Enjoy, Simplify, Love, Be

“If you are simple deeply simple in yourself you will discover something extraordinary.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

Sometimes life’s beauty gets lost in the details of being too busy. We run from one problem to the next, always searching for something to fix. This is not to say that we should ignore life’s challenges, but the key to happiness is in how we approach them.

There are many ways to bring joy into your experience. Appreciation adds flavor and texture to the journey. Within the souls desire to awaken there is a spark of love that seeks expression. Quiet the mind and go deeply into the Now. Be present with what is. In the stillness we can tap into the heartbeat of sacred mother earth.

What you place your focus upon grows stronger in your life; therefore, be mindful of how you utilize your energy. See if you can enjoy the dance within the flow between the sacred and the mundane. Your unique physical experience ultimately facilitates the awareness that is arising within you.

Approach life with a sense of wonder and for you, life will be transformed into something magical, extraordinary. This expanded perception adds something beautiful into the world.

Find Your Inspiration

“I always say, don’t be a Christian, be Christ-like. Don’t be a Muslim, be Mohammed-like. Be Buddha-like. Emulate these great spiritual Masters and what they were teaching.”
~Wayne Dyer~

What is the driving force of your life? You can choose to be inspired. Your birthright is to thrive, to be joyous, to discover how to live balanced and peacefully.

From a young age, we absorb conditioning that blinds us to life’s beauty. We are bombarded with violence and fear in our art, sports and news reporting. Is it any wonder that it is now rising to the surface? I believe we are collectively engaged in the process of facing our shadow so that it can be healed.
Many people believe that hatred is a necessary part of life. They fear people and things that are different and see any challenge to the status quo as something to be conquered. The only danger we face is the danger of losing compassion for one another.
Love resides at the core of all things – love, or a call to love. Seek to remove low energy vibrations from your personal experience. Cultivate a sacred space and consciously be aware of what you’ll allow there. You can choose to be inspired, enchanted and authentic.

Radiant Energy

“There is a radiance hidden in your heart that the world desperately needs.”
~John Eldredge~
When you have reached a place where you are at peace with what you have and what you have experienced, a sense of grace will fill your life. Others will recognize and respond to the radiant energy of innocence and joy which emanate throughout your being.
This radiance comes after many experiences have expanded your perception while allowing you to fully discover your unique talents and gifts. Then the world becomes a safer place – one in which you can commune with the Divine through everyone and everything.To get to this point, you may need to periodically break through the perceived minutia of your life. Shift existing patterns (even if you’re afraid of making a mistake) and create movement in a new direction. The key is to drop everything that you have accepted from others – perceptions, limitation, obligation or desires – and step into the newness, open and ready to receive.

When you’re willing to take a risk, you’ll be amazed at the vitality and empowerment that flows through your experience. Life’s greatest adventure is to consciously break through old patterns. You bring something unique and beautiful to the world.

You Are Beautiful

“You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection.”

Empty yourself of the things that block your light. Beyond the stories of the ego, beyond perceived mistakes and crystallized beliefs, lies the infinite, loving energy of the Divine.

Life is simply a series of opportunities to observe and release the heavy energies of limitation. Choose to observe yourself without judgment or expectation. Discard what you no longer need and embrace what brings you joy.

Awakening is a process. There are moments of breakthrough, new vision, empowerment and freedom, sometimes followed by resistance, apathy and the resurgence of old patterns. Don’t allow the ego to tell you that it’s all for naught – you are not broken or wrong. Instead, focus upon the light which shines from within, illuminating the garden of your soul, heart and spirit. You are a master in the process of awakening.

Allow joy to guide you and open your consciousness to the expansion of life. Be gentle with yourself as you grow and change. When you really love yourself, you set the stage where you can explore the vastness of peace, empowerment, growth and transformation. You are beautiful.

Joy in Discovery

“It is only when the mind is free from the old that it meets everything anew, and in that there is joy.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~
Through experience you will discover your inner wisdom. Though nothing is guaranteed, the search plays a significant role in our awakening. Allow yourself to be insecure, to face adversity and accept the challenges that the unknown has to offer.

Any limitations in your experience are self-imposed. Life is here to provide whatever is needed in order for you to explore your unlimited potential. Take one step at a time and give your complete attention to the Now. New passion, creativity and clarity will undoubtedly expand within your experience.

Walk forward, allowing yourself to be drawn by a sense of wonder into the unknown. Choosing to experience life as a journey of discovery changes everything and when you learn to trust the processes of your awakening, it becomes easier to experience life as an adventure. Leaving behind the need for plans and a mapped out future, we explore with the exhilarating sense of freedom that comes from being open and vulnerable.

