The gifts of adversity

Those that challenge you the most on the physical plane love you the most on the spiritual place. Great gifts are resources are discovered when we go through adversity. Consider the souls that are willing to act in a manner that tests you on many levels. They run the risk of losing your love and friendship in this lifetime while serving a higher purpose in your souls growth.

Consciously think back on the challenges of your life, the disappointments, the struggle. Acknowledge the lessons you’ve learned, the skills you’ve developed and see if you can find aspects in each situation for which you can be thankful. You may have an “aha” moment, realizing the true purpose behind the interaction – conversely, keep in mind that you have likely acted as teacher as well.

The tapestry we weave together is one of brilliant design and mastery. Each circumstance and situation plays its part in the scheme of things. We dance in and out of one another’s awareness only to discover the purpose within the chaos and receive the gifts of spirit.

Sometimes the pattern is hard to see when we are too close to the situation. Distance lends perspective and the higher you raise your vibration, the greater your ability to discern more aspects that may have eluded you in the past. Never doubt the purpose and beauty of your experience here and remember that the greater the challenge, the greater the gift that is waiting to be discovered.

Today my intention is to transform past challenges into light with my compassion and insight.

Stepping into personal freedom

When we break the chains of expectation and imprinting, we become aligned with the Divine. This movement of empowerment can be frightening to some – people can be very afraid of someone who grows the wings to fly into an entirely new way of being. They see the free spirit as one who is rebellious because they are unwilling to fight against anyone or anything and simply live in accordance with their true nature.

It’s time to be courageous enough to take responsibility for our own joy and live aligned with higher consciousness. One who is enlightened cannot be enslaved by others or by situations. Instead, he or she lives as a global citizen, seeking wholeness and sharing new perceptions.

See where you may have created rigidness and structure within your experience. When our world is too orderly and perfect, we do not allow space for spontaneity or vulnerability – two amazing teachers. There is much more to life than control. Release attachment to cherished outcomes and feel the energy of the Universe flow through you into the delightful chaos of your awakening.

There is a vast and infinite amount of energy available Now. We are able to tap into it, not by planning or thinking, but by being centered and silent enough to allow it to flow through us. This transformation of energy into light and love connects you to your potential. From this space of inner power, compassion emerges.

Your awakening sends waves of energy throughout your life. Should you encounter opposition from those around you, recognize it as an indicator that you are shifting yet again. Be patient and kind with those who may fear your freedom – it’s a new kind of experience for those who have worked so hard to create the illusion of control in their lives. Lead the way, dear one. You have infinite levels left to explore.

Today my intention is to live the life of my dreams.

Saying yes to life

Whenever you have a strong emotional reaction to a situation, person or idea, it’s an indication that there is something that is ready to shift within you. Noticing our responses doesn’t require any type of thinking, self-judgment or analysis. Rather, we shine the light of consciousness by the act of observation. Instead of trying to change the situation, we choose to change our relationship to it.

Saying yes to life requires nothing more than a conscious return to love. We learn to navigate through the highs and low with faith. We seek answers only to discover that they resided within us all along. We draw in the teachers that hold up a mirror to remind us of our divinity and the limitless possibilities that are available once we choose to get out of our own way.

Keep things simple. Find the word or idea which brings peace into your experience and aligns you with the Divine. Return to it again and again. Fill your life with its fragrance and discover the freedom that joy brings.

Ask, “What do I have to offer?” Be your authentic self and share your gifts. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to choose to love what is.

The willingness to receive

Seek and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened to you…

This simple thought filled my dreams (reminding me of my religious childhood) and the message came through with a new kind of clarity. The act of seeking and desire gives permission to receive. This is an important part of anyone’s spiritual growth – the willingness to receive.

All too often we feel stymied by a perceived lack of movement or insight in our experience. We project that frustration outward, when in reality, we are simply frustrated by our own lack of willingness to seek, knock, ask and open to receive the answers and ultimately take responsiblity for our own joy.

Your higher guidance, angels and soul mates will always provide you with whatever experience you require for your soul’s growth. But because this is a free will Universe, they will wait for your permission to assist you on your journey. When we reach out for assistance from the Divine, we practice the art of surrender… seeing past the desire or fear projected by the ego to the profound and simple desire of the soul – spiritual awakening.

Each day I set the energy in my home space using this mantra:

Today, let this space be a space of peace, power, growth and transformation. Let me be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance. Thank you for the clarity and insight that opens me to see the sacred in all things.

Today my intention is to seek peace, power, growth and transformation.

“I hold no cherished outcome”

Thought divides us, experience connects us. It is through experience that we learn compassion for one another. When we engage in relationship without demands or expectation, we enter into a graceful courtship with the Divine. This receptivity is pure and leads us into a time of unbounded gratitude for whatever life brings.

The next time you find yourself in conversation with another, observe the thoughts that run through the mind while you are “listening”. You may be surprised at the busyness of the ego. Authentic listening demands that we forget ourselves completely (not an easy task) and become the Divine feminine – open and receptive, a conduit for energy, light and love. We cannot achieve communion by being aggressive. Open the door and wait.

Each time another piece of the puzzle falls into place we develop a greater perception of the whole. Life is full of ending and new beginnings and we have the opportunity to celebrate both. See the picture of your expanding consciousness, the nature of Wholeness and love in the mirror of the world around you.

Today my intention is to live in the light, love and laughter of  authentic communion.

Thoughts create

No matter what you seek to accomplish, it must first be visualized in the mind. Even the most mundane things must begin first as a thought of desire. Your thoughts create your reality. We set energy in motion, nurture it, and then begin manifestation with a physical action or choice.

