The power of gratitude

Become open to the many opportunities to celebrate in life.

“I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere.”
~Louise Hay~

True spiritual practice is about opening to life. Living from the heart requires that we approach each moment with gratitude and celebration. Don’t wait for things to be “right” before you choose to experience happiness. When you express gratitude, your words send waves of energy outward into the Universe – energy that expands and often returns in surprising ways.

Your willingness to accept what is aligns you with a sense of peace and abundance, creating an unshakeable foundation for your life’s journey. Your thoughts and words direct the flow of experiences and your level of consciousness determines how you’ll respond to them.

Step outside, breathe the air, express your gratitude and allow the world to re-balance and nurture your being. Reconnect with life by pausing a moment to enjoy the beauty that surrounds you.

Today my intention is express my emotions in joyous, positive ways.

Wisdom and love

The paradox of awakened spirituality creates the dance of experience.

“Every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Love creates the movement of connection. When we learn to see everything and everyone as our reflection, we bring a different response to the events of life. Wisdom calls upon us to realize how little we know. We are at the very beginning of an incredible journey, and no matter how much we learn in the physical realm, we will ultimately experience the humility that comes through the realization of how much there is left to discover. That’s the beauty of living in an infinite Universe.

Allow yourself the opportunity to dance between the frequencies of love and wisdom. See yourself as an adventurer in the midst of discovery. Bring a sense of innocence and trust to your experiences and walk the journey with faith. You are loved, supported and guided each and every step of the way.

Today my intention is to be grateful for what I have knowing that amazing, new experiences are always ahead of me.

Breaking free

You can break free from the prison of the mind.

“I move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind, where all things are possible.”
~ Louise Hay ~

“When strong emotions arise in the midst of a conflict, it’s generally best to keep quiet, to spend time in meditation. It’s certainly better to avoid getting hooked into self-justification and blame – which is what inevitably happens when we open our mouths while gripped by flaring emotion. When we relate to others from our small mind – with all it’s desires, opinions and judgments – we relate only to the small mind of the other. And thus we stay caught in a diminished life that guaranteed distress. When we relate to another from the big mind – from spacious awareness – we relate to the deepest nature of the other as well. This is the path from conflict to communication.”
~ Ezra Bayda ~

The door of perception is open. All that is required is the willingness to step through, to walk into the unknown and experience the newness born of higher consciousness. Each of us is responsible only for ourselves, for how we choose to respond to the present moment. Seek joy and allow the love, light and laughter of the Divine to shine through you.

Today my intention is to move forward with confidence and ease, knowing that all is well in my future.

The purpose of spiritual life

Love who you are and reward yourself with kindness.

“Love flows through my very being. It touches everyone I meet and leads me to greater compassion.”
~ Louise Hay ~

The true dynamic of love becomes lost when the ego is engaged. Egoic love seeks to possess while spiritual love seeks to give.

“As we mature, we can experience the love that exists beyond sexuality and honor the unique individuality of the other. We begin to understand that our partner often functions as a mirror, reflecting unseen aspects of our deeper self and supporting us to become whole.” ~ Osho~

Face your fears. Honor their presence as a teacher in your life. Then, when fear arises (especially in aspects of love), you can begin the process of transformation by looking within rather than running away. Seek the gift in challenging situations. Once you have integrated the message, risen above fear or cultivated a deeper understanding of your souls journey, your life will reflect a deeper sense of grace and intimacy in your relationships.

Everything is an opportunity to awaken. Be grateful to those who push you into the aspects of your spiritual practice you would rarely choose to enter on your own. Let love breathe new life into the journey and celebrate this new phase of discovery.

Today my intention is to live with an open heart.


Every moment provides an opportunity to experience  the vastness of being.

“My day begins and ends with gratitude and joy.”
~ Louise Hay ~

The vibration of gratitude is worlds away from worry. It brings us more completely into the present moment through observation and cultivates the ability to recognize the beauty that is waiting to be experienced here and now.

“It’s not necessary to connect with the stars to go beyond our own boundaries. We can realize increased awareness in smaller steps: hearing the song of a bird, looking into the eyes of a newborn, sharing another’s pain.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Step beyond the story of “me” and choose to experience a sense of Oneness with the world around you. All that you need is already here. Spiritual awareness is not about having the ability to meditate for several hours a day or achieving enlightenment. It is about living life increasingly awake. It is about bringing a conscious awareness to this moment. How you choose to experience this moment is an indicator of your level of consciousness.

Today my intention is to laugh at life (and at myself), and choose not to be offended by anyone or anything.


