
“Overflowing energy becomes celebration. When the energy is dancing in you, in unison, in a deep harmony, in rhythm and flow, you become a blessing to the world.”

Your energy is limitless. No matter what you have discovered so far, remember this: you have barely scratched the surface of your potential. As you learn to accept life energy as a loving dialogue with the Divine, you will be enriched, your experiences will sparkle with new vitality, and your presence will help uplift the world.

Know that you are safe. Fear blocks the process and creates limitation; therefore, we must learn how to look inward, face our fears with ruthless honesty and transform them into empowerment. This beautiful energy and potential is the essence of your being.

Any action taken from higher states of consciousness is an expression of love. Your life becomes an expression of truth as you discover and express your unique way of being in the world. Throughout your wanderings you will connect with many beautiful souls, each of whom longs for you to be your authentic self. Be the embodiment of joy and walk through the world with the knowledge that you are loved, supported, protected and guided in more ways that you can imagine.

Sacred Wildflowers

“Wildflowers are the loveliest of all because they grow in uncultivated soil, in those hard, rugged places where no one expects them to flourish. They are resilient in ways a garden bloom could never be. People are the same, son—the most exquisite souls are those who survive where others cannot. They root themselves, along with their companions, wherever they are, and they thrive.”
~Micheline Ryckman~

The resiliency of the human spirit is beautiful. We learn that we can overcome our challenges. Our rough edges become facets that reflect the light of love. The dance of our transformation is always in play and together we will discover the myriad nuances of Oneness.

In the process of our collective evolution, we must first consciously tend to our own gardens. Observe what makes you thrive and fill your experience with that. Let life and laughter nurture your soul and as you mature, share the seeds of infinite possibility with the world.

Let us learn from the wildflowers. Honor your brief experience here by being your authentic self. Spring up in the unlikeliest of places. Let your presence give those in your presence a moment of beauty as you reach for the sun.



“Being spiritual has nothing to do with what you believe and everything to do with your state of consciousness.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
There are nearly eight billion souls currently on the planet. No matter what you choose to believe, it is likely that you will find many who agree with you. As we evolve, this becomes a subtle manifestation of the ego. Beliefs become more deeply solidified and adhered to until a “us versus them” mentality arises.
When we seek to codify the Divine, we limit it with our words. It’s important to remember that descriptors, beliefs, research and rules are all merely pointers and should be utilized only to spark an awakening. Learn what you will in whatever way speaks to your heart and then bring a deep Presence into all that you do.
Expanding consciousness is a byproduct of your own journey. Next lifetime you may approach your evolution in a different manner so you can cultivate a deeper understanding of the various ways to awaken. For now, live in alignment with your true nature and let your life be your message.
No matter what you choose to believe, seek to infuse it with the higher levels of consciousness: love, joy, peace, enlightenment.

Navigating the Unknown

“Ultimately we need to understand that spiritual life isn’t about being safe, secure or comfortable. It’s not that we won’t sometimes feel secure in the course of our spiritual practice; we surely will. Yet there is a fundamental security that develops from many years of practice – though it is a far cry from the immediate comfort we may now crave.”
~Ezra Bayda~

To quiet the mind is to become comfortable with the unknown. There’s no need to plan out every step of your existence. The awakened soul operates on faith, adventure and discovery while leaving enough space for miracles to unfold.Spiritual awakening requires a willingness to step into the unknown. When you stop playing it safe and move beyond the edge of previous experience, your energy expands. Saying “Yes” to life, welcoming it all – even the moments of discomfort or challenge – allows you to cultivate new aspect of your own strength.

There is great joy in learning how to negotiate the unknown with grace. When we do not limit life by attaching to outcomes, we open ourselves to infinite possibility. This is the path of lasting joy. Imagine a life of mystery and enchantment… it is there waiting for you in the midst of the chaos of human experience.


“When we love, we always strive to become better than we are. When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.”

~Paulo Coelho~
Love calls to us… the earth seeks to embrace us with her beauty, her light and nuance. Allow this divine love to inform every decision by lifting yourself up to greet it. When we slow down and pay attention, everything has something to teach. We learn patience by walking through an ancient wood. We discover joyful appreciation when witnessing the fleeting nature of wildflowers opening to receive the sun. The soaring path of a hawk can remind us to rise above in order to get a new perspective.
The mind will often attempt to distract; therefore, it’s helpful to align yourself with Presence by filling your days with tiny sparkles of peace, gratitude or meditation. Find beauty wherever you are and periodically take a moment to just be. Awareness is transformative. Each of us has an opportunity to consciously participate in our collective awakening.
Rather than seeking love or peace or enlightenment, be love. Be peace. Your unique way of being in the world will demonstrate what enlightenment looks like.


