Celebrate Your Uniqueness

Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life – learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some.
~Robert Fulgham~

Balance isn’t something that just happens when life falls into place; rather, it is the foundation of a life that is grounded, joyful and complete. Much of the world’s angst comes from the desire to please or care for others at the expense of one’s own happiness. People struggle to satisfy perceived expectations and often put their needs on pause.

The challenges we face help us to discern what is important to create and maintain balance. How would you discover your boundaries if someone or something didn’t cross them from time to time? See those who challenge you as healing angels rather than frustrations. They are teaching you what is truly important.

The awakening spirit understands that fulfillment comes through finding their own unique way of being in the world. There is great beauty to be discovered throughout the journey inward. As you create balance by tending to the needs of body, mind and spirit, you’ll find that you have more to give those you love – more compassion, patience and kindness. Then life becomes an outward expression of your joy.

Live in Your Magnificence

“I now choose to recognize the magnificence of my being.”
~Louise Hay~

Spiritual awakening is not like flicking on a light switch. It is a consistent process of candid self-observation, the ability to address each challenge and trigger as it arises while practicing new ways to bring the best version of yourself to each situation you encounter.

Over time we explore uncharted facets of ourselves and cultivate qualities that bring peace into our lives. One by one, we drop the limiting patterns and beliefs that cause frustration. Give yourself credit for how far you have come. When you miss the mark, forgive yourself for being human. Awakening is not about expectations of perfection or “Buddah-hood.” It is the slow, transformative process of freedom.

We teach by living our truth. Conscious actions leave a lasting imprint. Each step of the way we have an opportunity to walk our talk and speak our truth with integrity and the results can be incredibly transformative. As the soul awakens, we learn to recognize the magnificence of being. Consciousness expands by honoring the space in which life is experienced. Just be. Be the loving observer. Be the one whose only desire is to be kind. Scatter seeds of joy throughout every interaction and see what you can learn.

Know Thyself

“You rarely have time for everything you want in this life, so you need to make choices. And hopefully your choices can come from a deep sense of who you are.”
~Mr. Rogers~
You are far more than the experiences of this life. Underneath the concept of what role you play, your likes and dislikes, goals and dreams, fear and desire is the true infinite nature of your divinity. You’ve cultivated a life filled with opportunities to know yourself at the deepest level.
Practice looking beyond the obvious. Create silent spaces in your experience to explore the vastness of the infinite. See your life as an adventure and know that you have the ability to emerge from any challenge with surprising courage and resilience.
To know yourself as Consciousness having a human experience frees you from being dependent upon outcomes. A playfulness comes into your life and you’ll discover the joy that is your true nature.


“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.”
~Andrew Carnegie~

True happiness comes from within. It is not based on outside factors or dependent upon the actions or choices of another. As spiritual seekers, it’s empowering to discover the role that choice plays in our ability to experience a joyful life.

Ego-driven happiness is an energetic form of imprisonment. It may feel wondrous when that new item is purchased or when you fall in love; however, the highs are often followed by corresponding lows when the newness wears off or when the relationship becomes more complex. At this point the ego fixates on another goal and happiness is delayed or subdued until that goal is achieved.

When you choose to be joyful, nothing can take that away from you. Life still happens of course, but beneath the ebb and flow of experience there is a foundation of joy from which to draw and your presence can then be an inspiration to others.



“The garden reconciles human art and wild nature, hard work and deep pleasure, spiritual practice and the material world. It is a magical place because it is not divided.”
~Thomas Moore~

Life is filled with enchantment and mystery. Often, what is presented on the physical plane is actually the opposite of what is occurring on the spiritual plane. Speeding from one place to the next teaches the beauty of patience, lack creates a recognition of abundance, health challenges can lead to healthy lifestyle changes, and the list continues into infinity… We learn from contrast. Being fully present and open to life allows direct access to our inner wisdom. Choose to view your journey as an adventure and utilize your challenges as opportunities to shine.

You are a child of the Universe and therefore intimately connected to everything around you. Seek to fill your experience with smile-inducing little joys. Moments of laughter and insight that shift your perception have an immediate impact upon your energy, beliefs and interpretation of your life experience. You’ll begin seeing things differently immediately and once you open the doors of perception, anything can happen.

You are right where you need to be

“Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it’s better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.”
~Marilyn Monroe~

Endlessly seeking to be perfect reaffirms the limiting perception that we are somehow less than perfect. High ideals can be a distraction on the journey of awakening. When we seek instead to raise our vibration, thus providing ourselves a higher perception and broader viewpoint, we discover additional ways to be in the world and have a greater chance of choosing attitudes and responses that align us with joy.

