The light is within you

All transformation begins within.

“The source of luminosity is within you. It is not outside you. If you seek it outside, you seek in vain. Close your eyes and go within yourself. It is there… waiting since eternity. You are a light – a light unto yourself.”
If you seek joy and fulfillment from external circumstances, your life will be filled with highs and lows that are seemingly out of your control. When you seek to create peace from within, you touch the source of all creation and are no longer subject to outside factors. Relax into your truth and you’ll discover that you are more content and empowered.

We live in a free-will universe and each of us is responsible for our own joy. Those who are lost in unconsciousness become trapped within the mind and move toward misery. As we move into higher levels of consciousness, our choices will bring greater peace.

Today my intention is to tend to my own state of consciousness. I will bring the best version of myself to my life situation.

One moment

Each moment is filled with limitless possibility.

“In every moment, you have a choice: to live the life of spiritual practice or retreat into comfort and security.”
~Ezra Bayda~ 
How many times has your life pivoted because you met someone new, became inspired by something you read or opened your perception to different ideas? In every instance, whether you consciously sought it or not, you were ready for a transformation. Life responded to your needs and you responded to life.

Everything can shift in a moment – stay observant and willing to receive. Magic is always in motion and you are right where you need to be. Allow the new to enter your experience for the moment of transformation is at hand. Consider too, that your presence may be instrumental for another. Bring love, compassion and awareness to every interaction and watch what unfolds.

Today my intention is to know that I stand at the threshold of new levels of consciousness. I am willing to walk forward.


Experiencing the mystery

Find your unique way of experiencing the mystery.

“Meditation heals, makes you whole; and to be whole is holy. Holiness has nothing to do with belonging to any religion, belonging to any church. It simply means that inside you, you are entire, complete, nothing is missing, you are fulfilled. You are what existence wanted you to be. You have realized your potential.”
Your journey is unique. Be inspired, creative, open and passionate as you discover your authentic connection with the Divine. Honor all beliefs as sacred, for each has something beautiful to teach. Old souls tend to explore many pathways to enlightenment while creating a personal approach for their own spirituality.

Your level of consciousness determines how you interpret the world around you. The goal is love – to drop judgment, desire and struggle and explore the mysteries of the Divine. Trust the processes of your awakening and befriend existence. Life is a mirror. Your love will be reflected to you.

Today my intention is to celebrate life.


Love surrounds you

Your consciousness, your love, awakens life’s symphony.

“Love is the bridge between you and everything.”
We learn by experiencing contrast. A life filled with love is typically discovered by rising above our fears. When you are willing to face the shadows of the soul, you will emerge changed, empowered and courageous.

Everything plays a role in your journey of transformation. Each step you take is supported, loved and guided – even (or especially!) in those moments when guidance and peace feel distant. The Universe is celebrating the journey of your soul and when you can open your heart to receive, magic awakens in your life.

Karmic cycles and challenges are meant to open you to greater love and balance. Seek only to fall in love with life. It is a miracle. You are a miracle, and your light brings something new and beautiful to the world.

Today my intention is to trust the processes of life.

Live in the realm of possibility

Infinite possibilities await discovery.

“What happens when we slow down and pay attention? Everything! Innumerable delights are right at hand.”
~Ezra Bayda~ 
Relate to yourself with a sense of love and acceptance. Criticism has no place in the development of the awakening soul. As you learn more, you will do better. It’s as simple as that. Honor yourself as a work in progress.

Release the word “can’t” from your vocabulary. Approach new ideas or challenges with the phrase “how can I?” instead. When you open yourself to expansiveness and inspiration, the options are endless.

Your joy is your own responsibility. Don’t wait until you achieve a specific goal or feel safe, embrace joy as the adventures are unfolding. This makes the path of transformation sweeter. And you’ll discover that every moment is an opportunity to discover the boundless magic and love inherent in your soul’s journey.

Today my intention is to listen to my inner wisdom.


The power of belief

Our deepest beliefs hold the greatest power over our lives.

