Forgive yourself, you’re worth it!

Forgive yourself, you’re worth it.

“My understanding is clear, and I am willing to change with the times.” 
~Louise Hay~

All conflict in the world is created because we are in conflict with ourselves. It gets projected outward through judgment, gossip, impatience and the desires of the ego. It’s easier to recognize the dysfunction in others than to see what needs to be healed within the Self.

Consider someone in your life who is a pleasure to be around. Perhaps he or she is accepting (so you feel safe being yourself with them), compassionate (willing to look at others’ point of view without judgment) or peaceful. If you’re able to recognize these wonderful qualities and appreciate the beauty of them, it is because they are also found in you. If you nurture these aspects within yourself they will become more pronounced.

If you consider someone in your life who always seems to be creating drama, conflict or disappointment, examine whether you view this person with compassion or whether you get drawn into the negativity. When someone triggers a negative response within us, it is because we carry the same attribute. You spot it, you got it. This is a powerful indicator of what is ready to be healed on your personal and unique path of transformation.

Step by step, layer by layer, the spiritual seeker is always ready to release old pain, misconceptions, limiting programming or restrictive beliefs. At some point, you’ll find yourself experiencing compassion more and more often. Those who are unconscious will no longer trigger a negative response from you and instead you’ll be the person who is a pleasure to be around because you emit an aura of peace and serenity.

Today my intention is to take responsibility for my own joy.

Creating space

Create the space in which a transformation can occur.
“I accept others for being different, but not wrong. We are all one.” 
~Louise Hay~
There is nothing more beautiful than allowing someone the space to awaken. When those around us attempt to draw us into some type of conflict or drama, we have the opportunity to observe our own defensiveness, views or opinions and can use this awareness as part of our spiritual growth.
The act of observation creates a space in which transformation can occur – both within ourselves and in others. Accusations, defense, the need to be right, criticizing and blaming are all designed to strengthen the ego, and as we learn the art of non-reaction, the ego has no energy to feed upon.
It takes practice, but there is great power to be accessed in loving, non judgmental silence. When we make the choice to be neutral – allowing the other person to have a differing opinion or to process through a negative outburst at their own pace, we set ourselves free from identification with the ego.
If you need to say “No” or take action, it will come from a place of consciousness instead of reactivity, and you will feel at ease within the present moment.
See if you can catch yourself complaining in either speech or thought, about a situation you find yourself in, what other people do or say, your surroundings, your life situation, even the weather. To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself a victim. Leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.
— Eckhart Tolle
Today my intention is to accept what is. In each moment, I have the opportunity to embrace life and open myself to learn something new.

Stillness speaks…

Stillness speaks…
“Changes can begin in this moment. I am willing to change.” 
~Louise Hay~

Our inner voice speaks the language of the heart. In times of challenge (perceived or actual), thought takes over, the mental chatter increases and it can be easy to get lost in the stories of the ego.

Stillness resides within you. Ultimately there is no need to make things more complicated; however, the ego loves to create a story that enlightenment is hard, it’s work, it takes too much time… and spiritual sleep returns.
Consciously choosing to bring stillness into daily life is a great form of meditation. It can be accessed through breathing, gratitude, prayer, listening or simple observation without thought.
In the midst of a work day, periodically stop, close your eyes, and breathe deeply – notice the feel of your heart beat, how it feels to sit in the chair, slow down the rhythms of the body… and then open your eyes to look at your work with new energy, perception and attitude. You will shift how the day flows around you.
When we get caught in the whirlwind of anxiety, we become stressed. That energy flows outward, which of course becomes the new filter through which the world is experienced. The stress increases. Each of us has wandered within that cycle and watched others get lost in it too.
Today, make a point to give yourself space. Listen to the voice of the heart which will always be kind, calming and supportive. I would love to hear any examples of how you successfully shifted a situation through recognizing the ego, calming your own energy and allowing stillness to rise within you.
Today my intention is to bring stillness into all that I do, to live from the heart – alive, radiant, contented and joyful…

Your unique path

I honor your path.
“I release any feelings of competition or comparison. I simply do my best and enjoy being me.”
~Louise Hay~

In an infinite Universe there is plenty of room for many types of beliefs to co-exist. The ego, being the delightful teacher and creator of challenges that it is, will attach upon a particular idea and identify with it so strongly that we find ourselves forming a belief which needs to be defended.

