Transforming breakdowns into breakthroughs

     In moments when blockages seem to keep you locked in old patterns and you find yourself at an impasse on the Path of Transformation, it’s time to do something… anything!… to release the energy and move forward. There is great power to be found within the intense shake-ups of our lives. We move into a phase of breakthrough, where old limitations and beliefs are shattered. When the dust settles, whatever remains provides a strong foundation for the next phase of your life and you’ll be amazed at the vitality and empowerment you discover.

     The object of spiritual awakening is to transform breakdowns into breakthroughs. The greatest adventure you can experience is to face a challenge from a high level of consciousness. Yes, chaos is possible ( and likely guaranteed) but through willingness and awareness, it transforms your experience into one filled with meaningful insights and empowerment.

      It’s one thing to have spiritual knowledge, it’s quite another to apply it successfully to life situations when you need it the most. You are discovering and cultivating the tools that transform your experience to one of mastery.

     You have an opportunity to share your insights, love and laughter. With this newfound freedom, allow yourself to be liberated and rise above. The divine light of your soul is one of purity and radiance – you are being asked to recognize the divinity within you and present it to the world through your conscious approach to life.

     Today my intention is to remember that I can be the light, or the mirror that reflects it. I am willing to share my gifts, love and insight.

Turning inward

Once you develop an awareness of the ego, it becomes easier to observe its antics. Like watching ripples on a pond or a tangle of traffic, it can become almost interesting to witness as it tries various ways of pulling you into the games of the mind.

That’s what meditation can do – it offers the blessings found in stillness, detachment and clarity. We sometimes use the phrase “going within” to describe the art of meditation; however, it is more about the cessation of reaching for outward desires and seeking fulfillment elsewhere.

Contentment is possible in the present moment – indeed that’s the only place where it can ever be found! Stop where you are, close your eyes and breathe. Allow the fullness of life to be experienced when you stop running and still the mind.

Many people run from one thing to the next – physically, verbally, mentally – and it can be exhausting, not only for them but for those around them. But once the peace of stillness is discovered, we can emerge oursevles totally in the moment (whether in meditation or not) and bring complete attention and energy to whatever we choose to do.

The greatest gift that you can give is to be a frequency holder. Develop the art of stillness and bring that vitality and clarity to every interaction. Observe the antics of the mind, smile and be at peace.

Today my intention is to release the word “should” from my vocabulary. I have the ability to choose my actions consciously and bring my full attention to the infinite possibilities available in the Now.

Expanding into love…

     Something good is coming your way. Weave your future by recognizing the talents, lessons, synchronicities and opportunities that are available in the present moment and create the life of your dreams.

     It’s time to step up into the next level of your life’s expression so that your soul’s light can shine more brightly. See your world as a tapestry of exquisite design and recognize the unique gifts you have to share. No matter what you wish to manifest, it begins now – in this moment – choose your thoughts, words and actions wisely.

     Allow joy to be the foundation of your life. Seek it in all things. Cultivating the willingness to look for beauty ensures that it will be found. Joy acts as a magnet, whereas fear or desire repels those things for reach you reach. Can you imagine a life where peace is your baseline response to everything? You have the ability to shift your attention to things which inspire you; however, do recognize that spiritual evolution is a process and each conscious step builds greater strength and ability.

     It is our responsibility to share our gifts with the world. No matter what level you reside upon, there is always someone coming along behind who can learn from your experiences and inspiration. You are right where you need to be – embrace your unique talents and be gentle with yourself.

     Today my intention is to expand into love.

Accessing the flow of inspiration

Creation is a natural, spiritual power within you and is accessed not by force, by tryng, but by opening yourself to the flow of inspiration. The act of creation allows the Divine to express itself through you. Whether as intricate as writing a symphony or as delicate as finding common ground with someone you love, call upon the divine light of inspiration and accept support in whatever form it may arise.

Know that you can attract the people, opportunities, inspiration and expression that is needed to manifest the life of your dreams. Focus on the end result – happiness – and allow, surrender and particiate in the flow that begins as a result of your conscious thought and intention.

