Be the light

Be the light you wish to see in the world.

“My heart is open. I speak with loving words.” 
~Louise Hay~
No matter where you are, you can choose to be the light of that place. We cannot control events that occur around us; however, we can consciously choose how we respond to them. Let your life be your message.

You can plant seeds of powerful change in the world by holding space. First, you must focus on your own state of consciousness. Take the time to create a sense of gratitude, grace, peace and balance so that you are at ease in the present moment. Your very presence will teach others that alternative perceptions and responses are available.

Old souls see life differently, and that’s the way it is meant to be. Choose too, to be at ease with those who are still at lower levels of consciousness. We all walk the same path of awakening, each at our own rate of spiritual development.
Walk forward knowing that you are exactly where you need to be. You bring something beautiful to the world and your path is sacred.
 Today my intention is to remember that life responds to me. With that in mind, I choose to be loving and peaceful.

Opportunities to change

You are loved, guided and supported each and every step of the way.

“I turn every experience into an opportunity.” 
~Louise Hay~
Nothing opens us to change as much as the shock of loss. Challenges force us to see past the things that once provided the illusion of safety and comfort. The most profound transformations occur in the midst of chaos. When everything falls apart, we often discover that what remains is more than enough… and we begin to build again.

Old patterns and ways of being must be released in order to make way for new energy. We are called upon to walk forward with innocence and trust into the unknown. Having walked through the dark, having faced fear, we emerge into the light, empowered.

“This attitude of openness and acceptance invites new friends and experiences into our lives.”
Challenges also awaken our compassion for others who are facing similar circumstances. By sharing your story and insights, you can provide hope and inspiration to those in need.
 Today my intention is to remember that real joy is often just a quiet presence in the moment.


Choose to say “Yes!” to all that life has to offer.

“I love life! I look forward to every moment of it.” 
~Louise Hay~
When we move past our struggles and break free of limiting patterns, we enter the realm of infinite possibility. This is where inner potential is discovered. When you really pay attention, you’ll discover that everyone and everything is your teacher and every moment contains a gift…

Your inner purpose is to awaken to who you truly are. Whether they walk with you for a moment or for a lifetime, those who grace your life are participating in this dance of awakening. Remember to include them in your moments of gratitude.

Observe how it feels to say Yes today – notice the ease or resistance as it arises. Embrace what is, as if you had purposely created all the nuances of the present moment and seek empowerment rather than reactivity. Acceptance becomes easier with practice and may take you to wonderful and unexpected places.
Today my intention is to remember that every moment presents a wonderful new opportunity to become more of who I am.

Accepting change

Change creates a space in which something new can occur.

“I am safe in the world. I am comfortable with change and growth.” 
~Louise Hay~
Repetitive patterns are meant to be broken. As old beliefs and behaviors become outmoded, our soul will seek new experiences. The mind, fearing the unknown, will create obstacles, reasons to procrastinate or “what if?” scenarios that paralyze. Sometimes, a thunderous shift will occur in one’s experience that forces a change. In those moments, the awakened soul will turn and greet it with conscious awareness knowing that resistance creates needless pain and confusion.

Acceptance allows us to see more clearly. Rather than getting caught up in the mechanisms of the mind, we look within to find the lesson, inspiration and insight. Walking forward, we have an opportunity to expand into new levels of consciousness.

“There is a great value in doing new things, not just for diversion or escape, but in order to help us awaken. When we put ourselves in a new or foreign situation, that very act awakens our senses, our awareness, our presence. Sometimes we have to take a leap in order to experience and heal the fear that holds us ever at the edge of familiar safety. Our task in awakening is to go against the grain of our mechanical tendencies.”
~Ezra Bayda~
Today my intention is to choose to experience this moment, and all it contains, with ease and grace.

Enchantment and mystery

Are you ready for the next step in your evolutionary process?

“I open my consciousness to the expansion of life. There is plenty of space for me to grow and change.” 
~Louise Hay~
Live beyond limitation. It’s time to free yourself from ideas of lack, doubt, fear… and stop thinking like a human. When you are ready for transformation, ask for assistance from your angels, spirit guides, healing masters and helpers. There are many, many beautiful beings (both seen and unseen) who have agreed to assist you on the journey. You never walk alone.

As your energy evolves to higher levels of consciousness, things will begin to move more quickly. Even when you choose to revisit old lessons, they will be recognized and transformed faster because of the work you have already done. Walk forward in faith knowing that life supports you. Honor the path of your awakening and be gentle with yourself throughout the process.

This is the moment of transformation. Pay attention to what you draw into your experience, for all that you see is a reflection of you. If you like what you see, embrace it! If you’re ready for a change, own it.  All that you seek is already here.
Today my intention is to see the best in everyone and help them bring out their most joyous qualities.

Living with an open heart

You cannot completely understand the changes that you are in the process of creating in your experience. You are on a voyage to a new world.

