Your Moments of Stillness

“Alone-in moments of prayer or meditation, or simply in stillness-we breathe more deeply, see more fully, hear more keenly. We notice more, and in the process, we return to what is sacred.”
~Katrina Kenison~
There is no right way to enter stillness. The beauty of exploration is discovering the ways in which your unique light comes alive. Over the years I’ve found peacefulness in the small moments of conscious gratitude – sitting outside with a good book, writing in the early hours of the morning, watching the sun rise as I commune with the Divine, eating mindfully. There is nothing unusual or earth-shattering about my practice. It simply soothes my soul.
Your peacefulness is the barometer of your awakening. As you engage with life, be the observer. Notice how you respond to the unexpected or the unwanted. Simplify where you can and fill your experience with little sparks of joy. The infinite source of life itself seeks to express itself through you. Give yourself time to be. The pathway to love is lit from within and in order to access that guiding wisdom, stillness is required.


“You don’t have to remind a flower when its time to bloom is near; it has been preparing for it all of its life.”
~Matshona Dhliwayo~

As we learn to transcend the mechanics of the ego and rise above thought, we are able to recognize the sacredness in life and within ourselves. All that you see is a reflection of your current state of consciousness; therefore, choose to periodically remove yourself from outside distraction and just be. Experience the beauty of life without mental chatter. Immerse yourself in the magic of the present moment and in the stillness, feel the vibrant response of your soul.

When we spend time in nature in this manner, our energy is replenished. The stresses of the day become less important as simple gratitude transforms the mundane into the sacred. The small, ordinary things of life become vehicles of spiritual awakening. The laugh of a child, the love of a dog, clouds creating pictures in the sky… everything is the voice of the Divine. Recognizing this, you are enlightened.

Be Willing to Receive

“If you want the moon, do not hide from the night.
If you want a rose, do not run from the thorns.
If you want love, do not hide from yourself.”

Know how to accept sustenance and fulfillment from life. Instead of striving, allow. Instead of stress and worry, receive. The Tao te Ching teaches that the less we do, the more we get done. Many people run hither and yon trying to squeeze in as much as they can. They multitask and let anxiety run their lives.

Everything is energy. See yourself as a magnet that draws in the people, circumstances and resources that you require. Let your actions be simple and mindful. Endless striving actually pushes away the object of your desire, much in the same way that magnets repel one another until the poles are reversed.

There is great power in this moment. Tap into it. Recognize the abundance and love that rains upon you from all dimensions. The reward is a strong sense of inner peace and contentment as you allow yourself to align with the perfection of the universe.

Living in Totality

“When you give your complete attention – I mean everything in you – there is no observer at all. There is only the state of attention which is total energy, and that total energy is the highest form of intelligence.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
Practice being present. Without the need to name or identify, simply observe the world without filters. Bring stillness into the Now and appreciate whatever appears. This wholeness, this awareness has a higher quality. Imagine walking through life without opinions, descriptors or categorizing. The art of being present is based in stillness.
Life is artistry in motion. Many forget to enjoy the beauty of being outside at twilight, watching the light change the colors of the sky, or to receive the gift of a sunrise as the birds awaken. This is the time to reignite the flames of experience, open the heart and remove preconceptions that distract us from appreciating the beauty of Now.
We are not separate from life; rather, it is an outward reflection of our inner state of consciousness. Taste the fullness of this moment. Immerse yourself within it. Let all of your senses come alive. Your awareness is transformative.

Waking from the Dream

“You wake from dreams of doom and–for a moment–you know: beyond all the noise and the gestures, the only real thing, love’s calm unwavering flame in the half-light of an early dawn.”
~Dag Hammarskjöld~

Sometimes awakening can be a gentle drifting up through the layers of illusion and symbolism to a morning filled with wonder. Other times, we are jarred awake by an invasive sound, struggling through a nightmare or the movement of another person or animal. These experiences are metaphoric for our spiritual awakening.

The most intense awakenings are abrupt. An experience shifts our perception, a limiting pattern shatters leaving us seeking shelter from the unknown or we feel the insistent calling of our inner purpose. Don’t go back to sleep. There are many, many paths to explore and soul mates waiting to be discovered.

You are the dreamer and life is the dreamed. Quietly hold the illusion in your  mind, what is it trying to tell you? Ultimately you will discover that love resides at the core of everything. All of life supports you in this endeavor.

