Celebrate your gifts

Celebrate your gifts by doing what you love.

That’s right! The gateways to wisdom and knowledge are always open to me 

Living a passionate life breaks down the barriers created by expectation and limitation. When you seek fulfillment, do so with the realization that it is generated from within rather than from outward circumstances and the greatest measure of success is happiness.

To truly awaken is to experience oneness in a world of difference. The enlightened soul recognizes the sacred in all things with the knowledge that all paths play an integral role in the journey we share.

Bring love and compassion to this moment. Seek only to live authentically, joyfully and passionately true to who you are.

Today, my intention is to release all criticism and go beyond limiting beliefs of not being capable or creative enough. I am willing to walk my talk and speak my truth with integrity.

Life begins where fear ends

Take one more conscious step forward.

That’s right! The point of power is always in the present moment  

Fear tells us to stop, to stay in a protected and known space. Love asks us to take risks, to move forward and expand consciousness through experience. When fear arises, instead of saying, “I am afraid” (thereby reinforcing the control we give to fear), say “Fear is present” or “The ego is going into fear mode.” This will allow you to observe the movement of fear rather than be controlled by it. Eventually, it will lose it’s hold and begin to dissipate.

When you simply experience what arises without opinions, stories, judgment or reactions, it’s easier to see clearly and make choices that serve your growth. When life presents challenges, we can crumble or we can learn… opportunities for awakening abound.

Be willing to fall madly in love with life. Find your own way to embrace what is with an open heart. Explore, experience and expand remembering that there is always something new to discover.

Today, my intention is to be compassionate and understanding.

Be responsible for your own joy

Don’t give away your power.

That’s right! Every experience I have leads me to a greater understanding of my purpose on Earth   

Relationships often bring the most painful and unhealed aspects of our life out of the shadows. They are powerful teachers. When you don’t get what you want from someone (or from a situation), it eventually motivates you to awaken.

Your happiness is your own responsibility. When people say “he makes me so upset” or “she hurt me”, they have given away their power to another and momentarily forgotten that everything serves a purpose. Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you.

Before spiritual awakening we tend to see our experiences as good or bad. After spiritual awakening, we see them only as opportunities to evolve.

Today, my intention is to enter silence – not through conscious effort, but by allowing life to be what it is.

A journey of adventure and discovery

We live in a world filled with wonder.

That’s right! I am in the perfect place at the perfect time. I am safe.   

Your perception dictates how you will respond to life. For those who see it as a burden, it becomes one… repetitive, hard, heavy and filled with sorrow.

Those who view each moment as an adventure are open to new experiences. They live from the heart, meeting new people and exploring the unfamiliar. Even challenges are transformed into something of incredible value. These vibrant souls are the trailblazers of this world. Their courage inspires others to awaken to their own potential.

Let your life be your message. Set intentions and walk forward confidently in the direction of your dreams. Let the Universe surprise you along the way and leave space for miracles to unfold.

Today, my intention is to create a world where it is safe for us to love one another. This begins in my life, my home and my relationships.

Enlightenment and personal responsibility

Empowerment requires that we face our fears. Until we do so, they will always block our ability to love

That’s right! I am responsible for my own joy   

Blame creates victim consciousness. When we choose to take responsibility for all that unfolds in our experience and how we respond to it, we become conscious creators. Our thoughts, words and actions send waves of energy throughout the Universe, always showing us precisely what we need to see.

Energy is also created from your innermost core programming and beliefs and can sometimes be harder to recognize. When this is the case, you’ll draw in interactions and situations that will assist you in seeing yourself more clearly. Blame and accusations block the ability to access your inner wisdom; therefore, immediately take responsibility for all that unfolds, knowing that it serves a purpose in the rising of consciousness.

When you choose to approach life with acceptance and a willingness to walk forward in spite of any fear, you create a powerful momentum of insight and awakening that will lead you forward with a greater sense of grace.

Today, my intention is to honor the sacred in all things.

