Psychic Vampirism

 “Great calm, generous detachment, selfless love, disinterested effort: these are what make for success in life. If you can find peace in yourself and can spread comfort around you, you will be happier than an empress.”
~Rabindranath Tagore~

When someone is lost in dysfunction, they are completely unaware of their ability to connect to the Divine. Unconsciously, they replenish themselves by absorbing energy from the people around them.

This energy exchange can happen in a few ways but primarily it comes from strong reactions. Whether in the form of anger or arguments, frustration or egoic response, the action is the same. Your aura grows large (you might even feel a rush of energy at this point) and flows outward toward the other person. They absorb it and walk away from the interaction feeling much better… leaving you with the need to process and recover your balance.

You can stop this unhealthy flow through neutrality, genuine compassion or unconditional love. For most people, neutrality is the easiest place to get to quickly. When you choose not to respond or feed the energy in any way, you are protecting yourself. The people may (unknowingly) feel thwarted and try another angle, but if you can remain neutral and/or compassionate, eventually they will either move on to deal with someone more reactive or learn something from the interaction.

Choose to abstain from co-dependent energetic behavior. This gift of love allows each person to process through their own lessons and challenges while teaching you the art of compassionate detachment. When you do choose to consciously engage, you become a channel through which pure energy of the Divine can flow. This is invigorating rather than draining – uplifting and limitless – and a healthier way to assist one another on the journey.

Step Into Empowerment

“Only you can take inner freedom away from yourself, or give it to yourself. Nobody else can.”
~Michael A. Singer~

Empowerment is cultivated by viewing all aspects of life as a spiritual journey directed by our higher consciousness. It’s amazing to discover the power of our thoughts and intentions as we witness the pieces of our unique puzzle fall into place. This is especially joyful when we make soul connections which uplift our spirits or create space in which transformation can occur.

But what about the challenges we manifest… the karmic situations which require us to expand our vision, the accidents that shift our plans or the unfolding of events which frustrate us until we learn the art of acceptance and how to go with the flow? These too are of our own design. The ego will tend to want to go into a “why me?” mode, complain, share the burden, blame or give up in an emotional whirlwind of thought and story; however, as powerful co-creators of our experience, we must stop and take full responsibility for all things.

You are never a helpless victim of fate. When accidents occur, there are a few things you can ask yourself:

  • Am I angry about anything?
  • Why am I trying to get my own attention?
  • Do I feel the need to be punished?
  • Do I need attention and nurturing?
  • Have I taken on so much responsibility that I need a rest?
  • What am I trying to avoid?
  • What is my soul looking to accomplish?

Once the dust settles and the emotions become more neutral, take some time to self assess. As a conscious, masterful soul in the process of awakening you have the advantage of knowing that all things work toward your highest good. Listen to the messages you receive and see how quickly you can move back into a state of empowerment.

Everything you experience, whether easy or challenging, joyful or painful, is a stepping stone to higher consciousness.

The Earth is Sacred

“The whole of planet Earth is a sacred site.
All people are the chosen people,
and the purpose of our lives is a spiritual one.
May we care for each other, and for the earth,
for everything relates to everything else.
Feeling this oneness, may we radiate the light of love and kindness that all may live in unity and peace.”
~Radha Sahar~

If each one of us made the loving effort to use a little less and leave the spaces we inhabit cleaner than we found them, the impact would create a beautiful wave of kinetic energy. All change begins within and extends outward; therefore, we create positive changes in ourselves and the world around us by letting love guide our choices and actions.

When you care for something or someone, you tend to think of their needs. There is a joyful desire to make them smile or let them know that they are loved. This unconditional kindness can be applied to everything we do. Find the sacredness that speaks to your soul and let it sparkle throughout the countless nuances of your life.

Love resides at the core of everything. Remember to take the time to consciously recognize it.

Expand into Love

“Each and every component of our being – from our consciousness as a whole to our least of thoughts, emotions and sensations – yearns for one and only state: an ever-growing expansion, a complete shattering of the sense of contraction and limitation, a total liberation from the confined structure of distinct barriers and sidewalls.”
~Shai Tubali~

Endlessly seeking to be perfect reaffirms the limiting perception that we are somehow less than perfect. High ideals can be a distraction on the Path of Transformation. When we seek instead to raise our vibration, thus providing ourselves a expanded perception and broader viewpoint, we discover additional ways to be in the world and have a greater chance of choosing attitudes and responses that align us with joy.

Can you simply observe yourself and others without judgment or analyzing? There is great beauty in recognizing the incredible potential that is inherent in this moment. Imperfection is perfect. The unfolding journey is perfect. The act of learning and awakening is the goal. How can we do anything else but cheer one another on?

Weave the intricate tapestry of your future by expanding yourself in love today. You will draw in that which is needed for your souls growth… recognizing the opportunities, teachers, circumstances and laughter that will light your way. Consciousness requires nothing less than a constant state of awareness and intention. Be willing to receive and you’ll discover that your joy is a magnet.