Setting the Tone

“Waking up this morning, I smile. Twenty-four brand new hours are before me. I vow to live fully in each moment and to look at all beings with eyes of compassion.”
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

Greet the day with joyful expectation and consciously set an intention of exploring the world with a open heart. When we choose to approach the present moment with the innocence and openness of a child, miracles begin to unfold. By releasing attachment to the ‘shoulds’ and embracing what is, we allow a new perception to unfold.

You are the co-creator of your experience. Observe your self-talk and adjust when necessary. You can choose to see your life as an adventure in time and space. Become a loving witness to the infinite ways in which the Universe speaks to you. When you really pay attention, everything contains a message meant to guide your unique path of transformation.

The new friendships, experiences, ideas and circumstances you encounter will break you free from any limiting routines you may have created. These compelling energies will awaken the aspects of yourself that are ready to shine and bring them to the surface.


Nature Heals

“The goal is to make your heartbeat match the beat of the universe, to match your nature with nature.”
~Joseph Campbell~

When the heart and mind are overwhelmed, let nature heal you. Whether exploring the wilderness of remote places or standing alone barefoot in the grass, there is a stillness that speaks to the soul.

Even when indoors, a glance out the window to a sky filled with clouds and color can remind us of the miracles and artistry of life. Often I hear birds outside my door and it brings me joy to bear witness to the songs of their delight.

Nature, in whatever form it arrives, is soothing because there is no thought. The flowers are deeply present. The trees stand sentinel and within the cawing of crows I hear reminders to speak my truth.

The things that bring delight are simply consciousness in physical form. Everything is an aspect of love and when we take the time to listen, experience and appreciate, we can walk gently in the world.


“Your heart and my heart are very, very old friends.”


There are moments when we meet someone with whom we have an instant connection. Two souls recognize each other and immediately feel a sense of familiarity, a feeling of “Oh, it’s you!” The friendship deepens naturally and time spent apart doesn’t lessen the love and joy they bring into each others’ experience.

Whether we walk with these soul friends for a moment or for a lifetime, the love remains. Life after life we find one another, changing roles and scenarios, learning, teaching, laughing, challenging. Celebrate your soul friends and express gratitude for the role they have played in your growth. There will come a day when we have a deeper understanding of the energy behind all of these experiences.

As each piece of the puzzle falls into place, a picture emerges… one of purpose, enlightenment, awakening. The ultimate role of friendship is to help one another find the way through this unique process of discovery. Beyond the roles of this life there is a greater collective experience that we will explore. Expand your love outward knowing that we are one.

The Joy of Being

“Perfect happiness is a beautiful sunset, the giggle of a grandchild, the first snowfall. It’s the little things that make happy moment, not the grand events. Joy comes in sips, not gulps.”

~Sharon Draper~

You are a joyous expression of the divine, a beautiful masterpiece coming alive, each line drawn through the gift of experience. Seek only to be fully present with whatever unfolds. Quietly do your inner work and allow the infinite energy of the Divine to flow through you.
When you chose to be joyful, there is no one in the world who can take that from you. Our experience of life is the physical expression of our level of consciousness. Your light brings a unique energy into the world and as you evolve, you cultivate the ability to create a deeper connection with the joy of being.
True joy runs deeper than desire, experiences, disappointments or struggle. In the midst of challenge, it calls upon us to become the observer, to see life through the lens of compassion and freedom. Joy frees you from fear. Remember to pause and appreciate where you are. Honor your journey as sacred with the realization that far more is happening on your behalf than you realize. Love rains down upon you from all dimensions… always.

Love in Motion

“Always remember you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think and twice as beautiful as you’d ever imagined.”
Defense is a mechanism of the ego. When one feels attacked by others regarding their beliefs, lifestyle, choices or way of being in the world, the tendency is to feel defensive, explain their position or replay the conversation out of frustration or emotional pain. This lowers your energetic vibration to match that of the attacker and drains your energy.
These types of situations call upon us to consciously rise above the ego. Awareness allows you to interpret life from an expanded point of view and respond in a way that demonstrates your truth. Your life is your message and your actions have greater impact than any explanation ever could. Think of yourself as love in motion.
It can be challenging to accept others’ misinterpretation of you. Remember that everyone views life through a filter created by their life experiences, level of consciousness and expectations. Accept their non-acceptance knowing that you do not need outside validation. It’s empowering to live authentically. The truth will make itself known in the perfect way at the perfect time. You are an ever-evolving child of light.