Waking from the dream

Seek to bring a gentle awareness to the present moment.

That’s right! I now choose to recognize the magnificence of my being  

The term spiritual awakening is often interchanged with the word enlightenment. Both indicate the rediscovery of ones ability to see clearly. The willingness to simply be at ease within the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.

Conversely, those deeply trapped within the mechanisms of the ego are considered unconscious or asleep. Rather than labeling someone as evil or wicked, remember that they have yet to awaken. Bring compassion rather than judgment to your experiences.

Every being on the planet is on a journey of discovery. The only difference between us is the level of consciousness from which one experiences life. No matter how lost someone may seem, enlightenment will come.

Today, my intention is to remember that the light of consciousness transforms all that is observed. Peace begins with me.

Let your life be your message

Acceptance and love create a space in which a transformation can occur.

That’s right! I will not negotiate by withholding 

Judgment is a by-product of the ego. Condemning others, whether through “righteous anger” or an internal dialogue, creates blockages between people. The only way to break through the lower levels of unconsciousness is to become more conscious yourself. Let your life be your message.

Love transforms any situation into a space of pure potential. Like water eroding rock, the process may take some time, but the result is permanent. Each loving thought, word or act of kindness plants a seed of awakening. These seeds are nourished by our consistent mindful approach and may thrive in ways you’ve never imagined. Whether you’re there to witness the transformation or not, never doubt the power of love.

This is why we seek to honor all paths as sacred. Each journey is unique, yet all are on the same path of awakening. We never know what will trigger a breakthrough; therefore, act as if every moment is the one that will open doors to new levels of understanding… and remember that love is the key.

Today, my intention is to remember that freedom and change are in the air. I live in harmony with all of life.

Live vibrantly

Bring the best version of yourself to this moment.

That’s right! Every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am

There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your unique way of being in the world. You chose specific traits, skills, motivations and passions for the purpose of exploration in this lifetime. To stifle your gifts is a denial of the joy you can bring to the world.

We are here to learn from one another and to share energy and insight while participating in the awakening consciousness of the planet. Each and every one of us brings something special to the tapestry that we weave together – a magnificent work of art that is constantly evolving.

Empowerment is simply living in alignment with your true nature. Celebrate the diversity you see by living vibrantly and without judgment remembering that there is always something new to discover.

Today, my intention is to see the best in everyone and help them bring out their most joyous qualities.

Love is the absence of judgment

Love and judgment cannot coexist in the same space.

That’s right! My heart is open. I am willing to release all resistance

Judgment, whether directed at others or internalized, is a rejection of what is. It creates a filter that blocks us from experiencing love and balance and adds additional layers of conflict into our life situation.

To truly awaken, we must be willing to experience oneness in a world of difference. When we allow love to guide our interactions, it helps us see beyond the mechanisms of the ego to the commonality that connects us to one another.

What are your most cherished beliefs? These are often the very things we need to examine the most. If resistance arises around changing a viewpoint or expectation, then change is typically what is required. Love yourself enough to open to the power of transformation.

Today, my intention is to remember that everything is an opportunity to awaken.

Peace is possible Now

Peace is possible Now.

That’s right! I am willing to take responsibility for my own joy

Your job is not to seek to change the world, but only to seek to awaken. When we create a space of inner balance and awareness, we bring a new paradigm to our experiences. The changes we experience are not really changes at all, but a rediscovery of our truth and potential by releasing all the barriers to love that we carry.

Many people struggle with the concept of forgiveness – not because forgiveness is distasteful, but because they have become too identified with the ego-driven story of victimhood. A part of the mind cannot fathom the freedom and empowerment that awaits and clings to the known rather than exploring all the life-affirming nuances that spiritual healing has to offer.

Imagine a life unencumbered by regrets about the past or worry about the future. Imagine joy and contentment filling every layer of your being – every cell, thought, memory and dream. Immerse yourself in the present moment and seek joy Now. Everything else will take care of itself.

Today, my intention is to live with an open heart.