
“The most beautiful world is always entered through imagination.”

~Helen Keller~

Within the present moment there are infinite levels of perception to explore. Stillness creates space within the intensity of life and in that space resides the wisdom of your soul. Imagine cultivating the ability to walk through changes with a sense of inner grace, balance and peace. This aura of empowerment is yours to claim.

New ideas bring inspiration. Willingness to explore adds nuance and potential to the movement of awareness which is rising within you. Utilize your gifts and trust the intuitive longing of your soul. There are no mistakes, only avenues of experience to explore. This world is your playground. Every circumstance provides an opportunity to learn, and as you are transformed, the world around you is changed as well.

Thankfully, there is no end to this process. We are in a constant dance of discovery. Watch the energy as it ebbs and flows. Quiet moments happen for a reason. Take a moment to go inward, reflect and appreciate. There is far more to life than meets the eye.


“If your mind carries a heavy burden of past, you will experience more of the same. The past perpetuates itself through lack of presence. The quality of your consciousness at this moment is what shapes the future.”
~Eckhart Tolle~

When you find yourself caught up in drama, invariably there is a story attached. Whether personal, familial, or collective, you may notice that the ego seeks to replay all that has led up to the reactivity. If a backstory is needed to justify anger or frustration, consider that the mental or verbal story is compounding and amplifying the energy.

Experiment using the term, “be that as it may…” to neutrally respond to the ego and gently direct attention to this moment. In this moment we can choose how to proceed. Rather than carrying heavy energy of the past, draw your attention present and consider how you can being love to the situation, how you can support another or what you can do to replace the repetitive story with conscious action.

More often than not, that breaks the spell and provides greater clarity. If possible, add a little laughter and kindness into the mix. From there, anything is possible.

Repeating Patterns

“Constantly focusing on the limitations, instead of all the possibilities, is how people become stuck in their lives. It only serves to recreate the same old reality from day to day. And soon the days turn into years, and lifetimes.”
~Anthon St. Maarten~

Everyone has a filter through which they view the world. Their energetic vibration and long-held beliefs are displayed again and again until they are recognized. Whenever you notice a repeating pattern that limits joy in your experience, realize that the first step is becoming aware of it. From a space of awareness, you can consciously choose to break free from outmoded patterns of behavior and leave them behind.

For many, intense emotional/mental/physical/spiritual disruption is the only thing that awakens them from the dreams created by the projections of the mind; however, we can circumvent this process by consciously continuing to do our spiritual work in times of relative peace. This is the moment of transformation. No matter what comes into your experience, you have the courage and fortitude to face it with faith… and while nothing is guaranteed on this journey of the soul, the changes you create within will surely play out in your daily experiences.

When you reach toward the light, it also reaches out to you. Love will always meet you where you are and walk forward with you from there. Seek to constantly clear limiting patterns that sabotage your happiness. One tool is to step back from the situation and observe the thought – perhaps saying, “The ego is in fear mode” or “Anxiety is arising”. Rather than absorbing the limiting thought or emotion, just see it and experience it as the observer knowing that the infinite, Divine truth of who you are is not defined by these fleeting ideas of insecurity or doubt. Something greater is waiting to break through, shattering the patterns of limitation and opening the door to a life of empowerment.

Just Be

“Don’t be so hard on yourself
‘Cause you can’t change the world
You can’t change the world alone
Just be”

~Tommy Shaw~

Acceptance is the pathway to peace. When challenges unfold and the unexpected enters, fear often arises. This is the moment to turn inward and access your true divine nature. You can’t fix the world alone, but you can bring love and grace to whatever is in front of you in this moment.

Should you need to take action or make decisions, go inward first. Check your state of consciousness without resistance or criticism. Find your way into the power the present moment. This brief, mindful interlude of stillness brings empowerment to all that you do. In times of crisis, change, illness, or events beyond your control, realize that you have the ability to face whatever arises with a calm heart and mind.

Whatever unfolds in your experience is exactly what is needed for your spiritual growth. Life is filled with contrast and it is there we discover strength, ingenuity, the ability to forgive, compassion and tenacity of spirit. Your Presence is transformative. Love can be expressed in many, many ways and we can discover them together.


Balance is created with intention by learning to breathe deeply and enter the present moment. When beginning meditation, gratitude, prayer or contemplation, the ego is often unwilling to release control. Should you observe busyness in the mind, see if you can enter the Now by saying, “I honor this step, this moment, this breath as sacred.” Then, take one slow inhale. When done consistently, this allows you to create a space of peace for your inner work.

Music can also be extraordinarily balancing. Notice what calms you, perhaps create a playlist and use it whenever you’re ready to quiet the mind. This is another tool you that can literally shift your energy into a different frequency when feeling off balance. Your practice is amplified by utilizing unique personal approaches. Similar to a hypnotic induction, through repetition these approaches can retrain the mind to recognize that it’s time to move out of anxiety and into a healthier way of being.