Truth needs no defense. Gravity doesn’t care if one believes (or even understands) the law of gravity. It simply makes itself known in our lives, subtly holding us to earth, drawing things downward, adding weight and substance to our world of form.
As the many wonderful teachers today share their wisdom and teachings, some spiritual seekers, finding inconsistencies, become stuck, unsure of what is right and begin to become overwhelmed.
Your path of transformation is simply that – Your Path. The discovery of what sparks insight and passion for life is a very personal and unique journey. The only gauge of accurateness with which you should be concerned is how your life is flowing, how often you can access the stillness of the mind and how much respect and compassion you have for the paths of others.
I sometimes picture the earth as a K-12 school. The courses and lessons of a 12th grader will differ significantly from those of a kindergartner; however, all steps of learning are accurate and have value for the student. Sometimes this can be challenging, especially when the middle school kids (young souls) are just discovering their power, are overly filled with drama and usually quite vocal about their beliefs. The advanced soul, on some level, may remember what it was like to go through that period and quietly becomes the observer, allowing those who are younger to experiment and learn through experience.
Consider stepping outside of the stress in your life to create some quiet time and take stock of your beliefs. There may be some that you’ve outgrown, some that have expanded or you may discover new ideas that are calling to your spirit. No matter what you believe, the Universe will always provide the lesson material that is needed. The measure of success is the quiet confidence, peace and stillness that you feel in the face of opposition.
Today my intent is to observe the awakening occurring in those around me. I give myself permission to quiet the mind and enjoy the stillness of the present moment, to offer compassionate support and teach by example.

Life’s miracles

Today, I am willing to accept a miracle.
Miracle follows miracle in my life. I accept miraculous occurrences in my life and in my world.
~Louise Hay~

Einstein once said, “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

When we choose to approach life itself as miraculous, it opens the possibility of clear vision. We begin to see through the illusions of this world to the pure energy within everything and everyone.
In moments of frustration, it’s helpful to remind yourself that the person with whom you’re interacting is a beautiful spirit merely playing a role and that you have the choice to look beyond the behavior to the lesson contained within the situation. We don’t need to love the actions, choices or physical behavior in order to allow love for the underlying energy of the soul to flow through.
And how do we show love? Love is demonstrated through simple things… a kind word, a task done out of kindness with no thought of reward, silence instead of rebuke, support and patience. With practice, love responses become your normal approach to life; what we send out into the world flows back, whether anyone is there to witness it or not. The energy never ceases.
Today my intention is to live in a state of mystery. The peacefulness of a misty morning awakens the joy within me. Today I am willing to accept a miracle.

Allowing – acceptance – alignment

Mindfulness will guide you through anything that arises.
I rejoice in what I have, and I meet all challenges with open arms.
~Louise Hay~
Our relationship to the world around us reflects our true relationship to ourselves; and through that, our connection to the Oneness of all life. When we allow the present moment to be as it is without expectation, we begin to experience the world in all it’s beauty.
If you encounter conflict in any area of your life – relationships, body image, traffic jams, drama, etc. – remember that it’s only purpose is to alert you to the fact that you are out of alignment with your true nature.
Empowerment is the realization of the need to self-adjust and bring yourself back to balance. There are many ways back to balance; however, they are all deeply rooted in the silence underneath the chatter of the mind.
Peacefulness is the present moment is needed to become aware of the beauty, the majesty and the sacredness of life. When we become engaged in the discovery of our true nature, the lessons present themselves everywhere we look. Our world is set up to provide constant reminders of the joy of life – so simple, a flower, a tree or a dog could do it.

The art of stillness connects us to love and each day I am grateful for the reminders. And so, as I watch the sun lighten the sky, I am greeted by love. As the birds awaken and sing in the stillness, I am serenaded by love. In the flow of my breath, I am connected to love.

Today my intention is to allow the expansion of the love, light and laughter of the Universe to flow through me as I choose to embrace the present moment with joy.

The world is a reflection

The world is a reflection of your thoughts and beliefs.

