Our collective awakening

Each of us plays a unique role in the collective awakening of the planet.

That’s Right! I make a difference

Everything is connected. What harms one, harms all and what heals one, heals all. We are stewards of the planet and all the creatures upon it. In order to care for one another, we must begin by dropping judgment. Compassion calls upon us to seek what unifies us rather than fear what divides us.

The world is our reflection. As we awaken, the world around us is transformed; therefore, all change begins within. As you move into higher consciousness, your perception will change. You’ll begin to see things in a new way and discover what infinite possibility truly means. Give yourself the gift of freedom.

Find joy in the small things. Love who you are. Honor your path as sacred and express gratitude for those who have played a role in your awakening. Your unique and beautiful energy sends waves of transformation throughout the Universe.

Today my intention is to demonstrate kindness in my thoughts, words and actions.

Peace in the present moment

Nothing is more important than your state of consciousness in this moment

That’s Right! When I create peace in my mind, I find it in my life

Many people unknowingly keep themselves trapped in a pattern of delaying happiness while they struggle to correct perceived problems in their lives. This approach causes the mind to consistently find new obstacles or goals to focus upon rather than experiencing the beauty of the present moment. It sees this moment as an obstacle or a means to an end and keeps them trapped in a cycle of frustration and even misery.

This moment, the Now, is all that exists. Everything else is a focus on the past (memory) or the future (worries or dreams), both of which are mind-made creations. Seek joy where you are, bring yourself present and observe when the mind seeks to destroy your peace. As you shine the light of consciousness on the ego, it’s hold over you decreases. From there, you can choose to alter your thoughts, focus on gratitude or do something that brings your joy. The conscious decision to choose peace (even in the midst of a challenge) will ultimately create a peaceful, empowered life.

You have the ability to choose this Now. Awareness, positive self talk and mindful choices will allow you to discover the wonder and beauty that surrounds you.

Today my intention is to remember to give myself moments of stillness and gratitude throughout my day.

Your true infinite nature

You are an infinite being, a master in the process of awakening

That’s Right! You have always done the best you can based upon your level of consciousness, childhood imprinting and life path… and so has everyone else in your life

As we learn, we do better. Life is a process of experimentation and discovery. All of your experiences and interactions have one purpose – to help you to discover your true, infinite nature.

Everything is energy. Surround yourself with ideas, things and people that inspire the passion within you and fan your flames. When you interact with those who express disdain, judgment or criticism, understand that their limiting beliefs are driving their behavior and simply continue to do the best you can. Self-worth, validation, humility and confidence must come from within. Do not seek them from outside sources.

Support one another with compassion. As we nurture others and help them to succeed, we create a flow of abundance and joy in our own lives.

Today my intention is to be patient with myself as I grow and change. There is always something new to learn.

Raising consciousness

Spiritual awakening is often hard to describe, and often harder for others to understand until they experience it for themselves.

That’s Right! I recognize that awareness is the first step in healing or changing. I become more aware with each passing day

Energy shifts create a change in consciousness. The process of evolution is the only true constant in life. We are forever releasing emotional baggage, dropping beliefs that no longer serve our growth and awakening to new possibilities. Sometimes changes happen so slowly that they are only recognized when experiences provide an opportunity to examine our level of reactivity or peaceful response to a given situation. Conversely, a traumatic event can immediately strip away the clutter leaving only peace in it’s wake.

Rather than try to explain your growth and beliefs to others, allow your life to be your message. The consistent ease and grace you exemplify will teach more than you can imagine. Align yourself with joy and fulfillment recognizing that we are all on the same journey. The only difference between us is one’s level of consciousness. That’s it. Drop all judgment and become the observer, become love, become compassion and plant seeds of kindness whenever possible (it is always possible).

Together we can create an energy field that supports each unique individual in finding his or her own light. Something wonderful is on the horizon – welcome it with open arms and laughter.

Today my intention is to discard old ideas. Freedom and change are in the air.

The Celtic Vows of Friendship

In order to receive love, you must first learn to love yourself.

That’s Right! I love who I am and reward myself with thoughts of praise

“The root cause of most difficulties in relationships is the fact that we want something from another. We imagine that we need the other person to be a certain way. Why? Perhaps so that we ourselves will then feel a certain way – safe, supported, appreciated, happy. When we don’t get what we want, when other people don’t act the way we wish they would, relationship difficulties begin. We then view these difficulties as impediments to happiness, even obstacles on our spiritual path. But these difficulties – especially in relationships – are themselves our path. While we might prefer that a person be a particular way, it is our misguided requirement that they be this way that stops real love from flowing. By giving up our requirements of others, we open to the love that already connects us.”
~ Ezra Bayda

Often, the challenges we face in our interpersonal relationships motivate us to awaken. When faced with disappointment, the spiritual seeker utilizes his or her tools to help bring balance back into their experience. Suddenly the lessons of yesterday take on new meaning. Enlightenment is a process. It comes from the repeated application of all that we have learned so far to the circumstances of our lives.

