The Light of Consciousness

“Today give birth to the beauty within.
Bring forth your song, your art and your light.
Surround yourself with the essence of it all and radiate it out into the world.”
~Jodi Livon~

All conflict arises because those involved identify with the ego rather than their own infinite true nature. As awakening souls, it is our responsibility to see beyond the roles that people play, their stories of the past, judgment and hatred. Love is an amazing healer.

Human nature loves to define itself through the drama of a situation. Spiritual nature seeks to find the gift within all situations. When we begin every interaction with the knowledge that all things work to our highest good, we create a space where we can choose to look at our life situations from a higher vantage point.

When you can calmly turn and face your challenges with an open heart (in spite of the clamoring voice of ego), your loving intention will shine the light of consciousness. Answers may be obvious or subtle, but you will have the ability to sort through myriad possibilities in order to select the one that best facilitates your growth.

You are absolutely capable of handling whatever the present moment has to offer… and beauty awaits.


“Overflowing energy becomes celebration. When the energy is dancing in you, in unison, in a deep harmony, in rhythm and flow, you become a blessing to the world.”

Your energy is limitless. No matter what you have discovered so far, remember this: you have barely scratched the surface of your potential. As you learn to accept life energy as a loving dialogue with the Divine, you will be enriched, your experiences will sparkle with new vitality, and your presence will help uplift the world.

Know that you are safe. Fear blocks the process and creates limitation; therefore, we must learn how to look inward, face our fears with ruthless honesty and transform them into empowerment. This beautiful energy and potential is the essence of your being.

Any action taken from higher states of consciousness is an expression of love. Your life becomes an expression of truth as you discover and express your unique way of being in the world. Throughout your wanderings you will connect with many beautiful souls, each of whom longs for you to be your authentic self. Be the embodiment of joy and walk through the world with the knowledge that you are loved, supported, protected and guided in more ways that you can imagine.

Words Have Power

“People often ask me what is the most effective technique for transforming their life. It is a little embarrassing that after years and years of research and experimentation, I have to say that the best answer is – just be a little kinder.”
~Aldous Huxley~
Your words have power. How often do you hear yourself or others say things like:

It’s too hard
There’s never enough time
I’m broke
I always get sick this time of year
Life isn’t fair

…and then you witness it play out again and again?

Words are habitual and it can be challenging to recognize where these mantras of limitation began – we often pick them up from others around us. It’s important to remember that form follows energy.

Be aware of what you send out into the Universe. Transformation begins when we keep our words, thoughts and actions aligned with what we want to occur rather than putting precious energy into creating blockages and limitation.

So, make empowering choices when you speak:

Everything flows together perfectly
There’s more than enough time

Let your life be a series of kindnesses. Over tip others and treat yourself well. Be joyful and recognize your abundance. Be willing to engage life’s magic and live the life of your dreams now.

Accept, Then Act

“Accept – then act. Whatever the present moment contains, accept it as if you had chosen it. Always work with it, not against it. Make it your friend and ally, not your enemy. This will miraculously transform your whole life.”
~Eckhart Tolle~
Spiritual practice requires an openhearted acceptance of whatever unfolds in your experience. Resistance causes pain. Begin with the premise that everything works toward your highest good and plays a specific role in your soul’s awakening. Embrace the present moment, and through it, consciously explore the infinite facets of your true and Divine nature.
You can live an awakened life and stop inflicting suffering on yourself or others. It begins here and now. How will you choose to communicate today? What will you focus upon? Can you bring the best version of yourself to each and every interaction?
Empowerment comes from taking full responsibility for everything in your life. It’s not about blame or self-directed anger or frustration. Rather, through acceptance, we discover the ability to transform any situation by transforming ourselves.
Give yourself, and those in your experience, space to thrive and grow. Pure acceptance is an expression of love that comes from the highest level of your being.

New Beginnings

“Change can be scary, but you know what’s scarier? Allowing fear to stop you from growing, evolving, and progressing.”
~Mandy Hale~
Everything offers an opportunity to awaken. When your plans fall apart, when people leave your life, when you’re left standing alone in the midst of upheaval… it only means that room is being prepared for something amazing to happen. Resist nothing.

In such situations, the unawakened become lost in the ‘should-have-beens’ and drop into victim consciousness. The ego creates a story that entraps them in a repetitive pattern of pain and frustration.

Conversely, those who have learned to create inner balance utilize the tools they have acquired on the path of transformation and begin the process of healing. They are motivated by faith and operate from the premise that all things work toward their highest good. Expansion requires us to drop the things which no longer serve our growth. It allows us to step into empowerment and flow with the movement of life. From there, anything is possible.

A Work in Progress…

Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
~Thich Nhat Hanh~

We walk this amazing journey of love and discovery. The threads that connect us are innumerable, constantly weaving new patterns and bringing new perspectives to light. Ultimately, we learn incredible things from one another while fumbling our way toward ecstasy.

See your awakening as a work in progress and try to create as many spaces of Presence as you can throughout your day. The challenges that we face often bring us painful awareness of old wounds or beliefs that have created the illusion of separation; however, with mindful intent, those challenges can be transformed into empowerment and insight.

You’ll know that any self-karmas are healed when there is no emotional charge around them. You may find yourself recounting the tribulations of the past, seeing them only as stepping stones to your current state of consciousness, and indeed that is the truth of your sojourn here in time and space.

When in doubt, choose joy. Find something, no matter how small or insignificant, and let it bring a smile to your face. With that smile in place, close your eyes and breathe it in. This is the breath of awareness and it will help you to create a foundation of peace in your daily experience.

Life’s Blessings

“To transform the world, we must begin with ourselves; and what is important in beginning with ourselves is the intention.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti~

All change begins within. It starts with a desire to create peace or healing or joy, and extends outward. We must be willing to allow new perceptions into our experience. The subtle, yet profound shifts naturally expand our energy and impact our relationship to life.

Challenges show us where we are stuck in outmoded ways of being. Resist nothing; instead, be willing to approach your life circumstances with love and a willingness to change. Be patient with yourself and trust the processes of your awakening. Far more is happening on your behalf than you realize.

You may discover that this new perception, expanded way of thinking and relating, and authentic peacefulness spark healthy changes within all your relationships. This is how we teach one another. And sometimes… love will speak through a stranger. Whether someone graces your life for a moment or for a lifetime, be fully present with them while you walk together on the path of awakening.

This is your moment of transformation. Acceptance and awareness lead to empowerment. Breathe, and take one conscious step forward.


Infinite Possibilities

“When you acknowledge the integrity of your solitude, and settle into its mystery, your relationships with others take on a new warmth, adventure and wonder.”
~John O’Donohue~

There is a fathomless place within you where infinite possibilities dwell. Over lifetimes, you will explore the limitless facets of love, enlightenment, creativity and ways of being. Each level of exploration offers myriad ways to express yourself as you are transformed by the varied experiences drawn into your realm.

Those who are not consciously seeking enlightenment are still on this journey. Their inner wisdom prompts them along a path of discovery where new information is constantly being absorbed until suddenly, something shifts. A new paradigm emerges – seemingly out of nowhere – and life takes on new meaning. This is the powerful, natural process of awakening.

Practicing non-judgment and acceptance creates a space in which that transformation can occur. Your willingness to allow others to be exactly where they are creates a level of safety where they can drop their defenses, clearing the way for new insights to emerge.

When you choose to see everyone as your teacher, life becomes a place of empowerment and discovery. Trust the processes of your awakening with the realization that you are right where you need to be.