It’s powerful to have a permanent sacred area in your home or on your property. With each use, you build up a store of healing energy that can also create a beautiful moments of peace and empowerment when you need them.

Your True Nature

“You find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.”

~Eckhart Tolle~

Once you understand who you are and what you’re here to do, the world takes on new meaning. There is no longer any need to be defined by outward appearances or possessions. There is no seeking validation from others. There is no desire to fight or stress; instead, one starts accepting life as it is.

This acceptance allows us to step into gratitude more easily. We recognize the symphonic blend of energies that merge to support us on the journey of awakening. The stages of enlightenment that we reach do not ensure a life without challenges; however, they do build a foundation of peace in our experience so that we no longer get so lost within the story.

Evolution is a pilgrimage. There is no end to the journey of awakening – just the rejoicing of discovery, healing, loving, being, sharing and walking with one another.

Expansion Through Contrast

It is love that allows us to expand. It transforms our vision and interpretation of experience. It awakens the ability to heal or to hold space for another. When faced with hatred or fear, love can shine through inspiring hope in its wake. The power of connection is often learned through contrast. It doesn’t matter what you believe, or from where you receive inspiration. All that matters is your level of consciousness in this moment.

The human condition is a plethora of contradiction. Our multi-faceted experiences keep the journey full of surprises and possibility. No matter what one seeks to experience, they have the ability to create it. It often seems that things are getting both worse and better; however, I would imagine that every culture and era has felt the same. When I read ancient writings, they seem to speak directly to our current challenges. Others have left behind gifts of wisdom in their words, art, music and oral traditions.

Always, some actively seek enlightenment while others are completely resistant to change. The drama of the world continues with billions of unique stories playing out simultaneously and the overload of information is sometimes overwhelming. With so many in pain, how can we immerse ourselves in love? That is the paradox of experience. If you seek to expand consciousness, bring love to all that you do. Create a filter through which you can interpret what you see and let that perception guide your actions. With love, we can rise above.

Playing in the Field of Consciousness

“This is the real secret of life — to be completely engaged with what you are doing in the here and now. And instead of calling it work, realize it is play.”
~Alan Watts~
Often the only difference between work and play is attitude. As we awaken, the field of consciousness takes on new meaning. Rather than plodding along through life tolerating work, waiting for the weekend or the next vacation, we find joy in the present moment. This playful attitude then creates a difference experience – a vibrancy that is stimulating and smile inducing.
The choice to see spiritual exploration as play rather than work brings out childlike innocence and wonder. It expands our ability to maintain humor in the face of challenges and reminds us to celebrate the ridiculous rather than fall prey to self-criticism. The old adage “he who can laugh at himself will never cease to be amused” comes to mind.
Since the world is built on contrast, every situation offers an opportunity to find and maintain a healthy balance betwixt two polarities. When you choose to utilize playfulness as a powerful aspect of your awakening you demonstrate a willingness to be responsible for your own joy. This is empowerment.


The quickest way to empowerment is by taking personal responsibility for all that you experience. This creates greater insight through introspection, conscious action and awareness. Consider adding humor into the mix and watch the process of change become more pleasurable.

Blame is often used as a tool of avoidance. We project energy at another person, situation or idea to distract ourselves from looking within. Since the world is our reflection, circumstances will often arise which provide an opportunity for us to recognize what we’ve spend a lifetime trying to avoid. It’s important to remember that the core of life’s practice is joy. We can only reach that state by stepping into personal responsibility.

Everything is energy and is mutable, light and constantly transforming. Should you ever find yourself going into blame mode, simply notice, quiet the mind and examine what you are projecting outward. All blame is a reflection of how we see ourselves. This insight can be one of the most powerful aspects of your spiritual awakening.

There is a vast and infinite amount of energy available. You can access it, not by planning or thinking, but by being centered and silent enough to allow it to flow through you. This light and love awakens your potential.

Write Your Own Story

“Looking with a mind that’s awake reveals the shimmering pulse of life. Looking with a mind full of thoughts reveals only your thoughts. ”
~Ezra Bayda

When you notice yourself speaking often of the past, make a conscious effort to bring yourself fully into the present moment. Spiritual maturity has little to do with past experiences or achievements. The depth of your awakening is discovered by journeying inward and expressed by how you choose to merge the insights you have had into the present moment. The Now is your true point of power and it is here your story resides.
Honor the past as a teacher while allowing the emotional intensity to fade. See everything as an integral aspect of your spiritual growth, the fulfillment of soul contracts or nurturing the seeds of consciousness.
With that in mind, walk in the present moment with a sense of innocence and trust. Know that you have infinite potential while you transform the lessons of the past into new experiences and understanding. You can choose to bring optimistic, vibrant energy into the story you are writing. Awareness will continue to expand your consciousness and inspire you, opening a world of mastery, wisdom and empowerment.