
Periodically, go within and observe the type of energy that you are sending out into the Universe.
That’s Right! All of life is a reflection of my inner state of consciousness    
Together we create a matrix of Divine flow. Everything that we do has an impact – not only upon ourselves, but also upon the collective consciousness of mankind, the planet and all her creatures. Mindfulness is paying attention to what we are contributing to the whole at any given moment. Self-awareness teaches us how to tap into that flow of energy in a positive way and bring a higher level of consciousness to what we create.

It is vitally important to learn to quickly distinguish between ego identity and soul identity. Being aligned with the ego causes us to seek outside validation; whereas inner peace comes from living aligned with your soul’s truth. Spiritual awakening is the process of releasing attachment to ego. The gifts you will receive are grace, innocence and wisdom. Surrender leads to mastery.

Today my intention is to be love. I choose to view life through the eyes of gratitude and send out waves of healing with each thought and action.

Exploring infinite possibility

In our infinite Universe, there are always new levels to explore.
That’s Right! I am willing to grow and change   
“To clarify ‘eternal’ just a smidge… Once the river of time has rounded her final bend, and the last star in the sky has brightened its last night, and every child who may ever be conceived has been given ten thousand names… we will have just begun.”
~ Mike Dooley, Notes from the Universe

No matter how much you have learned or how far you have come, it’s important to realize that you are still at the beginning. Some people believe in a particular belief system or life approach to such an extent that their expansion ceases for a time. In these cases, life will often present circumstances that force them into new avenues of exploration in order to move to the next level of growth. When something no longer meets your needs, it may be because you have mastered that particular lesson. Move forward by opening your heart to the Divine – the appropriate teacher will come when you are ready.

Everything plays a part in your awakening. Approach life with the innocence and joy of a child. You are a spark of the Divine, seeking to discover itself through the experience of being human (for now).

Today my intention is to this moment as perfect. Whatever unfolds is perfect for my souls growth.

The inward journey

Your path of transformation is unique. It does not depend upon ritual, dogma or religion but on the awakening of your awareness of the Divine within you.
That’s Right! I trust my inner guidance  
Part of self-acceptance is releasing other people’s expectations and judgments. This kind of peace and confidence can only come from within. Plant seeds of transformation and watch them grow with joy and awareness.

It takes time for changes to manifest from desire, intention and awareness into the world of form. Since all life is a reflection of your inner state of consciousness, you will have the opportunity to measure your progress while in the process of transformation.

There are many, many avenues to explore on your spiritual journey. The ones that ignite your passion and open your heart are a great place to start.  Each is a stepping stone on the path to wholeness.

Today my intention is to honor this moment as sacred. All that I need is already here.

Share your light

Can you imagine the depth of potential that lies within you?
That’s Right! In the infinity of life where I am, all is perfect, whole and complete. ~ Louise Hay 
Welcome the transformation that wishes to flow throughout your life. Be willing to change, moving from the old to the new with ease and grace. Let your heart express it’s passion, releasing all that no longer serves your growth… and you will discover the freedom that joy has to offer.

Your energy flows wherever you direct it with your thoughts and intention. Therefore, begin to create change by first changing your thoughts. Be conscious of the power of your words for they open the creative channels in your consciousness.

Honor your unique aspects and way of being in the world. Let your life be a dance with the Divine, living with an open heart. Begin now – with what you have from where you are. It’s enough.

Today my intention is to remember that I am in the process of positive changes. I trust the processes of life.

Practice the Presence of peace

In every moment there is a choice… to love or reject
That’s Right! I consciously choose to view every thought, word and action as an opportunity to love 
Your role is to awaken, to allow light to shine through you and let your Presence awaken the Presence in others. No matter how things appear, every circumstance provides an opportunity to love. The advanced spiritual seeker is able to see more of the possibilities inherent in every situation and recognizes that life is simply an opportunity to explore the infinite facets of connection between us.

Judgment blocks all ability to honestly understand one another. When we rise above perceptions of right versus wrong or dark versus light, we begin to view what is from a higher perspective – realizing that all plays an intricate part of the whole.

Observe how often the ego moves into judgment throughout the day. Always easier to recognize in others, it’s incredible to witness the subtle (or not so subtle) ways it can seep into ones consciousness. Often people believe that nothing will change if we live in a state of Acceptance or Willingness; however, the opposite is true. Ego needs something to fight against. When you honor the Now as sacred, you create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Today my intention is to choose to live through the open space in my heart. I look for love and find it everywhere.

