in the process of an incredible collective transformation, a shift in consciousness that offers the potential for both personal and global expansion. How can we discover a common meeting ground in the midst of such growth? By seeking that which connects us.

“I’m stubborn, ecstatic and nosy;
my friend so delicate,
impatient and weary.
Without a messenger between us
how can we find harmony?
We can only meet
in the presence of the Divine.”
~ Rumi

Each of us comes from the same source of love and has embarked on a journey of healing and discovery. Fear and judgment separate us. Those who have risen above fear in their own lives tend to have great compassion for those who are still lost in its grip.

In the infinite presence of the Divine, we discover joy and connectedness when we learn to see through the mechanisms of the ego – our own as well as that of others. Look with the heart and embrace the role that each person and circumstance plays in your soul’s awakening.

Today my intention is to bring the best version of myself to this moment.

Living with an open heart

Love thrives when we allow the winds of heaven to dance in between us.

That’s Right! I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of room for me to grow and change

When you enter into a union with a lover, child, friend, business partner or pet, remember not to collapse yourself into that union. Leave enough room for each of you to be separate and whole so that you retain your unique authenticity when you unite. This freedom allows room for growth and discovery.

Partnerships reflect the openness of your heart chakra, your self love, as well as the relationship you have with the Divine. As you evolve, you are less needy and less likely to attach your happiness to others’ actions or choices. You discover the beauty of creating a space in which each person can thrive.

The Universe supports every aspect of your growth and will always provides the perfect situation to assist your soul’s development. When you encounter patterns or beliefs that no longer serve you, observe and release them. As each layer of limitation falls away all that remains is the pure potential of love. You stand at the doorway of infinite possibility.

Today my intention is to be an shining example of the love, light and laughter of the Divine.


Authenticity is a wonderful way to express your truth.

That’s Right! I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity

Enlightenment is more than achieving spiritual insight and balancing karma. As you increase in awareness and wisdom, you’ll naturally demonstrate it in every aspect of your life. Compassion and gratitude will be displayed no matter what the topic or situation.

Anyone can be peaceful sitting in quiet meditation. The goal is to bring that vibration of awareness so profoundly into your experience that it remains a foundation for you even when confronted with challenges, unconsciousness or opposition.

“When faced with situations in which we see a wrong that needs to be addressed, we may never know with certainty what is the right thing to do. Nor can we ever fully control the outcome of our actions. Nonetheless, when we see such a wrong, as long as the heart is clear of the negativity of anger, we must do what we perceive is right. With the humility of uncertainty and the clarity of the wish to do no harm, we must not hold ourselves back in fear.”
~ Ezra Bayda

Allow all of your decisions and interactions to be guided by joy, enthusiasm or love. Actions taken while in the frequency of fear or doubt will drain your energy and leave you indecisive and confused. Step into your strength by creating a flow of passion and empowerment in your experience. Those who have manifested you into their lives need your authentic and unique energy as part of their growth process. Be the light you wish to see.

Today my intention is to bring love into the present moment.

Change begins within

Clinging to notions of how life ought to be, of what you want, of what you hate, always leads to suffering. Bringing your focus on the beauty you wish to create and the joy of your awakening accelerates the expansion of your consciousness.

That’s Right! My point of power always resides in the present moment

Spiritual awakening is an intense process, one that creates ripples in the world around you. Some may feel threatened by the new frequency of energy while others feel uplifted. Resistance indicates that an authentic transformation is in progress. When you encounter resistance within yourself or from those around you, recognize that the changes you are experiencing are profound. Our true nature is connectedness and love – not the separateness to which our suffering clings.

Resistance is created when one encounters something that doesn’t match their internal projection of how they think things should be. Resistance creates distress, distress creates fear, and fear creates a desire to cling to the known at all costs. As an awakening spirit, your role may be to help others overcome their fear by becoming fearless yourself.

The higher your vibration, the more empowered your actions will be. The path of transformation calls upon us to be increasingly awake to whatever we feel and experience. Bring that awareness to the present moment knowing the paradox of the human experience – everything is a mess, yet all is well. We are all masters in the process of awakening.

Today my intention is to remember that the path to love requires open-hearted attention to the very things that seem to block our way to it.

The magic of kindness

spring equinox
Every action sends waves of energy throughout the Universe. What are you adding to our collective experience?

That’s Right! I am responsible for my own joy

Life is easy to understand. It is an ebb and flow of energy and we are the source. Every thought that we think creates our future. Our beliefs are projected into the situations we experience, and therefore; when we create peace and balance in our minds, we find that energy in our lives.

Don’t give away your power by placing blame on others. Taking personal responsibility creates empowerment and allows you to access the realm of infinite possibility. Break free from limiting beliefs by changing your thoughts.

Thoughts may seem instinctive and habitual but you always have the power of choice. Many struggle with self-judgment or guilt, constantly hearing the voice of that inner critic. Recognize any patterns by examining the repeating events in your experience. Shining the light of consciousness upon old programming is the first step of transformation. As you find peace in the present moment, the natural flow of energy is kindness to the self that extends to those around you.

Small kindnesses in thoughts, words and actions create a life filled with the healing power of love. Be conscious of your inner dialogue, keeping it peaceful. Your point of power is in the present moment.

Today my intention is to be a lifetime student of love. There is always something new to learn.

The flow of abundance

In this vast, infinite universe, there is more than enough energy for all to experience abundance and fulfillment

That’s Right! I am open and willing to receive all the joy that the Universe has to offer

Each person resides under the law of their own prosperity consciousness. No matter what you choose to believe, life will support it. Rejoice in the blessings that others manifest in their lives, be generous in your giving, open your arms and be willing to receive.

Your thoughts and attention direct your energy. Personal beliefs of lack and limitation block the ability to recognize abundance. Bless all that is already in your life. Enjoy paying bills and taxes, make sure that you are not rejecting the gifts that come your way and treat yourself with love and kindness.

As we begin to create feelings of greater safety and abundance in our own lives, it becomes easier to demonstrate kindness and generosity to others. Everything is energy and life responds to you. Know that your constantly expanding consciousness will be demonstrated by choices that support creating and living the life of your dreams.

Today my intention is to rejoice in others’ successes knowing that there is plenty for all