Conscious Detachment

“Disappointment is always a reminder that you’re still attached to something. Take that disappointment as opportunity to investigate and awaken.”
~Ezra Bayda~

Detachment is not apathy. It emerges from a conscious decision to surrender control in a given situation. The trick is to discover how to simultaneously set desires in motion yet maintain detachment regarding how they manifest in your experience. Often, we get too focused on controlling the “hows” and therefore lose sight of the magic that fills our lives.

There’s nothing wrong with having preferences; however, when those preferences crystallize into requirements, we suffer. Love your life. Enjoy the journey and choose to leave room for the Universe to surprise you.

When your energy is no longer utilized in trying to plan and control the future, it frees you to become fully immersed in the present moment. The actions you choose to take will have greater grace and ease as you allow events to unfold.

When things are removed – attachments, ideas, mental demands – all that remains is pure consciousness. Passion is then transformed into compassion. The formless art of detachment teaches us gratitude, joy and wonder.



“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

This planet is a playground of discovery. As we journeyed through illusion we came to believe only in what we saw and forgot that there are layers of love and protection all around us. Eventually, challenges prompted the process of self-examination. Seeking greater awareness, we drop the layers of illusion until finally, all that remains is love and joy.

It is safe for you to act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will. Navigating our way through the unknown cultivates the ability to have faith during times of indecision. We are called upon to act with courage and integrity in the present moment and trust that whatever unfolds is working toward the highest good of all involved.

Remind yourself often that all of life is conspiring on your behalf. Seek only to bring the best version of yourself to your choices and interactions. As you awaken, you’ll discover that the challenges you face seem more manageable. Reactivity will decrease and a sense of safety will be the grounding force for all that you experience.


“Celebration is a thankfulness; it is prayer that comes out of gratitude. It is the recognition of the gift that has been given to us… it is understanding. It is overflowing love for the existence that has done so much for us.”


There is no need to wait for a reason to be joyful. Honor this moment through laughter and playfulness and bring a gentle awareness to the perfection of your life. The ego-mind creates heaviness that distracts us from enjoying the present moment. It may tell you that things are not good enough, that you are not yet good enough or that there’s too much to be done… there’s no time to be silly or frivolous. Consider that the ego’s job is to teach through contrast; therefore, choosing to purposely explore the opposite of it’s serious inclination is a good use of your energy.

Those who know how to celebrate life also know the joys of working hard, and loving deeply. They bring an empowered, meditative quality to the present moment rather than being lost in thought. See if you can recognize the sacredness in the ordinary. All that you seek is within you. All of existence responds to the wonder of your light.


Clarity is rooted in the deep stillness of the present moment. It lies beyond the desire to understand with the mind and brings a higher awareness of the harmony that connects us. As we awaken, we experience this clarity with greater frequency and honor it as a sacred gift.

We share a brief moment within the infinite expansion of consciousness. This world is merely the beginning of an amazing journey from separation to wholeness. A journey that ultimately takes us beyond all limitations of time and space and into the unknowable.

Understandably, the concepts of soul expansion can be challenging to understand from a human perspective. While immersed in life it’s easy to become distracted by the intensity of the world around us. This is why stillness, gratitude and mindfulness are so important – each provides an opportunity to rise above the mechanisms of the ego and into communion with the infinite, if only for a brief moment.

Be open to opportunities to celebrate. Joy is the gateway into the temple of the infinite… learn from the trees, the wind, laughter, friendship… and remember that the wisdom you seek is everywhere, waiting to be discovered in the stillness of your heart.


Practicing mindfulness allows you to observe without judgment as you traverse the highs and lows of life. Your balance is a form of protection and you can bring a new level of consciousness to your journey. From the mundane to the mystical, everything offers the possibility of transformation.

Beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. When you approach tasks with total involvement, seeking no thoughts of recognition or reward, they begin to take on a sacred quality. Try it. Bring present moment mindfulness to whatever you choose to do and you will discover that you get far better results.

Rather than waiting for moments of fulfillment to happen, create them. Make mindfulness a powerful aspect of your daily life. Chores, work, play… all become purposeful aspects of your soul’s journey.

When we seek to walk a path of mindfulness, we must begin with the present moment. Whatever arises, observe it without any commentary. When the mind begins to judge – good or bad, right or wrong, pleasurable or frustrating – pay attention to the energy behind the words.

There is always an opportunity to be more mindful, compassionate, empowered and accepting. Seek to cultivate these gifts within yourself.