Guilt is a mind-made cyclic prison that keeps one chasing after unobtainable ideals.

“I am willing to learn to love myself.”
~ Louise Hay ~

When a person is made to feel guilty, he or she becomes enslaved. All they choose to see are perceived failings and thus, they become trapped within a cycle of desire, judgment and dis-ease. Picture someone who has decided that happiness is undeserved because of something in their past. They replay negative stories and limiting beliefs as a form of punishment. These are learned behaviors.

Choose to see the beauty of growth in progress and recognize your own potential. There is no need to wait. If you choose to accept yourself as you are, the ideal has already been reached. Realize that you are perfect – it is not something that you will eventually attain in some distant future, perfection is here now.

Your job is to discover your own inner wisdom. See beyond childhood imprints and doctrines, ancestral beliefs and societal expectations. Witness the miraculous expansion of life through the eyes of love. Be kind and gentle with yourself as you awaken to your true infinite nature.

Today my intention is to be willing to release all patterns of criticism.

Solitude and stillness

Occasionally, give yourself the gift of solitude.

“I move beyond limited human-mind thinking and align myself with the infinite Divine Mind, where all things are possible.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Stillness opens the possibility of transformation, creativity and empowered solutions. Busyness is a form of avoidance. When one runs non-stop from the moment they awaken, they block the peace and presence that is found in the stillness of the present moment. So, in your solitude, be still. Don’t think of the next tasks that need to be done, replay past events in your mind or worry about the future. Just be. Know. Honor yourself, your space and the present moment as sacred.

“Being very busy is often a strategy, a choice. We must not let it be an excuse for how we live.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Become the observer rather than the doer. Give yourself time away from distractions and just be. These periodic moments of solitude and stillness will help your relationships to thrive because you’ll be balanced and clear.

Today my intention is to remember that peace begins with me. The more peaceful I am, the more I have to share with others.

Live the questions

Imagine the very best version of yourself, one that is courageous, balanced, peaceful and wise. See it, feel it… then live it now as best you can.

“In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole, and complete. I recognize my body as a good friend. Each cell in my body has Divine Intelligence. I listen to what it tells me, and know that its advice is valid. I am always safe and Divinely protected and guided. I choose to be healthy and free. All is well in my world.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Deepak Chopra suggests this meditation as a way to create healing and balance in your experience. It is very simple. The key is to live the questions, remembering that you do not need to have the answers in order to be happy and fulfilled. If you live the questions, all you need to know will make itself known to you.

Place feet flat on the ground

Keep hands open, palms up, on your lap (being receptive to the Universe)
Close your eyes
Bring your attention on the heart
Experience Gratitude for all your blessings
Ask the following questions:

৩  Who am I?
৩  What do I want?
৩  What’s my purpose?
৩  What makes me happy?

Observe the sensations of the body
Place attention on the heart again
Sense your heartbeat as sound or energy, etc
Relax into your body
Open your eyes
Today my intention is to be fully present. I consciously choose to fill my life with wonderful people and surround myself with energies that contribute to my balance, peace and joy. 

Existence opens

You are surrounded by miracles… you are a miracle.

“My thoughts are creative. I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at my world.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Are you allowing yourself to be a vibrant expression of life? As you become more awakened, you’ll discover the feeling of being at home wherever you are. Your connection with the Divine will deepen and remain with you, bringing a sense of grace to the present moment.

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering into love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Take the time today to slow down and observe the miracles that surround you. Watch the bee as it pollinates, drink the nectar of life with hummingbird, experience patience with your favorite tree while sensing Oneness with everything you see. Together we weave the tapestry of existence, each of us playing a unique and vital role.

You can bring a wondrous new vitality and creativity to all that you do. Simply approach each task with joy, enthusiasm or acceptance and be present to life.

Today my intention is to handle all my experiences with wisdom,
love and ease.

You are right where you need to be

Honor this moment as sacred.

“Whatever I need to know is revealed to me at
exactly the right time.”
~ Louise Hay ~

Enlightenment is not something you achieve. It comes through letting go of things that block us from being present here and now. Layer by layer, we drop old conditioning, limiting thoughts and the need to strive. Begin by realizing that you are right where you need to be.

Today is filled with limitless possibility – what will you choose to experience? Be patient with yourself. When old patterns arise, simply notice them without judgment remembering that awareness is the first step of transformation.

Life responds to you. When something repeats in your experience, pay attention. Seek to break free of the pattern in a healthy, empowering way. All change comes from within. Begin by changing your thoughts. This will lead to different choices, and your conscious actions will set something new in motion.

Today my intention is to open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of room for me to grow and change.