Open the heart chakra and be willing to dance in the light, love and laughter of the Universe. Sources of inspiration are all around you, find that which resonates with the song of your heart. Movement is a great way to get energy flowing – take a walk, dance, clean house, play with your dog – anything to bring a sense of purpose and joy to this moment. Then, watch it expand into the various areas of your life.

Today my intention is to move into the unknown with a sense of adventure and the trust of a child.

What resistance can teach us…

Often, when you begin to make substantial progress in your own spiritual growth, you’ll find that you encounter resistance from the people around you. It may be surprising to witness pushback from those who will benefit the most from your increasing awareness; however, it’s also the best form of proof that you are indeed evolving to new levels.

As we change, the world around us must change. The resistance you receive serves two purposes: it allows you to continue cultivating the attributes of a spiritual, evolving person and shows how much impact your soul’s growth is having on those around you.

In a relationship, the person of lower consciousness actually has the most difficulty. As one person becomes more empowered, more present, they choose ot to engage in the drama like they may have in the past. The lack of energy exchange is very frustrating for those still engaged in public vampirism.

To create peace within all your interactions, it’s important to also cultivate the qualities of compassion, kindness and gentleness. In this way, you’ll be called upon to be kind to those caught in the grip of resistance or drama – kind enough not to engage. Any decisions will then be based in love.

We can stop the cycle of manipulation, of being manipulated and step into the power of higher consciousness. Those that offer you resistance on the earthly plane, love you the most on the spiritul. See their energy as an indicator of your growth on the Path of Trasformation.

Today my intention is to open my heart to the limitless realms of unconditional love and acceptance.

The integration of energy

There are many dimensions of life available to you now – the known (physical, tangible reality that we experiences through the five senses), the unmanifested (the world of spirit and energy), and the exquisite blend of energies that process through you. You are the unique spark of life which allows the Divine to experience all aspects of the physical world and you are being given the opportunity to expand your perception.

Witness the blend of dark and light, the contrast of highs and lows and open yourself to the idea that everything (and everyone) plays its perfect part in the integration of energies. As you experience balance and healing in your own world, you’ll begin to notice it also in the world around you. This expansion of perception is something that has always been there, though you must be in balance in order to perceive it.

Now is the time to come home to yourself. In the silence of the present moment, stop and breathe. See if you can create a space of stillness in which you connect to the stillness of the Universe. The understanding and insights you receive will manifest later on when you enter a more active phase. The world is constantly changing; however, this silence is eternal – the joy of it remains the same and is always there for you to experience.

Today my intention is to quiet the mind, open the heart and accept the miracles which abound in my world.

Your purpose is to awaken

Your purpose is to awaken. How you choose to accomplish that, and the successes and defeats you encounter along the way are immaterial. Certainly the ego will attach great significance to the world of form; however, the soul desires only experience, expansion and wholeness. Each of us must remember that what we see in the world is an expression of what is projected from within and our role is to observe and release all that blocks us from unconditional love.

I have often heard people say that they want to leave their mark on the world or create something tangible (a book, scientific discovery, invention, successful children…) that will live on, and indeed many will do so. But the remnants of our sojourn here are essentially meaningless next to the bliss of Oneness which awaits.

The state of mind is always in a state of constant movement and distraction… work, run, fear, shout, hope… always reaching for tomorrow. This constant reaching ensures that we miss the most sacred and beautiful experience of all – the Now. This is not to say that you won’t accomplish amazing things, change lives or find freedom from distress, for you most certainly will. However, the power lies in focusing all your energy here and now – giving your full attention to what you have created in this moment, loving where you are and taking one conscious step forward from there.

As our dreams fade upon awakening, so too does the intensity of this incarnation upon our transition and life review. When we step back with those we love to witness the tapestry of our existence together, there is only gratitude, love and the desire to redress any imbalance. And so we come together again and again, the residue of the past lingering in our energy and soul memories, the desire to fulfill our soul’s purpose outweighing all else, moving ever higher in consciousness and joy. Our purpose is to awaken.

