The lessons of lotus

The lotus teaches that the greatest beauty grows from the muddiest of waters.

That’s Right! I am a master in the process of awakening

Each and every life situation brings us closer to the dynamic and infinite light of our true nature. When we rise above our challenges with insight and gratitude, we receive the gift of wisdom.

Allow each petal of your being to unfold and receive the energy of love which rains down upon you. Like the lotus, rise from the depths, reaching toward the sun. The great masters teach us to let our beauty shine through, unaffected by the mud or even the waters that surround us – to live in the world but not of it.

This planet is a playground of discovery. As we rise from the depths of illusion to the clarity of living from the heart, we can learn to embrace each moment as sacred.

Today my intention is to remember that I am a work in progress. There is always something new to learn.

Add a descriptionWe have the choice to transform anger and misunderstandings into authentic relationships.

That’s Right! I demonstrate love and kindness through compassionate listening

Most pain is self-induced. We see or hear something, process it through our personal filters and react to the result. Incorrect perceptions flow freely – it’s an aspect of the human condition – and the spiritual seeker discovers how to see beyond illusion to a deeper truth.

Pay attention to the inner talk that begins when someone else is speaking. Make a conscious decision to bring yourself fully present, alert, non-judgmental and simply listen with all your being. Slow things down. When the person has finished their idea, you can then proceed with a greater understanding. This simple process can save you a great deal of pain.

It’s important to consistently remind yourself that you are processing life through a filter and that it may not be 100% accurate. If you have had misunderstandings, let people know that you understand your reactions stemmed from a wrong perception (rather than attacking them or asking them to change or apologize). When we allow someone else to provide additional insight, we cultivate a deeper connection and understanding. Most likely, you’ll discover that they, too, have been trapped by incorrect perceptions.

Bring love to the present moment by being a compassionate listener and someone who speaks with kindness. There is nothing to lose except unnecessary pain.

Today my intention is to be a loving reflection of the Divine. There is always something new to discover.

Live from the heart

Make your decisions based upon love rather than fear.

That’s Right! Every step of my journey is guided by the love, light and laughter of the Universe

You can create the life of your dreams. Feel it. Visualize it. Know that you are worthy of it… and then take one conscious step forward. Begin where you are and allow your heart to guide the way.

It can be easy to get lost in the “hows” of your transformation. Keeping the end result in mind, simply ask yourself if the step you are currently taking is leading you toward it or away from it and make minor adjustments where required. By consciously keeping your movements and choices small and manageable, they will not overwhelm.

Changes allow us to explore the undiscovered facets of ourselves. They give us opportunities to expand beyond perceived limitations and grow exponentially. Once you move beyond any fears that may arise, you’ll discover that life will always rise up to meet you.

Today my intention is to constantly find new ways of looking at my world. I see beauty and potential everywhere.

Be gentle with yourself

Embrace yourself with kindness and compassion.

That’s Right! Love transforms, hatred solidifies

If there are things you wish to change in your experience, seek them out with gentleness. Whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, recognize that awareness and acceptance are the first steps of healing. When they arise, embrace them, for they are a part of you and a part of your spiritual journey of awakening.

As you turn your attention inward, observe yourself without creating an ego-driven story. All the “I shoulds” or “I shouldn’ts” and judgments that we make add layers of negativity on top of the attribute, pattern or belief in question. This heavy energy creates a deep malaise through which we must function in our day to day life. Love yourself enough to create a lightness everywhere in your experience that you possibly can.

It is possible to touch mindfulness, compassion and understanding now – from where you are with what you have. It is manifested by how we live. All change begins within. Consider the person, animal or place that you love with all your heart and all the kindnesses that you extend in that relationship – treat yourself with the same amount of love and consideration through your thoughts, words and conscious actions.

Today my intention is to joyfully keep my inner child safe at the center of my being. I love and cherish my inner child.


What you think, you become. Your thoughts create your reality.

That’s Right! As I change, the world around me is transformed

As we awaken, we drop layers of ego-driven limiting beliefs. With each new level of understanding, we become aware of greater possibility and our perception expands. Learn to see beyond appearances. Often, things are significantly different than they appear. The light of consciousness transforms blockages into opportunity.

Give yourself permission to see clearly. What you allow into your life is a reflection of your current state of consciousness. As you pay attention, you’ll discover how to utilize a higher perception to create new dimensions within your experience.

Stillness allows us the ability to see beyond outer appearances. Recognize the perfection in your imperfection. We all walk the same journey. The only difference is how far along the path of awakening one is and each step is a necessary part of the process. Let your life be a message of peacefulness, empowerment and growth.