Can you simply observe yourself and others without judgment or analyzing? There is great beauty in recognizing the incredible potential to which we bear witness. Imperfection is perfect. The unfolding journey is perfect. The act of learning and awakening is the goal. How can we do anything else but cheer one another on?

Weave the intricate tapestry of your future by expanding yourself in love today. You will draw in that which is needed for your souls growth… recognizing the opportunities, teachers, circumstances and laughter that will light your way. Consciousness requires nothing less than a constant state of awareness and intention. Bring your vibration to a level where you are willing to receive and you’ll discover that your joy is a magnet.


“The greatest challenge in life is to be our own person and accept that being different is a blessing and not a curse. A person who knows who they are lives a simple life by eliminating from their orbit anything that does not align with his or her overriding purpose and values. A person must be selective with their time and energy because both elements of life are limited.”
~Kilroy J. Oldster~

Your expression of life is unique. Younger souls seek to fit in, to follow the crowd and often look for outside validation in order to feel safe. The awakening master sees beauty in diversity and can remain aligned with their own true nature even in the face of adversity or ridicule.

Old souls struggle at times because they see the world in a more expansive way. Not only does that broaden perception, but it also creates paradoxical viewpoint that we must embrace while dropping opinion and judgment. This takes practice and is a skill that can only be honed by consistent practice.

Love who you are. Dance in the realms of joy as you do your work. We are grateful for the unique way that you shine.

Planting Seeds of Joy

Plant the seed of desire in your mind and it forms a nucleus with power to attract to itself everything needed for its fulfillment.
~Robert Collier~
The thoughts of today plant the seeds of tomorrow’s experience. Consider what you wish to create in your life. Are your choices leading toward your destination or away from it? The way to manifest your dreams is to live as if they have already manifested. Treat your job, home, partner or life situation as if it is your dream situation and life will rise up to meet you. Your happiness, gratitude, passion and inspiration will create a magnetic energy to draw more beauty into your experience.
The ego loves to play the game of “I can’t be in acceptance of my life situation, because then nothing will ever change….” however, nothing is further from the truth. In order to assess our choices from a space of clarity and consciousness, we must begin from a space that is free of resistance, anger or desperation.
The seeds of love and compassion bloom in unexpected and magical ways. Tend your garden well. When weeds of anger or doubt crop up, attend to them immediately when they are small rather than waiting until they overrun all the beauty you are creating. You have the ability to cultivate joy each and every day.

Living the Mystery

“Remember, mystery isn’t something that you cannot understand—it is something that you can endlessly understand! There is no point at which you can say, “I’ve got it.” Always and forever, mystery gets you!”
~Richard Rohr~

When you view life as a mystery, new doors will open. Those who are trapped in thought become lost in the mire of projection, seeing only what they are programmed to see. The only thing that transforms this prison is silent awareness. Pay attention to your thoughts and you’ll notice that they are all ideas that have been passed down from others.

The mind is not reality; it is a limited interpretation of experience. Once you lock into an idea or a belief, you block all other possibility. Seeing life as a mystery implies that it cannot be solved or completely understood. We need to learn to become open, receptive and clear. Thoughts come and go, but the stillness of your eternal being always remains.
Cultivating an awareness of your ability to create joy brings a sense of freedom into your experience. Be present for whatever arises in the Now and live without pretense. You have nothing to prove and everything to discover.

A Work in Progress…

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

We walk this amazing journey of love and discovery. The threads that connect us are innumerable, constantly weaving new patterns and bringing new perspectives to light. Ultimately, we learn incredible things from one another while fumbling our way toward ecstasy.

See your awakening as a work in progress and try to create as many spaces of Presence as you can throughout your day. The challenges that we face often bring us painful awareness of old wounds or beliefs that have created the illusion of separation; however, with mindful intent, those challenges can be transformed into empowerment and insight.

You’ll know that any self-karmas are healed when there is no emotional charge around them. You may find yourself recounting the tribulations of the past, seeing them only as stepping stones to your current state of consciousness, and indeed that is the truth of your sojourn here in time and space.

When in doubt, choose joy. Find something, no matter how small or insignificant, and let it bring a smile to your face. With that smile in place, close your eyes and breathe it in. This is the breath of awareness and it will help you to create a foundation of peace in your daily experience.