“With my loving attitude, I help to create a world where it is safe for us to love each other.” 
~Louise Hay~
You are a master in the process of awakening. Infinite possibilities await discovery, and the way to recognize them is to drop self-created blinders and limiting thought patterns. You can choose to enter the realm of pure potential.

Pure potential is found in the present moment and can be accessed this instant through acceptance. The way to gauge your level of consciousness is by observing your sense of peace and grace in the present moment.

If there is anger, anxiety, resentment or fear, please understand that you are allowing your mind to disrupt the beauty of the Now. Bring your awareness to the thoughts that repeat and purposely utilize stillness, conscious breath, gratitude or mindfulness to dispel the illusions of thought.

The key to grace is the ability to feel, express and laugh. The magnificence of your being is experienced by being more vulnerable and dropping defense mechanisms. Choose to bring an unprotected heart to your meeting place.
Today my intention is to be remember that I am unlimited in my ability to create good in my life.



Healthy relationships

Live in the realm of infinite possibility.

“My heart is open. I speak with loving words.” 
~Louise Hay~
How often do you feel disappointment? How quickly does it arise and how long do you allow it to remain? Relationships provide an opportunity to learn how to live with an open heart. See those around you as teachers. Their actions, inaction, choices and perceptions are guided by your karmic agreements. Every situation plays a specific role in your souls growth.
See well you truly honor each path as sacred, regardless of how it appears. Remember, those you love are also walking the path of transformation. In your interactions, choose to be fully present, a non-judgemental listener. Drop all demands and expectation and you’ll discover the freedom that compassion and acceptance have to offer.
Life’s wonder and mystery can be discovered wherever you are. In the midst of a challenge, see if you can stop and silently thank the other person for pushing you into new areas of growth. Be kind and gentle with yourself and others as you learn to live in the realm of infinite possibility.
Today my intention is to help to create a world where it is safe for us to love each other.

Find your peace

A new perception awaits.

“I expect life to be safe and joyous. I attract all that is good.” 
~Louise Hay~
Breakdowns can become breakthroughs. When things seem to fall apart, the old structures are no longer viable. Rather than seeking to go back to “normal” see if you can enter into a new world, a new perspective and allow a new vision to take shape.
Use these opportunities to go inward. Choose to live through the heart rather than through the mind. The human condition is one of homeostasis; whereas spiritual movement always moves toward expansion into new areas of growth and development.
Personal growth leads to collective growth. As you change, the world around you is transformed.

Today my intention is to easily flow with new experiences and new opportunities.

You can create the life of your dreams

You can create the life of your dreams.

“I am constantly moving forward in the direction of my goals.” 
~Louise Hay~

At any given moment, infinite patterns are developing. You are constantly sending energy out into the Universe, and you are living proof of the miraculous at work. This “behind the scenes” movement of energy  often takes some time to be revealed, recognized and appreciated. Walk forward with the knowledge that life itself is constantly working on your behalf.

“You never know how and when any life experience will appear. You never know when a coincidence will lead to the opportunity of a lifetime.”
~Deepak Chopra~
When you start paying attention, you’ll discover the threads that weave the tapestry of your life. Learn how to participate by drawing all your attention into the present moment, notice what you hear, feel, smell, touch and see. Turn off the mind and simply notice what is around you. Recognize that whatever you place your attention upon becomes more prominent in your experience.
Notice coincidences. The more rare the coincidence, the stronger the message for you. Observe your life. Journal about your experiences or replay your day as you fall asleep. Watch it like a movie – no judgment, just be the witness. Your dreams may connect the dots and provide more insight.
You are a vibrant participant in the dance of existence. There is far more to life than meets the eye. Live with an open heart and create the space in which a miracle can occur.
Today my intention is to remember that my good comes from everywhere and everyone and everything.


Anger destroys from the inside out.

“I now choose to release every negative, destructive, fearful idea and thought from my mind and my life.” 
~Louise Hay~
Anger, whether directed inward or extended outward, is a waste of your precious energy. It causes the cells of the body to deteriorate, it creates a filter that taints everything you see and acts as a magnet, drawing in people and circumstances of similar low levels of consciousness.
The mind will tell you that you are right to be angry. It will keep old stories alive through repetition and seek those who strengthen the web around your heart by agreeing with you.

Anger, like anything else, can be transformed into  a powerful aspect of your spiritual growth. Mindfulness allows you to observe anger when it arises, recognize ideas and beliefs that need to be faced and pivot you toward a breakthrough.

The goal, ultimately, is to learn to rise above anger and reside in the levels of acceptance, willingness and love. The higher your consciousness, the easier things become. Your choices and actions will be empowered and you’ll view life through the heart rather then through mind-made filters.

Today my intention is to laugh at life (and at myself), and choose not be be offended by anyone or anything.