
You have always done the best that you can… and the same is true for all of those around you

That’s Right! Every change in my life lifts me to a new level of understanding
Suffering occurs when we are unhappy with our own choices and behavior. When one begins to second-guess past decisions, all the vital life force energy begins to drain out of the present moment.
You have always done the best that you can. Based upon your life-path, soul age, imprinting, experience and interpretation of the world around you, you responded in the way you thought best at the time. Awareness creates a space in which transformation can occur and every situation has something to teach. Is it any wonder that you have greater knowledge after the fact? You are absolutely on the right path and your perception should grow and change with you.
The art of self-forgiveness allows you to release the past. This is the moment of transformation; however, transformation can only occur when we put down the burdens of the heart. Should past situations repeat, notice any new responses that you have. Be a loving witness of your own evolution and let the gentle movement of awareness expand each and every day.

Today my intention is to feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever-changing life.

Relationships as spiritual growth

Everyone and everything participates in your dance of awakening…

That’s Right! Today is a stepping stone to new awareness and greater joy
Every relationship, no matter how fleeting, brings something vital and important to your experience. When you realize that everyone has a specific role to play in your awakening, it changes how you choose to interpret and respond to the present moment.
Challenges transform into opportunities to shine. Frustrations allow you to explore new facets of your strength. Love and support provide a safe foundation for experimentation and discovery… and sometimes others participate only to give us situations where we can put our new-found strengths and ideas into practice.
The world is a mirror of your thoughts and beliefs, and there is nothing more beautiful than smiling at the reflection and seeing that smile returned.

Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.

The light of consciousness

You can transform the darkness by allowing the light of consciousness to work through you

That’s Right! Love flows through me. It touches everyone I meet and leads me to greater compassion
This morning I watched the moon as it crossed the sky. It lit up the night and I considered the power of gentleness and reflection. We all seem to find magic in moonlight, romance, inspiration… We feel safer walking in the darkness and perhaps this is why we seek to witness the reflection of the Divine which flows through each and every one of us in varying degrees.
Whether you are someone who presently shows only a tiny sliver of light or someone who blazes with the fullness of possibility, remember that we all carry the same potential, and cyclically, will have our moment of reflecting the light of consciousness.
It is said, “You can be the light or the mirror that reflects it.” Either is beautiful. Both have purpose, and any light (no matter how subtle) transforms the darkness.

Today my intention is to purposefully be a loving reflection of the peace and presence in others

The transformation of suffering into awareness

The past has no power over you
That’s Right! This is the moment of transformation 
Sometimes, in our darkest moments, all that we’ve learned from our spiritual practice seems irrelevant. In moment like these we have a tendency to judge ourselves harshly. Seeing this clearly allows the opportunity to consciously shift the energy and begin anew.Use conscious breathwork to pull the energy of pain into the heart chakra. Doing so opens us to the universal pain of humanness but it also connects us to the Divine. Honoring the pain of transformation is an act of compassion for ourselves. Platitudes, mantras and beliefs cannot move the energy as powerfully as bringing conscious awareness to the present moment.

Awareness heals. Once you shine the light of consciousness on the source of your discomfort, it begins to transform. Then you’ll have a greater ability to step back into the realm of empowerment and growth. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to honor the process of my awakening. All things work toward my highest good.

Follow your bliss

Find your bliss. Love what you choose to do.
That’s Right! Each step I take is guided by love
How often do we witness people living day to day in a state of unhappiness or exhaustion, doing what they feel they need to do instead of what they want to do? From the outside it’s easy to see that different choices will bring a different experience; however, we are often blinded by our own programming and expectations.
A friend shared a story recently: He was speaking to his teenage daughter, giving advice about work and purpose and sharing his belief that she should love what she does if she wants to be happy. When she innocently asked why he works in a profession that he dislikes, he realized that he had set his dreams aside. In that moment, she became the teacher. He decided to change his life, live his passion and expressed gratitude to his kind and insightful daughter for leading him back to happiness.
We all have innate knowledge of spiritual truths. It’s important to periodically observe our choices and the flow of our experiences to see if we are living them authentically.
If you’re not in a position to drop all and do what you love, choose to love what you do. Life will respond to the energy you bring to each moment – often in ways that are unexpected.

Today my intention is to remember that nothing is more important than my state of consciousness.

Discover your own truths

Every path is unique.