“Whether you think you can, or think you can’t… you’re right.”
~Henry Ford~ 

When the mind gets lost in limiting beliefs, life appears to be a struggle. “It’s hard,” “This will never work,” “Nothing ever goes my way,” “Every time things are going well, something bad happens.” All of these ideas block the possibility of movement forward, yet many people actually say them out loud and operate from a place of impending loss rather than joyful expectation.

Observe the patterns that repeat in your life experience. Their purpose is to bring your awareness to mind-made prisons that you have created. Awareness is the first step of transformation. In order to manifest change, be willing to take responsibility for your own joy in the present moment. Notice the thoughts that repeat and purposely rewrite the script as often as necessary. Ensure that your words represent what you wish to create rather than verbalizing your fears.

You are more powerful than you realize.This is the moment of transformation and you can create freedom and joy in your life experience.

Today my intention is to open myself to the magic of limitless possibility.

Walk gently

Walk gently – you can discover life’s wonder and mystery wherever you are.

“Trust is yes. Knowing that this existence is our mother, that nature is our source and it can’t be against us, it can’t be inimical to us. Seeing this, understanding this, trust arises.”

Let your journey of consciousness reconnect you to the healing energy of mother earth. There are minor chakras located on the soles of the feet. Eac morning, visualize them opening to receive grace, direction, support and balance as you go about your day. As a child of light, know that you are loved, guided and protected each and every step of the way.

Experiences awaken our ability to discover the multi-layered facets of existence. Each is a stepping stone to creating a joyful, empowered life. This movement of awareness begins with gratitude and gentleness. All that you see is a spark of the Divine. Recognizing and honoring the sacredness of all life awakens the sacredness within you.

Today my intention is to live from the heart.



Happiness is just a thought away

Happiness is a choice…

“My new world is a reflection of my new thinking. It is a joy and a delight to plant new seeds, for I know these seeds will become my new experiences.”
~Louise Hay~ 

Empowerment means that you are ready to take responsibility for your own joy in this moment. When you no longer allow outside factors to control how you feel, you begin to set yourself free from the grip of unhappiness and desire. Your thoughts create your reality; therefore, consciously draw your attention to your inner dialogue and redirect it in positive ways as often as required.

The mind should be utilized as a tool rather than allowed free rein as a master of your experience. It does take some practice to break free from old habits, but you’ll discover that your awareness accelerates the process.

Gratitude is the most powerful tool we have to transform challenges into empowerment. Practice daily remembering that there is always more to learn. But most of all, remember this – happiness is a choice.

Today my intention is to choose to love life. I create joyful experiences.

Spiritual growth through relationships

All your relationships are a reflection of your state of consciousness.

“Spiritual practice is about increasingly entering in love – not personal love, but the love that is the nature of our being.”
~Ezra Bayda~ 

Love those who grace your life by giving them space to grow and thrive. When we view our relationships as opportunities to see ourselves more clearly, they take on an active role in our spiritual awakening.

Whether in your life for a moment or for a lifetime, each beautiful soul has a purpose. Consider this: those that challenge you the most on the physical plane often love you the most on the spiritual plane. They are willing to play a role that accelerates your growth – sometimes at the expense of your affection and good will in this lifetime. With this in mind, see if you can see past the egoic roles to the love which underlies every situation.

We are here to discover who we are in the presence of one another. Your light, too, plays a role in the growth of those around you. Do your own work, becoming ever more conscious. Then, observe how your relationships are transformed.

Today my intention is to honor every path as sacred.

The wise heart

Be at ease. Choose to be a lifetime student of love.

“The willingness to simply rest in the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.”
~Ezra Bayda~ 
You are perfect in your imperfection, a master in the process of awakening. Know that you are right where you need to be and all will be revealed in the perfect way at the perfect time. Cultivate the art of being at ease in the face of the unknown, for is a powerful aspect of your spiritual growth.

When faced with a challenge that seems overwhelming, mention it during your gratitude walk. One way to honor the process of your awakening is to acknowledge that you are grateful for the challenge (even while it is still in process) and willing to accept the gift or wisdom it will ultimately bring into your life experience.

Your willingness to be open accelerates your growth. Anything can be transformed from frustration into empowerment.

Today my intention is to remember that everything I experience plays a significant role in my spiritual transformation.