
Integration and wholeness

Acceptance of the dualities of life brings about the integration of apparent opposites. Night doesn\’t oppose day, dark doesn\’t suppress the light; rather, they work together to create a balance of contrast that represents wholeness. Seek to integrate the various aspects of your personality. Like the myriad facets of a beautiful diamond, your energy shimmers with

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Your divine purpose

You have the potential to help raise the vibration of the planet. Each step forward on your spiritual walk sends waves of love and light throughout the Universe and all life celebrates with you. Whether immersed within creative projects or hobbies, manifesting your dreams, working synergistically with others or meditating in solitude, living your unique truth

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The energy of Now

When we share our gifts, we too are blessed. Kindness, whether in the form of tangible assistance, energy or forgiveness, opens the heart chakra of the Divine and that love will certainly return in the most miraculous ways. There is an endless supply of energy, love, light, awareness and healing available for you. On occasion

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Inner stillness

When we cultivate stillness within ourselves, we are less likely to react to the unconsciousness of others. More than ever before, it\’s time to trust your inner wisdom and the guidance of your heart. Sometimes this requires being comfortable seeing life through a filter that is far different from those around you while honoring beliefs,

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The gift of acceptance

Each time we greet another person on our journey with kindness, dignity and respect, we help all those around us. Every action sends waves of energy out into the world and the reverberations are infinite. The key to tapping into this incredible power is mindfulness. Become aware of the energy behind your thoughts. When you

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