Living Courageously

The only way to connect with all of existence is to go inward. Deeper than the stories of this lifetime and beyond the limiting patterns of belief, resides a soul who was willing to enter the challenging and beautiful school of physical reality. When you live with great awareness as the observer, life becomes a odyssey of discovery. Each step reveals new layers of wisdom.

In this free will world, nothing is guaranteed. We must believe in our potential in order to take a risk. We must explore the unknown, learn from our challenges, and constantly walk forward into the light of awareness. Too often, we hold ourselves back out of fear. From something as simple as saying “no” when appropriate to leaving a toxic situation or reclaiming individuality and confidence, we can find the strength within to make empowering changes.

Let your pilgrimage become a dance of awakening. Seek your own way of being, live authentically and remember that nothing is more important than your state of consciousness. Courage is the first step. Nurtured by faith and by movement, we grow towards the light of the Divine. Drop the ego, release attachment and most importantly, be willing to receive.

Find Your Voice

How often do we witness people living day to day in a state of unhappiness or exhaustion, doing what they feel they need to do instead of what they want to do? From the outside it’s easy to see that different choices will bring a different experience; however, we are often blinded by our own programming and expectations.
A friend shared a story recently: He was speaking to his teenage daughter, giving advice about work and purpose and sharing his belief that she should love what she does if she wants to be happy. When she innocently asked why he works in a profession that he dislikes, he realized that he had set his dreams aside. In that moment, she became the teacher. He decided to change his life, live his passion and expressed gratitude to his kind and insightful daughter for leading him back to happiness.
If you’re not in a position to drop all and do what you love, choose to love what you do. Life will respond to the energy you bring to each moment – often in ways that are unexpected.

Walking your talk and speaking your truth with integrity is your unique and authentic way of being in the world. There is nothing more beautiful than someone who is comfortable with who they are. Peace emanates from them. No energy is wasted trying to please the perceived desires of others. Instead, they allow the light of the Divine to experience itself through them and it’s incredibly beautiful.


When challenges arise, the natural human response is fight or flight. Both greatly impact the body’s immune system, nervous system and state of mental/emotional balance. The ego clings to the idea that something is wrong and that script can replay for years. These highly charged energies can damage the auric field and, left untended, wreck havoc with physical health and well-being.

The suppression of memories, anger, fear or sadness can be triggered by innocuous things later in life. A chance encounter, memory or dream can bring the unhealed aspects to the surface, and often open the old wounds. While overwhelming, these moments arise because your spirit is ready to bring light to the darkness.

Turn toward your shadows and lovingly bring them into the light of consciousness. Your willingness to be present with the process of healing amplifies your ability to transform distress into empowerment. You are absolutely ready to handle what rises to the surface. Keep in mind that the ego will be resistant, seeking to keep you locked into old patterns. This resistance is a true indicator that powerful energies of change are swirling around you.

Place your focus inward, be consistent, gentle, and honest with yourself. Take ownership of your state of consciousness and reclaim your power. Imagine the freedom that awaits when the past is released and you can write a new story.

Growing Beyond Limitation

“We are here not only to experience limitation, but also to grow in consciousness by going beyond limitation.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

Perceived limitations can be overcome physically (such as releasing poverty consciousness and becoming more receptive to abundance or overcoming an illness), mentally (learning to accept limitations thus transforming them into strength), or spiritually (bringing love to a situation filled with hate). The soul seeks to expand, awaken and overcome adversity.
You can access your ability to be a conscious c0-creator by moving into acceptance. Accept life as it is and take responsibility for your state of consciousness in the present moment. Release the need to blame, defend or struggle. Learn how to see perfection in the imperfection and recognize that you are right where you need to be. Whatever has arrived in your experience has a specific purpose in your soul’s growth. When you change how you think about a situation, transformation begins.
When you embrace the present moment and bring your full attention to whatever you are doing, your actions will be filled with deeper intention and empowerment. No matter what you are prompted to do, find a way to bring the light of consciousness to the forefront of your experience.

Cycles of Experience

“I feel safe in the rhythm and flow of my ever-changing life.”
~Louise Hay~

It’s empowering to discover your personal cycles and live in alignment with the energy of your unique experience. Simply add together the year of your last birthday (for example 2+0+2+3=7) and add that base number to the date and month of your birthday. That will tell you the basic energetic vibration in play until your next birthday. There are other nuances that add depth and meaning, but this is a good place to begin.
1 – new beginnings, leadership, creativity
2 – receptivity, peacemaking, gentleness
3 – going with the flow, expression, friendship
4 – stability, security, defining one’s boundaries
5 – freedom,change, movement and adventure
6 – love, family, home, harmony, compassion
7 – spiritual wisdom, solitude, seeking answers
8 – money, strength, building, power
9 – endings, completion, tolerance, service
For instance, if you determine you are in a 9 personal year, you’ll know that your soul seeks to experience endings and closures. With this in mind, you may choose not to begin any new ventures and instead, focus upon releasing things that no longer serve your growth in preparation for the next cycle. This is a very simple and conscious way of living aligned with the flow of your personal experience.