Bless those who challenge you and seek to consciously apply the Celtic Vows of Friendship when interacting with others. When you become proficient at all six statements, your relationships will provide you with a sense of empowerment and peace.

Today my intention is to accept everyone in my life just the way they are. I honor all paths as sacred.

Everything works toward your highest good

Trust the processes of your awakening. Everything works toward the highest good for all involved.

That’s Right! I view all situations as opportunities for me to learn and grow

Fear keeps us trapped within the boundary of the known. When fear arises, recognize it as an opportunity rather than a challenge. If you choose to take one conscious step (no matter how small) toward it rather than the yielding to the desire to run, you move one step closer to enlightenment.

As you learn to take personal responsibility for your joy in the present moment, it transforms victim consciousness into empowerment. When you face your fear, its power over you begins to dissipate. Remember to give yourself encouragement, be patient and kind in your self talk and proceed knowing that you are supported and loved each step of the way.

Your purpose is to awaken. Everything and everyone you encounter is playing a role in your soul’s development. Consider this – those who challenge you the most on the physical plane love you the most on the spiritual plane. They provide opportunities for you to rise above, to define your boundaries, to articulate your beliefs and to live your truth. Ultimately, love resides at the core of every situation.

Today my intention is to remember that every experience I have leads me to a greater understanding of my purpose on Earth

Set yourself free

Be patient with yourself as you grow and change

That’s Right! I begin and end my day with gratitude and joy

Many people have a mantra that they unknowingly embrace. “That’s the way I’ve always been.” or “He/she will never change.” Such beliefs, whether verbalized or not, create prisons of limitation.

It’s time to realize your true infinite, divine nature. The awakened soul welcomes exploration knowing that experience is the greatest teacher. Circumstances often repeat in our lives, providing myriad opportunities to try different approaches until we break free from limiting patterns and create a new outcome.

It can often be challenging to see ourselves clearly. Observe those around you, listen to their words, notice what patterns repeat. Everyone is a reflection of you; therefore, without judgement, be willing to go within to own what you see reflected. Awareness is the first step of healing.

Einstein once said, “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” Let your journey take you to higher planes. The changes will come.

Today my intention is to see clearly, communicate effectively and love unconditionally.

Happiness comes from within

Live your bliss

That’s Right! Every moment presents an opportunity to become more of who I am

In order to live a passionate, blissful, enchanted life, simply realize that true happiness comes from within. You have the ability to choose peace Now and doing so creates a momentum of empowerment that affects every aspect of your life. The moment you attach your happiness to another person, outcome or life situation, you give away your power.

Life ebbs and flows. Change is the only constant. The awakened spirit understands that the journey transforms us. Through the challenges we explore our strengths and ultimately discover the joy of taking personal responsibility for every aspect of our life.

Inner joy is enlightenment. The mystery becomes introspective as the journey turns inward. Wonder itself is an infinite playground of discovery. No matter how far you have come, you are still at the beginning. Mastery comes through seeking the miraculous in the small things and the awakening of your sense of wonder.

Today my intention is to rejoice in the bliss of existence.

A lesson from Merlyn… the cat

I am willing to create a space in which a transformation can occur

That’s Right! Everyone is my teacher

Our animals are wonderful teachers. They remind us of many important aspects of life – being present and joyful and the importance of playing.

I have a cat few people have ever seen. For nearly 14 years he has led a shy life and missed out on all the fun a loving relationship can provide. Several years ago I set out to change the energy of the house hoping to get him to be more interactive. I used candles and visualization, applying the tools that have served me so well in other aspects of my life. For a time his behavior shifted and he become more outgoing, but shortly reverted to his old way of being. I realized that it was more appropriate to simply accept him as he is and instead chose to create a space in which a transformation can occur.

This morning as I sat down to write, Merlyn came and walked around my desk a few times, chatting and purring. For the first time ever, I was able to simply pick him up and he he chose to remain on my lap in pure contentment. I am grateful for the reminder that change can occur at any time and acceptance is far more powerful than desire or force.

When we allow others the space they require for their own growth and awakening, change will happen. It doesn’t always happen when we think it “should” and sometimes it looks different than we expect, but it’s important to remember than evolution is a constant process.

Today my intention is to bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place. Love resides at the core of every lesson.

Conscious dreaming

Enlightenment is not about being perfect. It’s the process of experiencing a conscious, empowered life as best you can with what you have from where you are.

That’s Right! I am a lifetime student of love

Your role is to actively participate in life. As a spiritual being having a human experience, higher consciousness teaches how to bring a depth of spirituality to whatever unfolds on the journey of awakening.

Anyone can experience higher levels of wisdom, awareness and spiritual connection in meditation; however, mastery is bringing that same energy down from the mountain and into your day to day experiences. Allow your life to be your message.

Part of discovering your true nature is to release attachment to the roles you play while stripping away limiting beliefs and healing old wounds. When everything is gone, what remains? Divine, expansive, eternal energy.

Today my intention is to remember that I am constantly dreaming my world into being. I am willing to grow and change.