When unencumbered by the mind, joy is our natural state of being.
\”Beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.\”
~Kahlil Gibran~
Rather than striving to be a certain way, cultivate your inner beauty through self-acceptance, expressing kindness, sharing your gifts and reaching out to one another in love.
The way to discover your authentic way of being in the world is to fulfill your unique potential. There is no need to compare yourself to another. The Divine expresses itself perfectly through you. As you awaken and free yourself from the mind, you will naturally become more open and the beauty that shines from within will make itself known.
You are a blessing. You have chosen to be here now for a purpose. Remember that any light, no matter how small, will transform a darkened room. In much the same way, your radiance illuminates the lives of those around you.