The Awakened Life

“Looking with a mind that’s awake reveals the shimmering pulse of life. Looking with a mind full of thoughts reveals only your thoughts.”

~Ezra Bayda~

Living an awakened life calls upon us to consistently and purposefully bring the best version of ourselves to our life experience. This daily practice can show us areas where we are stuck as well as how much we have grown over the years.

As we relentlessly observe ourselves, noticing our self-image and ego driven stories, we begin to release the illusions that block us from living authentically. Ultimately, we discover that we are more than our stories or the roles we play in this lifetime. We can step into the freedom of not needing to be defined.

The most powerful aspect of spiritual growth is the ability to Be Here Now. Immerse yourself within the present moment and all that it offers, seeking only to be fully conscious. Your choices, goals and journey will reflect the peace that you are. Living authentically is the highest expression of love and empowerment.

Transforming Stress

It’s important to listen to the messages of the body. Periodically, still the mind and go inward. Really tune in and notice if you are holding stress in a particular area, clenching the jaw or holding your breath. If so, close your eyes and breathe deeply and rhythmically. Place your focus on the flow and just be.

Now that you’ve identified that stress is present, turn your attention to any scripts that are playing in the mind and observe your surroundings. What is causing you to tighten up? If it’s in your power to change the atmosphere, do so and see how your body responds. You may discover that certain people, music or actions are pulling your energy out of balance.

If nothing can be physically changed, you can either remove yourself or move into acceptance. The present moment is your gateway to transformation. Utilize stressful situations as an opportunity to cultivate your awareness. Observation and conscious presence are sometimes  enough to reduce the stress. Remind yourself, “This, too, shall pass.”

Another powerful tool is purposeful movement. Walk, shake it off, use EFT, work out or dance. Rather than holding the energy, find a healthy way to release it. You are far more powerful than you realize.

Personal Responsibility

Empowerment requires that we face our fears. Until we do so, they will always block our ability to love

Blame creates victim consciousness. When we choose to take responsibility for all that unfolds in our experience and how we respond to it, we become conscious creators. Our thoughts, words and actions send waves of energy throughout the Universe, always showing us precisely what we need to see.

Energy is also created from your innermost core programming and beliefs and can sometimes be harder to recognize. When this is the case, you’ll draw in interactions and situations that will assist you in seeing yourself more clearly. Blame and accusations block the ability to access your inner wisdom; therefore, immediately take responsibility for all that unfolds, knowing that it serves a purpose in the rising of consciousness.

Should you ever find yourself going into blame mode, simply notice, quiet the mind and examine what you are projecting outward. All blame is a reflection of how we see ourselves. This insight can be one of the most powerful aspects of your spiritual awakening. When you choose to approach life with acceptance and a willingness to walk forward in spite of any fear, you create a powerful momentum of insight and awakening that will lead you forward with a greater sense of grace.

Trust Love

The infinite love of the Divine surrounds us at all times. Although, there are certainly moments when it is easy to feel separate, bewildered or overwhelmed, there it waits, patiently honoring the process of discovery until we are ready to access it once again.

When the light of consciousness shifts your perception, it allows you to recognize the guidance and support that is available, see your infinite potential and trust yourself enough to step into the flow of life. A shift in perception can create powerful changes in your life. Awareness calls upon us to consistently focus upon the blessings that surround us. This purposeful act of gratitude and willingness opens the door to new experience.

We learn by experiencing contrast. A life filled with love is typically discovered and nurtured by rising above our fears. Your willingness to face the shadows of the soul, ensures that you will emerge changed, empowered and courageous.
When you choose to live from the heart, amazing things begin to happen. Love life as it is and see it as an adventure, exploring and experiencing with innocence and excitement. With each challenge you have the opportunity to learn something new about yourself. These facets bring new sparkle and dimension to the journey.


“The moment that judgement stops through acceptance of what it is, you are free of the mind. You have made room for love, for joy, for peace.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you utilize everything in your experience as a vehicle for awakening, you step into empowerment. Acceptance has nothing to do with liking something; however, it allows you to handle any challenges you may face with grace.

Resistance causes pain. Conversely, acceptance creates a state of willingness to address the situation with a greater degree of clarity. There is nothing wrong with having preferences. We would all prefer that life flows smoothly, to see those we love thrive, to feel appreciated and understood. But when we demand that life conforms to our desire, we miss opportunities to witness consciousness in action.

As you awaken, you’ll find that you handle discomfort with greater ease and humor. While frustration may arise, it no longer takes control of the experience you are having. Observe it, work with it and it will dissipate. The way forward will make itself known. Observe how you respond to unexpected setbacks or challenges. The amount of disappointment you feel indicates the amount of attachment you held – and that is something that is in your control.