Today my intention is to seek love in every situation, and when it cannot immediately be found, may I discover the capacity to bring love wherever it is needed.

The healing power of acceptance

     Whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual, all healing requires an attitude of openness and acceptance. As deeply buried wounds rise to the surface it’s important to learn to allow ourselves to be vulnerable and open in order to receive the love of the Universe. All too often, the tendency is to hold onto old energies out of regret or guilt until one feels worthy of being whole, balanced and healthy. However, it’s important to remember that health is not the absence of illness, it is the state of being undefeated by illness, seeing our challenges as teachers and part of the process of awakening.
     Spend the day accepting whatever comes with an open heart and see what happens. Perhaps you’ll feel a flow of vibrant new energy or notice that your body responds differently to things which once caused stress and tension. There’s no need to wait. Find ways to celebrate the joy within you that wishes to be expressed. There are many opportunities to smile, share, hug, console and support for you, dear one, are a temple of light.
     Awareness heals. In meditation, ask your body what it needs. In the stillness, you might be surprised at the answer that comes. Empowering perception and healthy choices arise from consciousness – it is our unconsciousness, our repeating patterns and feelings of disconnection which create imbalance. Gratitude in the present moment is the doorway to joy and you may discover that you have much to offer.
     Today my intention is to allow all life to flow to me with ease and grace.

Transcending the levels of consciousness

     When I was 15 and filled with teenage angst, I wrote a melancholy song called …And Everything You Love Will Fade Away. I had been soul searching, questioning my spiritual beliefs and residing in the lower levels of consciousness… grief, anger and despair. I poured my heart into my piano and my creativity, unknowingly absorbed in the act of observing, feeling my feelings and healing the pain I chose to carry.
     As I transcend through the levels of consciousness, I often revisit the idea of impermanence. What once caused consternation now opens infinite vistas of possibility and love. Our fleeting interactions become gateways to eternity. The tangible things which come and go in our lives have far less importance than the joy with which we greet them and the ease with which we bid them adieu.
     All vibrational frequencies in the lower levels of consciousness are the result of a perceived disconnect from the Divine. Those that reside in the heavier expressions and perception drain the lifeforce from those around them. Once we cross the threshold of Awakening, we begin to move into new areas of exploration and empowerment and actively participate in the raising of consciousness of the planet. (We are one, after all… and here to help one another)
     When we release all expectation and live in the power of the present moment, it becomes easier to experience the beauty of our sojourn on this remarkable planet. With each step up the stairway to enlightenment – combining intention and observation – we have greater access to our ability to manifest and heal the unbalanced aspects of our lives.
     Welcome each moment with the knowledge that it is here to aid your journey on the Path of Transformation. Immerse yourself into the experience from the highest level of consciousness that you can. Know that each conscious step draws you closer to Oneness that is our ultimate destination.
     Today my intention is to be a loving witness to the sacred in all things.

We are masters in the process of awakening

Today is a blank slate – you can create whatever you wish. Certainly, some situations and opportunities may be ongoing; however, you have the ability to choose how you approach whatever is offered. If you desire change in your life, begin now. Be conscious of the words you use. Greet the day (however it is presented) with love and quiet expectation. Be conscious of how you respond to others and bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place.
Should you interact with someone who is wrapped up in judgment or negativity, realize that they simply don’t know any better. These are learned behaviors, and it’s likely that the imprinting occurred in childhood… long before the moment you are currently witnessing. But we can choose to sow seeds of kindness. We have the option to engage in negativity or bring new energy and light to the situation. Every moment offers an opportunity to discover something new.
The limitless potential and capabilities of each of us are still in the process of being discovered and even the most unconscious person is also a divine being of light and infinite goodness. One’s spiritual beauty is often unrecognized by the conscious self and is a work which is always in progress. Awakening, being, discovering… liberating. You are a master in the process of awakening.
Today my intention is to choose joy. With each breath, I draw in the light, love and laughter of the universe. I honor this moment as sacred.