If you choice is joy or adventure (rather than fear or suffering), ensure that your thoughts begin there. Immerse yourself in high vibrational energies, observe your words and seek to create the most pleasurable experience that you can. When challenges arise, seek the lesson or the gift contained within.

Don’t be afraid to trust your own vision, no matter how different it appears to be from your current reality. The key is to create clarity and ensure that all subsequent thoughts and actions support your vision.

Many years ago when I began on my spiritual path, I imagined myself as a red-headed spiritual teacher, helping others and walking a magical path. This image was far different from the reality I was living at the time. I went through my life and released anything that didn’t align with my new vision. I made changes on the physical plane (hair color, style of dressing, job, home, etc), mentally I began to look for people who inspired me (choosing only to be with high vibration people for a time – that meant a lot of time alone) and spiritually (surrounding myself with inspirational books and music).

Initially, I felt like an imposter. The last thing to change was my sense of worthiness and self-confidence. But, I held my vision in the forefront of my consciousness. Experiences began to support my new vibration, life became more magical and people began to seek me out for a new perception. Joyfully, I am still a work in progress.

Seek your own truth. Transformation is a powerful process that you set in motion in each and every moment with your thoughts, beliefs and actions. Use whatever tools you have from wherever you are and be willing to accept a miracle. The life I have today is far greater than I originally imagined it could be – but that was only because I had yet to experience the ease and grace that come from living an authentic life.

Today my intention is to see the change I wish to be in the world… and then become it.

Spiritual maturity and mastery

Each of us is responsible for our own joy. The power in that statement lies within the inherent possibility of creating joy Now, in this moment, without the need to rely upon outer circumstances or the actions of another. As we develop our spiritual maturity, we discover that wholeness comes from within. From this state of empowerment we have a greater opportunity to share with one another and contribute something unique to the experiences we encounter on our journey.

The synergy created by conscious, loving spirits is infinite. Together we achieve far more than we can alone and cultivating the arts of giving and receiving unlocks the flow of the Divine within our life situation.

Take the time to slow down and notice the beauty that is all around you. Our amazing planet has much to offer (and much to teach) and we need to become aware of the miraculous in order to participate in its power. Then existence becomes a joy as we conscious dream new aspects of the world into being.

Perhaps you find yourself more open to the many opportunities to celebrate in life. You may share your gifts and laughter more often than in times past, or reach out in kindness without fear of rejection. These are signs of mastery and indicators of spiritual awakening. Allow love and joy to guide your choices and interactions and watch the boundaries disappear.

Today my intention is to recognize the sacred in all things.

The dance of awareness

What aspects of your personality are ready to shine? Your soul is in a constant state of expansion and as you choose to nourish yourself, you will discover the joy of claiming them and living from a space of higher consciousness and love.

Give yourself the opportunity to grow. Reach for new experiences, choose fearlessness and allow the integration os these aspects into the expression of your life. Our spiritual evolution is advancing so quickly now, people often live out several different types of reality in each lifetime. This dance of awareness can be so exciting! Simple lessons are transformed into stepping-stones of awakening.

When you live in your integrity, you attract divine grace into your life situation. The impossible becomes possible, change encounters shift your path, new doors open and you find the opportunity to rise above the mundane and into the miraculous. Release all feelings of unworthiness that block your vision. Seek love first within yourself and share it every moment that you can.

Spend time today in your sacred space. Regroup, listen, open your heart and choose to create joy in the present moment. Everything expands from there.

Today my intention is to live the life of my dreams.

Lessons from the shadow side of the self

Sometimes you have to be who you aren’t in order to discover who you are. These inner journeys through darkness bring about a yearning for light and our search then takes us exactly where we need to go. The greatest gifts can be found in the unlikeliest of places.

Don’t fear the shadow side of your personality. The yin and yang, dark and light, fear and security are simply the opposites found within any experience. Ultimately, complete acceptance of the Self leads to peace, happiness and wholeness.

Notice whenever judgments arise around another person: that is merely a reflection of something that you have suppressed or denied within yourself. Part of your own psyche is ready for expansion and expression. By honoring the powerful process of reflection and projection, we become more self-actualized and aware… and awareness heals.

We all look at life and circumstances based upon the level of awareness at which we reside. There are always new and amazing things waiting to be discovered and infinite roads ultimately lead us to the Divine. The most empowering thing that you can do is live consciously and cultivate the innocence which is born of experience.

Dear one, you are right where you need to be. Trust the process of your own awakening rather than fighting what is. The desire to seek the gift hidden in all situations ensures that it will be found.

Today my intention is to immerse myself in the love, light and laughter of the Universe. The best is yet to come.

Wholeness within relationships

True partnership occurs when we have discovered wholeness within ourselves. Instead of looking for someone to complete us, we discover the joy of unity between two unique and empowered individuals who allow the winds of heaven to dance in between them as they walk their journey together.

The same is true when we enter into a union with the Divine. Recognizing the sacredness within all things builds a partnership of freedom and discovery. We become engaged in the nuances and miracles of life.

Accept the blessings which are available for you now. They may come in the form of opportunities, spiritual gifts, new friendships or a chance encounter. Gratitude opens your perception and ability to receive.

Be the change you wish to see in the world. If you want to be heard, listen more. When you desire understanding, cultivate acceptance and understanding within yourself. The possibilities are endless and the choice is yours. All life is your reflection.

Allow the Divine to express itself through you in whatever manner you can. Whatever you choose to do, do it joyfully and consciously become aware of the energy that you send out into the world. When you enter into the healing flow of love, it will fulfill your desire for wholeness.

Today my intention is to remember that deep and transformational forces are always at work. I am willing to receive a miracle.