Going Inward

“The inward journey is about finding your own fullness, something that no one else can take away.”
~Deepak Chopra~
Awakening occurs as we release the need for outward validation and become deeply aligned with our authentic, true nature. The journey inward is a powerful one. Within it, we discover the courage to face our shadows – both personal and collective – only to emerge completely transformed by the experience.
Going inward in a perfect description of one who is fully present within the Now. The deepness of the present moment is unfathomable. Beneath the layers of desire and interpretation is pure Presence, a joy that sparkles as we recognize and embrace the sacredness that is both within and without.
Your conscious awareness brings a unique nuance of peacefulness and beauty to the planet. Imagine how our experience of the world would change if each of us could recognize the love that connects us. Begin within. Let your wounds be the place where the light enters you. Use the challenges of the past as stepping stones through the dark. Ultimately, you will discover that you carry the light of love within you and the light will guide you home.

Conscious Surrender

“We are at our most powerful the moment we no longer need to be powerful.”
~Eric Micha’el Leventhal~
The awakening spirit becomes empowered through surrender. Rather than trying to force life to meet our perception of perfection, we seek to see the perfection in life as it is. As human beings, our view is narrow – typically focused on ego-driven desire and based upon our immediate life experience. We cannot see the threads of life as they are woven together to create the tapestry of creation. The hand of the Divine is always at work in ways that we cannot imagine with our limited perception.
And yet, often there is an aspect to our belief system that prompts us to attempt to control, plan for every contingency or need assurance prior to taking action. Spiritual mastery involves conscious surrender to what is. As you cultivate worthiness and self-esteem, it becomes less important to be seen as right. Inner humility guides us, love becomes the expression of our joy and what you need to know will make itself known at the perfect time. Trust the processes of your awakening.

Simple Pleasures

“This is my simple religion. There is no need for temples; no need for complicated philosophy. Our own brain, our own heart is our temple; the philosophy is kindness.”
~Dalai Lama~

Great beauty can be found in the simple, ordinary things of life. Even the most mundane of tasks take on a sacred quality when approached with awareness, intention and gratitude. It’s important to remember that you dictate how your life unfolds by the energy that you bring to the situations you encounter. When we act out of love, without expectation or attachment, wholly involved in the Now, we become one with life.

Be patient with yourself. Sometimes all that is required is a peaceful alertness as we learn to exist aligned and in tune with the energy of the planet. This is a time full of mystery… like the dawning of a new day, there is a quiet anticipation as the awakening happens all around us. In the silence, limitless possibilities await.

Be aware of your relationship to the world around you. Our interconnectedness is becoming more apparent with each passing moment. As spiritual seekers, we are consciously engaging the truth of Oneness through interactions, gratitude, reflection and exploration.

Know Thyself

“To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom.”

You are far more than the experiences of this life. Underneath the concept of what role you play, your likes and dislikes, goals and dreams, fear and desire, is the true infinite nature of your divinity. Life is filled with opportunities to know yourself at the deepest level.
Practice looking beyond the obvious. Create silent spaces in your experience to explore the vastness of the infinite. See your life as an adventure with the knowledge that you have the ability to emerge from any challenge with surprising courage and resilience.
The awakening spirit lives in his or her own truth. Led by passion and compassion, they walk the path less traveled. If others seek to admonish them, it’s ok. When others seek to revere them, they simply turn inward.
Each of us walks a unique path and it cannot be defined by anything other than our inner wisdom. To know yourself as Consciousness having a human experience frees you from being dependent upon outcomes. A playfulness comes into your life and you’ll discover the joy that is your true nature.

Embrace the Experience

“I don’t believe people are looking for the meaning of life as much as they are looking for the experience of being alive.”
~Joseph Campbell~

In spite of the many lifetimes we engage with one another on this planet, the experience of being human is but a tiny aspect of our spiritual journey back into Oneness. Earth provides the illusion of separation. We create intense karma and challenges, joyful connections and love in order to fully experience all aspects of the human adventure.

Think of all the things you love: the sunsets, springtime, music, your favorite foods, how the light filters through the leaves of a forest on a summers day, the feel of snow crunching under your boots, the contrast of a good movie that makes you laugh and cry, and so much more! When you begin to think of all that brings joy into your experience, you’ll discover that the list is endless… and yet we’ve just begun.
Rather than seeking for meaning in your life situations, bring meaning to them. Your brilliant, beautiful mind can be used to perceive the grace and wonder of being alive. Touch one another in love. Be kind to yourself. It will be gone all too soon and then we’ll be off on a new type of collective experience. It’s hard to mentally grasp the infinite; therefore, enjoy the Now and watch how it continues to evolve.