
“People have a hard time letting go of their suffering.
Out of a fear of the unknown,
They prefer suffering that is familiar.“
~Thich Nhat Hanh~
When plans crumble or change is thrust upon us, the natural human tendency is to resist. The mind prefers the known to the unknown, even when the unknown offers the possibility of freedom, happiness or growth. Because of this, many will often stay trapped in repetitive cycles long after they have served any useful purpose.
Life will often shake up the status quo. These moments of intensity or loss contain the seeds of new beginnings. Remind yourself that everything in your experience is there to help you grow or to wake you up. Challenges bring hidden strengths to the surface and once the storm has passed, there will be clarity and limitless potential to explore as you build again.
We can choose to look forward with optimism. Rather than losing oneself in the belief that life is wrong or mistakes were made, see each moment as an opportunity to discover the best of yourself. You are loved, and you are stronger than you know.

Life is the Journey

“The healthiest response to life is laughter from the heart, and even in the face of global turmoil, we can cultivate an internal sense of optimism.”
~From Why is God laughing? by Deepak Chopra~

It is said that love is the destination and life is the journey… You have a unique way of being in the world. Honor it simply by being yourself. Your style, perception, grace and laughter spark a new energy in our awakening consciousness. Everything in your experience is filled with infinite potential – what will you choose to create?
Remember that what you see in the physical world is often the exact opposite of what is occurring in the spiritual world. Opportunities are often disguised as loss. Look deeper. If you ego clamors for reactive patterns or worry, strive to do the opposite. This will allow you to transform the challenges you encounter into  strength.
Gratitude will always create a flow of positive energy in your experience. It takes us from victim-hood consciousness to empowerment. You are right where you need to be. You are safe, supported, loved and guided each and every step of the way. It’s time to reclaim your freedom – the freedom to thrive.

Your Infinite Nature

“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.”
~Henry David Thoreau~
You can enter the gap between thought and action and take the time to breathe.There is nothing more beautiful than discovering the endless facets of our infinite nature. Surround yourself with those who are spiritual seekers – immerse yourself in new perceptions – and take the time to allow yourself to shine.Conscious breathing is a great place to start. It draws the attention to the heart chakra and begins to slow down the pace of the mind. Choose to be thrilled to live this adventure and see life as far more expansive than previously imagined.

Whenever you feel tempted to do things in the same old way, out of perceived comfort, familiarity or the belief that you’ve mastered some aspect of your life, ask yourself if there’s any value in repeating the past… or might you learn more from taking a risk, discovering new capabilities or opening to new knowledge. This beautiful journey never ends – no matter how much we know, we’ve barely begun to experience the infinite.

Inner Beauty

“Beauty isn’t in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.”
~Kahlil Gibran~

You bring something beautiful and unique to the world. When we drop man-made imprinting and self-criticism, we create a space where something new can emerge. Seek to engage in an inner dialogue that is supportive, kind and adventurous. There is an art to living fully immersed in the beauty of the present moment – see it, experience it. Wherever you are, be the soul of that place.

As a child of light you are entire, complete; nothing is missing, you are fulfilled. One act of trust leads to another, and another. And when doubt arises, choose to see through it and trust anyway. This creates a momentum of transformation and your true potential shines through.
Once you learn to see life as an opportunity to love, a new quality arises in your experience. Begin within. Turn your gratitude and appreciation inward. It will naturally be reflected to you through the whole of existence.


“Put light against light – you have nothing. Put dark against dark – you have nothing. It’s the contrast of light and dark that each give the other one meaning.”
~Bob Ross~
Everything plays a unique role in our collective awakening. When we release judgment and look through the eyes of love, we discover the grand beauty of existence. Light cannot exist without the dark. All of life is a movement of contrast.

Loneliness gives a deeper understanding of the gifts to be discovered through relationships. Fear teaches us to be courageous. Judgment, and the illusion of separation it causes, allows us to discover the beauty of Oneness through acceptance. Play with opposites, consciously utilizing them as aspects of your spiritual growth.

Everything is part of the the dance of love and all situations have something valuable to teach. Honor your path as sacred. Seek the answers that bring peace to your heart, even in the midst of sorrow or frustration. There is no limit to the gifts you will discover throughout this journey of awakening. Layer by layer, you will release anything that no longer serves you. Embrace the contrasts of your life and the lessons they have to offer.