Sparks of Light

“The real gift of life is not what you give, but who you become in the process of giving.”
~Debasish Mridha~
You are a radiant being of light and wonderment. When you live in such a way that your joy impacts those around you, then you are fulfilling beautiful aspects of your soul’s purpose. Sparks of light can create a magnificent impact. Whether emitting soft flutters like lightning bugs or awe-inspiring cascades of fireworks that light up the night, your light is transformative.
An unlit candle isn’t sad or evil, it’s potential is simply unrealized. By gently demonstrating a different way of being in the world, we can be an inspiration to those who have yet to discover their inner light and potential. We must begin by recognizing our shared humanity.
We are all engaged in a lifelong exploration of the nuances of awakened living. Choose to be led by joy, enthusiasm, passion and humor and you will become a powerful, conscious co-creator in your own experience. Your adventure is unique and the Divine seeks to express itself through you.

You Matter

“You matter. That smile you shared could be the sun on someone’s darkest day.”
~Amy Leigh Mercree~

Together we weave a tapestry of exquisite design. Throughout every moment your unique light adds another thread to an ongoing masterpiece. Though we are deeply intertwined, we may not fully realize the results of any given action; therefore, seek only to add love to our collective energy with the knowledge that your existence serves a divine purpose.

The world is your reflection. Strong emotional reactions indicate a need to go within and examine your personal beliefs, perceived limitations and triggers. Even in solitude, your state of consciousness matters. Our thoughts and words send waves of energy throughout the universe that will eventually return to us tenfold.

Love yourself. Project kindness whenever possible (and it is always possible). Pay attention to any judgment that arises and do your best to heal old wounds. This allows our collective consciousness space to expand into new realms of joy.

When we honor every path as sacred, our experience of the world is transformed. It takes practice, but it is very possible to see through the roles that people play to the vibrant, ever-evolving soul seeking to expand. Begin within.

The Soul of Love

“What does is matter if I am called a man?
In truth I am the very soul of love,
The entire earth is my home
And the universe my country.”

Blessed are those who are slow to anger. We salute you…. these words have come to me in my dreams for the last two nights. If you are here reading them, consider the message to be for you.

Let your life be your message. How we interact with others is a testament of how far we have come on the path of transformation. To rise above reactivity is a beautiful gift that we can consistently share with the world.

The awakening spirit has discovered empowerment through detachment. Life still unfolds as it will, but we no longer get trapped within the mechanisms of the mind. With expanded perception, understanding brings peace.

Just be. Be part of the present moment. Engage with the world around you. When love is what you are, the quality of your life is reflected in everything you encounter.

Embody Grace

“Life is a gift, and I try to respond with grace and courtesy.”
~Maya Angelou~

Creating harmony in your life experience is imperative. It softens the voice of ego and allows you to engage with others in a way that is healthy, supportive and patient. Honor those who grace your life by nurturing them. Release attachment and hold space as they explore and learn and grow.

This dance of awakening is ever-evolving. As we enter new playgrounds of experience we support one another and joyfully discover unexplored aspects of ourselves in the process.

Mastery calls upon us to be conscious of our state of consciousness in the present moment. Your peacefulness creates peaceful experiences. Your love creates loving experiences. Embody grace and acceptance and your life will be easier.

When you approach your life experience with humility, humor, non-attachment and compassion, greater access to your inner wisdom is assured. From this place of empowerment it becomes easier to recognize the limitless possibilities that are available. Allow the gentle whispers of love and wisdom to guide your way.


Sacred Journey

“Your life is a sacred journey. It is about change, growth, discovery, movement, transformation, continuously expanding your vision of what is possible, stretching your soul, learning to see clearly and deeply, listening to your intuition, taking courageous challenges at every step along the way. You are on the path… exactly where you are meant to be right now… And from here, you can only go forward, shaping your life story into a magnificent tale of triumph, of healing, of courage, of beauty, of wisdom, of power, of dignity, and of love.”
~Caroline Adams Miller~
When you view this world as an illusion, a school, who’s only purpose is to help you to understand who you truly are, the journey becomes sacred. Every challenge becomes an opportunity to discover new aspects of yourself that are ready to shine. Layer by layer we strip away the illusions that we carry, only to discover that love resides at the core of all things. Imagine going so deeply within yourself that you weep with bliss at your awareness of the whole. When everything is burned away, only joy remains. Love rains down upon you from all dimensions. If only you could see what I see when I look at you… You are amazing, and I bow to the spirit within you.