The healing process

The wound is the place where light enters you….
That’s Right! All situations play a role in my spiritual awakening  
Not many people enter into the process of soul-searching when things are flowing well in their lives. Challenges turn our thoughts inward and perceived problems create a desire to grow and learn.

Imbalance, whether mental, emotional, physical or spiritual, creates energetic wounds or fissures in the auric field. If left untended, additional energy flows to that area and repeating patterns begin to manifest in the physical realm.

Rather than ignoring the early signs of imbalance – a sense of unease, worry, doubt, anger or reactivity – seek to transform them into opportunities to awaken. If pain has found it’s way into your experience, seek the gift within the situation.

When things are going well, choose to continue expanding your consciousness. This process will often change the timbre of your life experiences because you will no longer need to create trauma in order to grow.

Today my intention is to remember than my level of inner peace determines my experience of the world


There is great strength to be found in silence.
That’s Right! I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and change 
Many find it challenging to stop the mind and enter into stillness. In those moments of solitude, the ego seems to step up it’s game – churning out thought after thought, dwelling on past/present/future events, seeking to distract… This soliloquy keeps us from discovering the power of the Now.

“Sitting in meditation allows the body and mind to settle into stillness. In that stillness we become the openness that allows all of life in, including the parts we’ve never wanted to face. As much as we would like to have pleasing and special experiences, the path of meditation is about being ever awake – to whatever we feel, special or not. Meditation is not about achieving nice states of mind while sitting on a cushion. The essence of meditation is to simply be here, bringing full awareness to just this moment. When stillness yields to the incessant outpouring of our overactive brain – we come back again and again to what is, to awareness of the breath, the body, the environment.”
~ Ezra Bayda

Give yourself time to be. The pathway to love is lit from within and in order to access that guiding wisdom, stillness is required.

Today my intention is to create a life filled with fulfillment. All that I need is already here

The gifts of love

True love has no opposite, no expectation.
That’s Right! Love is not an emotion, but a way of being 
Most people think they desire to be loved, that it is something you receive from others; however, love is something that we must become. Lovingness is an attitude that transforms one’s experience of the world. It creates a space of gratitude and appreciation.

Love, as a vibration, seeks only to acknowledge others and their contributions. It brings joy without egoic attachment to an outcome. Everything that occurs is forever recorded in the field of consciousness, and for this reason the spiritual seeker learns to live their truth and allow life to unfold as it will.

Acceptance heals all strife and conflict. Since everything serves a purpose in our collective awakening, any lack of understanding the spiritual purpose in a given situation will be alleviated at the perfect time. The more awakened you are, the simpler things become. Loving kindness will light the way home.

Today my intention is to be a vehicle for love. I am willing to love unconditionally, beginning with myself.

The obstacle is the path

All suffering is the result of the misguided belief that life shouldn’t be stressful or challenging.
That’s Right! Every situation offers me an opportunity to grow 
How much mental energy is lost through the usage of the word “shouldn’t”? When we experience the world without expectation or demands, we see the shimmering beauty of life. Looking through the filters of thought and expectation reveals only your thoughts – limiting beliefs that offer no room for something new to make itself known.

Enter the silence of your true nature through the gentle consistent choice of allowing life to be. Awakening requires turning away from the constant search for comfort and the endless avoidance of pain. True healing requires experiencing what arises when you require that life be other than what it is. Once you observe any resistance that arises, it begins to be transformed.

Today my intention is to remember that awareness is the first step of healing or changing. I am willing to see clearly.

Exploring the unknown

There are always new levels to explore.
That’s Right! I constantly find different ways of looking at my world. I see beauty everywhere   
There is great value to be discovered when expanding into new territory. Breaking free from old patterns and ways of being frees us to experience all the nuances that life has to offer.

The very act of walking into the unknown heightens our awareness, awakens our senses and brings us fully present in a way repetitive motive can never do.

Sometimes you must be willing to take a leap of faith. Try new things and heal the fear that hold you from exploring the infinite possibilities that await.

Today my intention is to remember that true spiritual practice is about opening to life, not shutting it out. I am willing to try something new