Today my intention is to create a space in which a transformation can occur.

Be willing to receive

What are you willing to receive in your life?

That’s Right! All things work toward my highest good

Everything is here to serve your growth. No matter how it appears at the onset, even the most challenging situation is born of love. When in the midst of chaos, remind yourself that it has a purpose, that it contains a gift and affirm that you are willing to receive it.

Those who haven’t yet learned the freedom of an empowered approach tend to get trapped in the cycle of drama, negative expectation, the stories of the mind and repetitive behavior. The spiritual seeker simply has a different set of tools to utilize in times of crisis, and because of this, has the capability to process information differently and ultimately break free to new levels of understanding.

You are loved, guided and supported each and every step of the way. Close your eyes and imagine the energy of the earth flowing upward with each step you take. As this grounding energy brings you present, visualize the love, light and laughter of the Divine flowing downward to enter you through the crown chakra. You are the conduit between heaven and earth. You are the loving witness of arising consciousness. You have a purpose.

Today my intention is to be the peace I want to see in the world. I choose to bring harmony into my relationships and all of my experiences.

Be the light

The infinite light of the Divine shines through you.

That’s Right! I am a lifetime student of love

No matter how much you learn, you have only scratched the surface of all there is to discover. Continue to expand your mind and absorb new ideas that shift your perceptions to higher levels. When you have mastered a particular concept or strength, allow it to become the foundation for the next levels of your growth.

Every every spiritual teaching is a stepping stone to the next. This continual process of awakening changes your energy, allowing you greater understanding. This is a lifetime process. The more you discover, the more your life will reflect the effects of your transformation. It’s important to love who you are and what you have to offer – this is how your share your light with the world.

Be the joyful expression of life. Your thoughts create your reality.

Today my intention is to live totally in the now, experiencing each moment as it unfolds, seeing the perfection in the process of my awakening.

The present moment

This moment is filled with limitless possibility.

That’s Right! The point of power is always in the present moment

All you need to do is accept this moment as it is. Doing so will bring greater peace into your experience. Periodically observe your thoughts, asking “Am I at ease at this moment?” Pay attention to the body, it will let you know if there is any resistance within you. Resistance often appears as tension, judgment, pain or boredom.

When you bring your awareness to the Now, the process of self-observation increases your level of consciousness and layers of resistance begin to dissipate. You can always handle the present moment. The answers, resources and strength that you require will be there when you need them.

The mind needs to be still in order to recognize the sacredness and beauty that is all around you. Stillness can only occur Now, this moment. Be here completely. Love yourself enough to be at ease… and then take one more conscious step forward.

Today my intention is to trust my inner wisdom. I choose to experience what life offers with acceptance and grace.

Choose joy

Surround yourself with things, people and ideas that bring you joy.

That’s Right! My purpose is to live an empowered and fulfilling life

Happiness is your divine right. All too often, people live with the limiting belief that life is hard and that one must suffer in order to get ahead. We suffer until we realize that there is no need to suffer.

Practice finding joy in the little things: an inspiring piece of music that makes your heart come alive, the way sunlight spills through the trees creating unique patterns on the earth, respond to the smile of a dogs loving eyes… Once you master happiness in the Now, expand it outward. Feel it guide you throughout the day. Discover the power of choosing joy even in the midst of challenging moments.

When you maintain an undercurrent of satisfaction and peace as the foundation of your journey, you step into an empowered way of being. Expecting good to come from everywhere and everything creates a magnetic effect that draws energetically aligned people and circumstances into your experience. Celebrate it!

Today my intention is to give myself permission to be all that I can be. I deserve the very best in life.


Your journey is unique. Every situation has played a part in your awakening. Embrace what is.

That’s Right! I choose to live in acceptance

Nothing in your life should have been any different than it was. There are no mistakes, only opportunities to discover your strengths and abilities. When we choose to accept rather than reject, life becomes a series of possibilities.

Everyone in your world has come to learn something. Treat each person as a disciple of love and wisdom. Bring patience to the process of growth – it often takes lifetimes to completely break free of limiting patterns.

In the end, we discover wholeness. We recognize our infinite potential and the potential of all beings. Saying yes to life allows the opportunity to turn within instead of searching outside for answers.

To be a seeker is to drop perceived securities. Vulnerability and openness pave the way to a life of freedom and harmony.

Today my intention is to be kind and gentle with myself as I grow and change.