I rise above all limitations. I am Divinely guided and inspired.
~Louise Hay~
Many people live by their own set of rules, restrictions and beliefs. You may hear a lot of “shoulds” in their chosen words, limits in what they expect to happen or logical steps they’ll have to navigate on their way to a new future. Thoughts become things. Whatever your belief, the Universe will provide it to you in the form of experience.
When we run across someone who lives life expansively, it’s an explosion of excitement, joyfulness and light. These people just seem to create powerful movement throughout their world… and the miracles arrive, one after another, after another.
The only difference between slow, troublesome movement and passionate intensity is the expectation and frequency at which someone chooses to experience life.
There are many ways to shift your frequency:
  • meditation or chanting
  • conscious breath
  • utilizing words and thoughts with high vibration
  • eating high vibration foods
  • nurturing the mind/body/spirit connection
  • gratitude
  • deliberate kindness
  • music
The more conscious presence you choose to bring to all aspects of daily life, the easier it becomes to remain centered at a high frequency. The energy we carry affects everything around us – consider yourself to be intertwined with the love of the Universe, expect a miracle (always!) and embrace whatever life offers… for blessings often come wrapped in the illusion of disappointment or challenge… and isn’t that often what makes life so exciting? It’s a joy to support one another in dynamic breakthroughs, overcoming the odds, discovering new abilities and living life with passion.
Today my intention is to make choices that raise my frequency. In our infinite Universe, there is still so much more to explore and discover and experience… and share.

Enter the gap

“You are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

There is nothing more beautiful than discovering the endless facets of our infinite nature. Surround yourself with those who are spiritual seekers – immerse yourself in new perceptions – and take the time to allow yourself to shine.
Conscious breathing is a great place to start. It draws the attention to the heart chakra and begins to slow down the pace of the mind. Be thrilled to live this adventure and recognize that life is far more expansive than we can possibly imagine.
Whenever you feel tempted to do things in the same old way, out of perceived comfort, familiarity or the belief that you’ve mastered some aspect of your life, ask yourself if there’s any value in repeating the past… or might you learn more from taking a risk, discovering new capabilities or opening to new knowledge. This beautiful journey never ends – no matter how much we know, we’ve barely begun to experience the infinite.
Set an intention to allow space for the unknown. In the midst of your plans, choose to pay attention to messages from the Universe bringing your attention to the present moment. You can choose to embrace the magic of life.

You have a choice

You always have a choice….
“I laugh at life (and at myself), and choose not be offended by anyone or anything.”
~Louise Hay~
No matter what life offers, we have the ability to choose our experiences. Neither choice is good or bad, they are simply different experiences for our soul to utilize in it’s awakening.
When offered a compliment, you could choose to smile and accept it, or you could choose to feel unworthy and reject it. The compliment is merely there to provide an opportunity for you to witness your perceptions and become aware of the frequency of your energy vibration.
Most beliefs and reactions are a product of our conditioning. As we become more aware of the choices we are making, the act of witnessing itself moves us into a state of greater awareness and empowerment.
Consider moving through life today being objective and aware of your choices:
  • In the midst of the infinite amount of options you have each moment, ask yourself “Will this choice bring happiness to myself and those around me?”
  • Pay attention to the messages from your body – typically your power chakra or heart chakra will feel uncomfortable or out of balance if you’re moving in an unhealthy direction. This may be subtle, or you may experience stomach pain, indigestion, tightness, or in extreme cases ulcers, or a tightness in the chest
  • Questions that can move you into balance are: “What can I learn from this experience? What message is the Universe sending me? How can I bring peace to this situation?”
Today my intention is to be a witness to the choices I make, always purposely moving towards kindness, love and enlightenment. I choose to dance through this moment without fear allowing the path of transformation to be a joyful one.

Raising consciousness

Your inner purpose is to awaken.

“I constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere.”
~Louise Hay~

There is a consciousness arising within you. You have chosen to be here now, to read these words, to discover new ways of being, of thinking and experiencing the essence of life.
The path of transformation should be one of joy, embracing the expanding energy within yourself of which you become more aware. This beautiful energy is constant and always a part of you. It can become lost from time to time under the seemingly never-ending stream of input from the ego; however, by consciously pulling yourself fully present you can access it in any moment.
It’s one thing to look for enlightenment and peace within challenging situations; however, greater depth can be achieved when you look to raising your frequency when things are going well… to ask “What’s next?”
There is great value in taking a risk, in exploring new situations and circumstances. The choice to step into the unknown raises our awareness and helps us to awaken to greater possibilities.
You inner purpose is to awaken – nothing more. As you bring a constant spiritual approach to all that you do – looking for ways to connect with your own inner sense of joy, peace and delight – everything else will fall into place perfectly. When things take longer than you expect, it only means that there is more to enjoy on the journey. All is well.
Today my intention is to approach every action I take from a higher state of consciousness. There are countless ways to connect with the infinite love of the Universe and plenty of time to discover them all.