Be inspired

Fill your daily experience with the ideas, people, passions and joys that inspire you.

“I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and change.”
~Louise Hay~

You connection to the Divine brings greater life and movement to all of existence. You can participate in this dance by allowing joy to lead you. Find your passion and led yourself be drawn by what you truly love. If you are feeling change flowing through your experience, celebrate it! Begin this moment by examining your surroundings. Do the things, people and ideas around you support your passion? This may be a perfect time to clear out outgrown energies and realign with your inner wisdom.

You can make a transition to a new way of living. It’s important to be clear in your own motivations, to know what inspires you and to consciously keep your choices and actions aligned with your purpose.

Let your life be your message. Allow love to breathe life into your heart and bring grace to the soul. Expand, explore and leave fear behind, for today is filled with limitless possibility.

Today my intention is to constantly move forward in the direction of my goals.

In this moment…

This moment is filled with infinite possibility.
How will you choose to experience it?

“Divine peace and love surround me and dwell in me. I trust the process of life.”
~Louise Hay~

Attachment creates a very narrow experience of life. We fear losing control and often reject feelings of hopelessness when they arise. Often, the only option is to make peace with the present moment itself and ride the waves of energy through the experience that is offered.

Know that you are loved and supported each and every step of the way. Rather than waste this moment with worry and doubt, step into the power of Now. In this moment, all is well. You have the tools to take one conscious step forward. You have overcome many challenges and obstacles that have cultivated the unique strengths and skills you now have. The world is open to you.

“Expecting an epiphany – some single moment of insight that will forever banish the experience of fear, anger, neediness – may prevent us from noticing the slow and almost imperceptible ways spiritual practice subtly transforms us. With patience and perseverance, our habitual reactive patterns slowly erode, until one day we find ourselves in a situation that had always made us anxious – and we notice the anxiety is simply gone.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Today my intention is to realize that anything I choose to undertake will bring enrichment to my life as well as to the lives of others.

Go higher

Choose to recognize the Divine in everyone you meet.

“I am compassionate and understanding. I forgive and forget.”
~Louise Hay~

Sometimes it can be challenging to remember to honor one another as sacred. It’s easy to be Zen when you’re sitting in silence in a beautiful space, not quite as much when someone is yelling in your face. The key is to see through the mechanisms of the ego to the soul of the person with whom you’re dealing. And the easiest way to see clearly is to be clear within yourself.

This is why gratitude is such an important factor when beginning the day. Gratitude raises your vibration and declares your willingness to take responsibility for your own state of consciousness to the Universe. It sends waves of positive and vibrant energy out into the world.

Set the intention to bring the highest version of yourself to your interactions today. Keep in mind that when you choose to work on a particular aspect of your growth, the Universe will typically coordinate several different opportunities to put that skill into action… So, the moment someone begins to act in a way that is frustrating, think back to the intention you set. Smile and then lovingly choose to see through the behavior with the knowledge that it is there to assist you with this aspect of your awakening.

Today my intention is to be a loving reflection of the peace and Presence in others. Let me be an authentic example of kindness, acceptance and unconditional love. 

The Celtic Vows of Friendship


Your loving energy can transform the world.

“I constantly have new insights and new ways of looking at the world.”
~Louise Hay~

You can experience an authentic and intimate relationship by first cultivating a healthy relationship with yourself. The higher your state of consciousness, the less reactive you will be; therefore, seek to create harmony and balance in your heart and mind.

All transformation begins within. It requires clarity and the willingness to change. When you are drawn to particular teachings, realize that your inner wisdom is seeking expression in your life. Make ideas more substantial by cultivating those skills in your day-to-day experiences.

Utilize the Celtic Vows of Friendship as guidelines for healthy, empowered interactions. Ask yourself if there is joy, ease and lightness in what you are doing or choosing. Bring your attention to the motivation behind your actions. Are you attached to a particular outcome? If so, see if you can shift your mindset before you choose to interact in the present moment.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is.

“As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease. When you act out of present-moment awareness, whatever you do becomes imbued with a sense of quality, care, and love – even the most simple action.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Today my intention is to see my patterns and make changes without embarrassment or guilt. 

The winds of heaven

Allow the winds of heaven to dance in between you…

“With my loving attitude, I help to create a world where it is safe for us to love one another.”
~Louise Hay~

Celebrate each other’s growth. Support those you love by honoring their path, even if it takes them in unusual directions. Clinging causes pain, not only for those gripped by fear, but for those around them. Learn to release the need to control and trust the processes of life.

Friendship is the highest form of love. It’s not about using or neediness but the sharing of the joy and gratitude you have. Feel gratitude to those who allow you to love them and grace your lives with their presence. This type of love is simple. It gently shines through our words and actions without any attachment.

Rather than trying to create friendship with a specific person, choose to be friendly. Let it become the quality of your being. With this type of love there is no question of possessiveness, jealously or fear of loss.