Choosing Joy

“Let us dance in the sun, wearing wild flowers in our hair…”
~susan polis schutz~

You are here to experience everything that life has to offer. It’s powerful to remember that, in every moment, you can consciously choose how you interpret your experiences. When you view the present moment through the filter of joy, you bring a higher awareness into any situation.

Life is filled with contrasts. Joy helps us to discover purpose, solutions, healing and strength in circumstances that can often be fraught with challenge. Your love is the guiding light during moments of darkness, and your willingness to walk forward will bring you once again into the realm of joy and empowerment.

Wisdom is attained through experience. Our challenges provide opportunities to strengthen aspects of our character that are ready to shine. Proceed, knowing that you are right where you need to be and that all you need to discover is waiting for your attention. Laugh at your foibles, and realize that you do not need to wait for a reason to celebrate. You can dance in the rain knowing that sunny days are ahead. And, if all else fails, lose yourself in the smile of a dog.

Daily Miracles

“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”
~Albert Einstein~

New perceptions expand our interpretation of life. Each time we consciously choose to bear witness to the miracles that unfold,we experience the beauty of awakening in motion. When we seek authentic joy in the sacred space of daily life, a space opens… and in this space, miracles are possible.

Honor the sacredness of the moment by recognizing it within everyone and everything you encounter. This approach of purposeful respect creates a sense of Oneness and completion. Observe life as it unfolds in it’s majestic splendor – without fanfare – and hear the whispers of love that call us home.

My healing work begins with this silent invocation: Sacred Mother, I come in honor of this person, this space, this moment as sacred. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. What would your daily interactions be like if you chose to bring this attitude of reverence to each situation? You are the master of your own experience. Imagine a life filled with miracles, loving experiences, simple pleasures and the freedom to embrace life.

Passion and Courage

“Let your courage be your driver, and let your passion be your road to enjoy this magnificent life to the fullest.”

~Debasish Mridha~

Let your life be a passionate expression of joy. The ego creates stories to convince you that you cannot be at peace now because of unrealized goals or past disappointments. The awakening spirit learns to reside fully in the present moment, discovering that joy is only possible Now.

This moment is the field of energy in which life is experienced. What are you choosing right now? The secret of all success and happiness is being one with life.

The light of awareness within you seeks only to experience this moment – fully, passionately, joyfully. That experience is blocked when one that believes that happiness is dependent upon what happens. This erroneous belief causes us to miss the deeper perfection that lies beyond the world of form.

Joy does not happen to you or come to you… it exists within you and is expressed through you. Your role as a spiritual seeker is to bring passion for life into this moment. No matter what you choose to do, do it mindfully. Approach the present moment with joy, acceptance and enthusiasm and see where you are led.

Here and Now

“The present moment is filled with joy and happiness. If you are attentive, you will see it.”

~Thich Nhat Hanh~

You can cultivate a powerful connection with life by going deeper into the present moment. Consciously release any distractions and travel inward. All the wisdom, peace and joy you seek is within you. It’s time that you come home to yourself.

You may consider creating or re-energizing your sacred space as part of the shift into the new year. Whether you have a meditative corner, a magic room or a zen garden, it’s life-affirming to have a space filled with your own peaceful energy.

I often pause on my gratitude walks to be inspired by the trees. Breathing deeply, I visualize my roots drinking from the energy of our beautiful planet and know that my innate way of being changes the world around me. This spiritual synthesis inspires unconditional love and acceptance.

Every experience provides an opportunity for enrichment. Live totally and intensely, so that each moment is filled with the sacred gifts of love, light and laughter. Rediscover magic and inspiration and celebrate the journey. The quiet grace of living with intention can be a powerful tool for expansion.



“When gratitude becomes an essential foundation in our lives, miracles start to appear everywhere.”

~Emmanuel Dagher~

Heartfelt gratitude draws in even more for which you can be grateful, thus creating an infinite cycle of abundance.

It seems that many people forget that life is sacred. They create an existence that is filled with drudgery and conflict. For them, the world feels like an unsafe place. This is the high cost of unconsciousness.
Those who have awakened understand that there is no need to postpone their joy. They can see the beauty in every situation and are deeply immersed within the Now. They do not wait for everything to fall into place before they dance in celebration of life.
With each expression of gratitude, we send purposeful energy outward. It gathers momentum, expands exponentially and returns in miraculous ways. You may discover the art of being grateful for something that has yet to occur as if it is already solid and present in your experience. This joyful, powerful visualization becomes your reality.
You can choose to create a space filled with infinite possibility. As you express gratitude for the little things, you step into a world filled with wonder and delight.