Infinite Possibilities

“When you acknowledge the integrity of your solitude, and settle into its mystery, your relationships with others take on a new warmth, adventure and wonder.”
~John O’Donohue~

There is a fathomless place within you where infinite possibilities dwell. Over lifetimes, you will explore the limitless facets of love, enlightenment, creativity and ways of being. Each level of exploration offers myriad ways to express yourself as you are transformed by the varied experiences drawn into your realm.

Those who are not consciously seeking enlightenment are still on this journey. Their inner wisdom prompts them along a path of discovery where new information is constantly being absorbed until suddenly, something shifts. A new paradigm emerges – seemingly out of nowhere – and life takes on new meaning. This is the powerful, natural process of awakening.

Practicing non-judgment and acceptance creates a space in which that transformation can occur. Your willingness to allow others to be exactly where they are creates a level of safety where they can drop their defenses, clearing the way for new insights to emerge.

When you choose to see everyone as your teacher, life becomes a place of empowerment and discovery. Trust the processes of your awakening with the realization that you are right where you need to be.



Sacred Space

“Gratitude is a sacred space where you allow and know that a force greater than your ego is always at work and always available.”
Wayne Dyer~

Once you discover what makes you feel deeply connected to the Divine, immerse yourself within it on a daily basis. Quiet moments in gratitude, tending your garden, reading in the sunshine, doing yoga, playing music, preparing food, meditation, prayer, journaling, conscious breath… anything that soothes your soul is a doorway to peace.

Repetitive behavior creates a shift in your energetic field. When you consciously set an intention to feel balanced, peaceful and grateful, it becomes easier to access the energy that has already been set in motion. In this way, you carry your sacred space with you.

You are the conduit through which the Divine experiences itself in the world of form. With this in mind, you can look upon life with eyes of mystery and delight and it becomes a sanctuary where that experience can be honored.

See Yourself Differently

“There is really nothing to be achieved here; only something to be accepted-the fact of your own divinity.”
~Paul Brunton~

When we are led by joy, amazing things happen. Let the expression of uniqueness dance in your eyes as you gaze upon the world. Your passion awakens infinite possibilities. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who follows their bliss and shares that energy, simply by being authentic.

Make a conscious decision to see yourself as perfect in your imperfection. Quirkiness, when contrasted with moments of insight and kindness, creates an aura of  awareness that simply allows you to embrace what is. Your Presence is transformative.

Each of us has a unique role to play in our collective awakening. Tend to your own state of awareness knowing that all will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time. Be willing to try something new today. Experimenting with the unknown often brings out wonderful aspects of the Self that have been lying dormant. It is time to explore the vastness of your being.

You are already a masterpiece. There is nothing to find, nothing to discover… you need only to drop the barriers within you that block you from seeing the truth of your infinite nature and potential.


“Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth.”
~Dr. Scott Peck~

Most people treat those they love and respect with compassion. They offer supportive words, a hug when required and provide kindnesses to lift the spirit. But when the focus goes inward, the voice of criticism appears. We tend to be much harder on ourselves, subjecting the psyche to an endless diatribe of expectation, recriminations and judgment.

It’s time to see the sacredness in yourself, to honor the past that has brought you to this moment and to celebrate the strength and wisdom you have cultivated along the way. Choosing to see the perfection in the imperfection is a good place to begin. Make a point to observe your self talk and place your focus on being loving and supportive. Do not allow corrosive words to create patterns of limitation and lack.

When your self talk is aligned with the love of the Divine, you are in tune with universal consciousness. Your inner wisdom, grace and acceptance create an aura of empowerment that emanates from you in myriad ways. Observe the ego when it arises. Bless it for the lessons it has come to teach and then choose to see beyond it to the fire of your soul. Quieting the voice of ego will allow the vibrant light of your inner beauty to shine through.

Living Your Truth

I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I awoke and saw that life was service. I acted and behold, service was joy.
~Rabindranath Tagore~

Your role is to discover your unique path and live it to the best of your ability. Nothing is more fulfilling than living in one’s truth. When we stop trying to comply with other’s beliefs or expectations, and seek authentic joy in the sacred space of daily life, a space opens… and in this space, miracles are possible.

If you have found your passion, live it Now to the best of your ability. If your search continues, trust that your soul’s mission will make itself known to you at the perfect time.
Everyone has something  beautiful to offer – a moment of compassion or empathy can be life-changing for those who are touched by your energy. Sharing new insights, artistic vision, passion or laughter can open new avenues of experience. Never doubt the transformative power of your conscious choices and interactions.