“Consciousness gives everything a transformation. Your love is no longer addressed to anybody in particular. It does not mean that you stop loving. It simply means you become love, you are love, your very being is love. Your breathing is love, your heartbeats are love. Awake, you are love, asleep you are love.”

Today my intention is to live in the frequency of loving-kindness.

All that you seek is within you.

All that you seek is within you.

“Divine peace and love surround me and dwell in me. I trust the process of life.”
~Louise Hay~

Our self-images define the boundaries by which we choose to live. Imagine how you would approach life if you truly believed that the Divine lives within you and that you are a spark of the Infinite expressing itself in the present moment. Might you experience less self-criticism, negative inner talk or judgment?

People seek for love. They seek answers and enlightenment. They search for meaning and experiences never realizing that the search must begin within. The quest of awakening is simply to awaken to the truth of what already is.

Our task is to remove the barriers we carry within us. Layer by layer we clear anything that blocks us from participating in the joys of the present moment. To break free from apathy, procrastination or depression, choose one small task and complete it mindfully. This creates a flow of energy, a momentum that will spark your inner wisdom and playfulness.

Today my intention is to slow down and honor this moment as sacred.

Living in the Now

Your point of power is always in the present moment.

“When I find harmony and balance in my mind, I find it in my life.”
~Louise Hay~

Live peacefully. Trust the process of life to support you in the way that is most beneficial for your growth. Seek to bring that sense of calm into the present moment. Thoughts arise; however, you can choose what you allow to remain. Bring your attention to the scripts that replay – eventually, they will lose the ability to destroy your peace of mind.

No matter what you perceive your challenges to be, remember that loving yourself creates miracles in your life. Your self talk should be supportive and kind, rooted in the present moment. Self-criticism has absolutely no value. It is simple to change your life; however, the ego desires a challenge. It will downplay the power of the present moment.

The higher your state of consciousness, the easier things become. Find joy in the Now. Allow it to expand. Bring it to your interactions. Repeat…

Today my intention is to remember that the seeds I plant today become the experiences I have tomorrow.

Change your thoughts, change your life

You are a powerful co-creator of your life experience.

“Changes can begin in this moment. I am willing to change.”
~Louise Hay~

Until you become mindful, life will continue to repeat. Lessons present themselves in various forms until they are no longer required for your soul’s growth. With this in mind, observe what unfolds in your experience. Chances are that you’ll discover a particular theme that threads through various situations – perhaps the idea that you are not heard. Circumstances at work, with family or your significant other (even strangers…) will leave you thinking similar thoughts. This is powerful! As soon as you recognize the thought that is being displayed, you can take ownership of it and transform the situation.

Begin by utilizing the opposite idea – that you are heard and what you say has value. Then, consciously take the opposite approach within the next situation that arises. Instead of giving an opinion or trying to prompt someone to do something, remain quiet. Remind yourself to think differently… then speak without attachment or commentary. Watch to see how things flow from there.

The ego loves to be proved right, so observe when you fall into old patterns and quickly shift back into empowerment; thereby depriving the ego of self-fulfilling prophesies. Make sure that your thoughts and actions support the new idea of value and positive interactions. Life will rise up to meet you there.

Today my intention is to accept myself as I am and create peace in my heart. Life is a reflection of my thoughts and beliefs.


Inner light

There is an infinite source of energy which shines through you.

“I follow my inner star. I am a shining example of love and light.”
~Louise Hay~

The love, light and laughter of the Universe lives within you. It seeks only to be expressed in joyful and unique ways. You bring something special to the collective consciousness of the planet that contributes to the growth of us all. Allow yourself to shine and relax into your potential.

“Zazen means just sitting at the very source, not moving anywhere, a tremendous force arises, a transformation of energy into light and love, into greater life, into compassion, into creativity. It can take many forms.”

Supportive energy provides a safe space where you can explore your talents and abilities. Challenges provide the opportunity to refine those skills and see them in action in the world. Therefore; every moment, in some way, contributes to your souls expansion and expression… fear not.

Today my intention is to remember that everything offers an opportunity to awaken.


When you truly love yourself, life reflects that love to you in incredible ways.

“The people in my life are really mirrors of me. My world is safe and friendly.”
~Louise Hay~

Everyone and everything in your life acts as a mirror, reflecting your innermost beliefs, beauty and challenges. What you recognize in another, you carry within. Surround yourself with those who inspire you, who respond to life with optimism and courage and offer support for your souls growth. Love yourself enough to recognize your own beauty and abilities.

If you react strongly to someone when they are in the midst of dysfunction – being greedy, self-absorbed, driven by ego, angry, depressed or judgmental – love yourself enough to see that you also carry that attribute to some degree within yourself. Appreciate the other for helping you to see more clearly, then begin the process of self-observation. Awareness is the first step of transformation.

As you change, the world around you is transformed. When you no longer require a particular reflection, it will either leave your life or you’ll notice less reactivity in it’s presence. Spiritual awakening is simply a process of releasing things that no longer serve you, eventually creating a life filled with peace, clarity, joy and compassion.

Today my intention is to be willing to see clearly.