That’s Right! I am a master in the process of awakening
Our infinite Universe provides limitless ways to experience the Divine. As we progress along the journey of awakening, we discover what inspires and motivates us as we clear away misconceptions and blockages. Find your own way by reading, listening and experiencing. Absorb what resonates with your spirit and feel free to discard the rest.
Each teacher provides insights and inspiration, but their teachings are still based upon their own unique journey and delivered through the filter of their vibration and perception. The more advanced souls speak in a broader language that has the ability to spark inspiration in many people; however, you may discover yet another way to awaken.
See every experience as an opportunity to learn something new. Go within and listen to the whispers of your heart and walk the Path of Transformation with openness and joy. There are always new levels to explore. You will discover empowerment, peace and miracles along the way.

Today my intention is to listen to the voice of the Divine which speaks to me through each person, experience and observation. Guidance comes from everywhere.

Your soul’s purpose

There is much more to life than meets the eye.

That’s Right! All things work towards my highest good
No matter how life presents itself, there is a purpose behind every situation and circumstance. Everything that comes into our experience is there for one purpose – to help us to awaken.
Challenges, joys, frustrations and breakthroughs are all part of the same dance. The mind will attach stories and judgments to the present moment, creating a sense of peace or helplessness based upon the interpretation we choose to accept.
The awakened soul has the ability to see through the mechanisms of the ego. Seeing through the ordinary to what is possible allows us to transform anything into bliss. Loss becomes an opening. Fear becomes strength. Misery dissipates and our lives are transformed. This is a process that can only be understood and mastered through experience. Celebrate your journey and seek your next level of awakening with an open heart.

Today my intention is to release all control to the Divine. I transform every experience into an opportunity.

The freedom of forgiveness

Forgiveness is freedom.

That’s Right! I am a master in the process of awakening. I take full responsibility for every aspect of my life
You have the ability to be free… free from the past, free of resentment and the freedom to honor the challenges of your life as opportunities to awaken. Every situation can be transformed into a gift, and when you seek beauty you will certainly find it.
Radical Forgiveness is the understanding that all things work to our highest good. Each of us plays the roles required for our soul’s growth and sacred love ultimately lies at the core of our experiences.
When we get trapped in anger, whether directed at ourselves, people, groups or circumstances, we sit immersed in the poison of imbalance. It creates the filter through which we see life and weaves it way through each cell of our bodies and experience in which we find ourselves.
Let your soul’s work bring you the freedom of peace. Observe and release any resentment that you carry. Bless those who challenge you as loving teachers (even if they are truly committed to the role they are playing). Each of us has the power to create healing in our own lives.

Today my intention is to stand in truth and live and move in joy. Nothing is more important than my state of consciousness and I am willing to choose joy.


The space we create, both in our minds and in our lives, has the capacity to hold great joy. Drop the clutter, allow, accept and experience.
That’s Right! I am willing to create a space in which transformation can occur
Let your experience be filled with joy. If there’s anything that you carry that blocks you from being fully present – thoughts, things, history or desire – consider that creating space will allow you to fully experience the simple joys that life has to offer.
Prior to awakening we move through life doing what we feel we have to do. The weight of expectation and duty had the tendency to create a drudgery which was lived out through daily routine. After awakening, we discover that even the smallest things are transformed because of our inner transformation. Work, eating, sleeping, loving – all that we choose to do – becomes sacred and takes on a new quality.
Spaciousness is what creates value. Value yourself enough to consciously make room for the sacred. This is the moment of transformation.

Today my intention is to honor the present moment by engaging with life and experiencing whatever it has to offer.

Peace is within you

“The awakened person still showers all with loving kindness and understanding, even when cast out by relatives, scorned by friends, rejected by colleagues, ignored by strangers…”
That’s Right! I am responsible for my own joy
Seeing past the stories of the ego allows us to remain lovingly detached from the unconsciousness in others. As we awaken, the mind’s grip becomes less and less powerful and peace becomes the primary motivating force in our lives.
Be patient with the process, with yourself and with others. No matter where someone is on the journey, we are all eventually bound for the same place – why struggle along the way?
With my recent move and trip, I often found myself waking unsure of where I was. This queer sense of dislocation was a new experience for me. As I awoke today to write, I had the same sensation and realized that I had been traveling once again, only to different realms of existence. This wonderful world is very real for us, as are the emotions and responses that we have to it. You can choose to create your own reality… and that’s the joy of awakening.

Today my intention is to be an authentic example of unconditional love and acceptance.