I Am…

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.”
~Deepak Chopra~
There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Wherever you are, be there completely. Mastery is the act of taking personal responsibility for one’s own life and how we choose to experience what unfolds.

The words, “I Am…” create your reality. Step into your power by paying attention to how you complete that sentence throughout the day. Slow down and enjoy the present moment and all that it has to offer. Purposely set positive energy and expectation in place by saying things like, “I am right where I need to be. I am in the midst of healthy changes. I am adventurous/joyful/abundant.”

You can bring awareness into your experience and reclaim your Divine birthright. You are here to thrive, to be joyful and to rise above limitation. Your conscious intent has the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment.

Embrace Uncertainty

“Fear is non acceptance of uncertainty. If we accept that uncertainty, it becomes adventure.”

We humans have limited perception by divine design. The unknowable aspects of life allow us to cultivate the art of surrender. At some point, we discover that things actually flow better when we do not attempt to control the outside world. Instead, we learn to place our focus on the inner and listen to the language of the soul.

The higher your state of consciousness, the easier life flows. If you are immersed in struggle, see if you can take a step back from the situation and allow it to be what it is. Consciously choose to release all attachment and become the observer. This process opens the doors of perception and sets you free from any self-made prisons.

Don’t wait for your life to fall into place before you choose to be joyful. Instead, choose to be joyful now and life will reflect your joy to you in beautiful and surprising ways.

Resistance as a Teacher

“We are not the only ones affected by our recovery. The spiritual awakening heals the world one person at a time.” 
~Marta Mrotek~

Often, when you begin to make substantial progress in your own spiritual growth, you’ll find that you encounter resistance from the people around you. It may be surprising to witness push-back from those who will benefit the most from your increasing awareness; however, it’s also the best form of proof of your expanding consciousness.

As we change, the world around us must change. The resistance you experience serves two purposes: it allows you to continue cultivating the attributes of a spiritual, evolving person and demonstrates the impact your growth is having on those around you.

In relationships, the person of lower consciousness actually has the most difficulty. As one becomes more empowered and present, they choose not to engage in drama as they may have in the past. The lack of energy exchange is very frustrating for those still engaged in psychic vampirism.

It’s important to cultivate compassion and gentleness. You can be kind when others are caught in the grip of drama – kind enough not to engage. Any decisions will then be based in love. Resistance, in spite of how it appears, is also an act of love that contributes to your growth.

Freedom To Discover

“Do not repeat after me words that you do not understand. Do not merely put on a mask of my ideas, for it will be an illusion and you will thereby deceive yourself.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
As we explore various aspects of spiritual awareness we come to formulate our own way of being. Allow yourself to be led by joy. One’s belief system has to be more than quoting particular books or teachings. The process of living authentically, teaching others and articulating the truths we value takes on a higher quality.
You may discover that you are undefinable, a unique  amalgam  of ideas and experiences that is wholly yours. If so, you are on the right track. All the teachings we absorb are merely pointers to a greater truth. When the soul responds to something with a heart-felt “Yes!” explore it. If the teaching or book or process has even one sentence that awakens your spirit, it has done it’s job.
We are all masters in the process of awakening. Without judgment, simply observe how you walk through the world. Notice how your thoughts influence your interpretation of life. Then, see past them to the love which resides at the core of everything. This is freedom.

Create Something New

Art is unquestionably one of the purest and highest elements in human happiness. It trains the mind through the eye, and the eye through the mind. As the sun colors flowers, so does art color life.”
~John Lubbock~
No matter what change you wish to create in your life situation, begin now. Consistent movement creates positive, life-affirming new habits and the tiniest of steps will still lead you forward. We are here to experience constant transformation. Every thought, word and action sends waves of energy throughout the universe that will ultimately teach you amazing things about yourself.
The practice of consciously directing energy begins with an idea. Life prompts us to imagine something different. Inspiration and enthusiasm combine to create joyful expression and we celebrate the process of our own expansion. Expansion requires us to drop the things which no longer serve our growth. It allows us to step into empowerment and flow with the movement of life.
Acceptance is the doorway to tremendous growth and empowerment. You have the opportunity to dance, celebrate, create and rejoice – and in that celebration, evolve beyond limitation and step into the realm of infinite possibility.

The Road Less Traveled

“Follow the truth of the way. Reflect upon it. Make it your own. Live it. It will always sustain you.”

Your journey is unique. The beauty of knowing and accepting this allows you the freedom to walk your own path. No longer seeking outside validation, you can discover a personal connection to life that becomes more profound as your consciousness expands.

Part of the old soul experience is learning to be comfortable being different. Breaking free from identification with the ego prompts us to forgo following the crowd or trying to fit in. The most beautiful aspects of awakening are solitary moments in which we simply commune with the divine, find inner peace and marvel at the miracles that surround us. Sprinkle enough of these moments of connection throughout your day and your experience of the world will be transformed.

All that you seek is within you; therefore, it’s important to trust the process of your awakening. As you find your truth, live it to the best of your ability. In every moment we have the opportunity to teach by example. Living authentically is often the road less traveled, but it is well worth the journey.