The Spiritual Experience

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

There are times when we are transformed by new perceptions. Miracles unfold and we witness the Divine plan in operation all around us. These spiritual experiences are sprinkled throughout a lifetime, often filed away in journals or carried in memory.

But “experiencing” is learning to consistently live a life filled with wonder, to recognize the sacredness of the moment and recognize the Oneness that connects us. Let nature be your guide. Watch how it unfolds in majestic splendor – without fanfare – and hear the whispers of love that call us home.

All my healing work begins with this silent invocation: Sacred Mother, I come in honor of this person, this moment and this space as sacred. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. In love we create a space where transformation can occur. What would your daily interactions be like if you chose to bring an attitude of reverence to each situation? Set your intention step into empowerment by experiencing the sacredness of the present moment.

Dream a Masterpiece into Being

“Nobody else gets to live your life. You’re the artist. Paint your picture. Dream your own masterpiece into being.”
~Anna Taylor~
Some people can look at a stone or a piece of wood and see something unique and beautiful waiting to emerge. They look through the lens of possibility and dare to remove the excess in order to bring something new into being. They recognize the beauty in both its forms – the raw, pure potential as well as the exquisite finished masterpiece – and they explore the process with love.
We can choose to view life in the same way. Find the inherent beauty in what is and also see what could be. It takes courage to chip away at the excess, and perhaps the vision may change as you go through the process; but it’s love, consistency, bravery and empowered action that spark the imagination and create movement in our experience.
You are a work in progress. What wonders are waiting to make themselves known?

Empowerment and Personal Responsibility

“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

Challenging situations are blessings in disguise – always. When faced with frustration or pain, go deeper into the present moment. Without asking the other person to understand you, seek to understand yourself.
It is helpful to utilize the energy of gratitude by saying “I am grateful for this situation. Even though I may not yet understand the lesson or be aware of gift, I know one awaits me.” The willingness to be grateful in the midst of challenge opens you to higher levels of consciousness.
As you release old layers of programming and dysfunction, your life will naturally become more peaceful. Rather than being reactive, your responses will be mindful and empowered. The key to awakening is simply taking full responsibility for your life as it is while transforming the mundane into the miraculous.

Awakening the Heart

“You are here for no other purpose than to realize your inner divinity and manifest your inner enlightenment. Foster peace in your own life and then apply the Art to all that you encounter.”
~Morihei Ueshiba~
Enlightenment is a life long process. There will be times when we feel empowered, balanced and ready to face the world with conscious intent and others when we may feel that we’ve missed the mark. The process of awakening is nuanced and layered with opportunity to discover hidden aspects of ourselves that are ready to shine.
As we awaken, the hold of the ego lessens. We learn to recognize old patterns and beliefs when they arise and utilize them as stepping stones to greater awareness. Act with integrity, do your best and accept what is. If you are true to your authentic nature you can allow circumstances to unfold as they will.
Everyone does the best they can based upon their soul age, level of consciousness, imprints and history. It’s helpful to remember this: if they could do better, they would… this is true for each and every one of us. Throughout the process of enlightenment, we are continually transformed and thus, transform the world around us.

Simply Present

“There is no greatness where there is not simplicity, goodness, and truth.”
~Leo Tolstoy~
Awareness is the removal of distractions. The human condition is to complicate; however, the role of the spiritual seeker is to see through the distractions to the simplicity of a joyful life. All that you seek is already within you. There is no need for outside validation.
Our society is primarily made up of young and mature souls. Young souls seek power, fame, money and control. Mature souls seek to redress the imbalances from previous selfish young soul lives through healing, family and community, using excessive drama as a tool of learning. It can be challenging, as old souls, to stay true to oneself in the face of such limited perception but that is a powerful aspect of our journey.
See if you can simplify your life, expectations and desires. Find joy in the little things. Give when you can. Love with all your heart. Allow your presence to make a difference by planting seeds of kindness and giving them time and space to grow.
The mind may want you to believe that such an approach to life is boring, but you’ll discover that it is a vibrant, inclusive, limitless, empowered existence… beautiful in its simplicity.

You Are Loved

“May you realize that you are never alone,
that your soul in its brightness and belonging
connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe.”
~John O’Donohue~
The infinite love of the Divine rains down upon you from all dimensions and surrounds you at all times. Though there are certainly moments when it is easy to feel separate, bewildered or overwhelmed, there it waits, patiently honoring the process of discovery until you are ready to access it once again.

When the light of consciousness shifts your perception, it allows you to recognize the guidance and support that is available, see your infinite potential and trust yourself enough to step into the flow of life.

Awakening is a free will process. We have plenty of room to play here in time and space while exploring all aspects of being human. Ultimately, the soul seeks to experience both the magnificent and the mundane. Your awareness is a dance of connection between the two.

We learn by experiencing contrast. A life filled with love is typically discovered by rising above our fears. When you are willing to face the shadows of the soul, you will emerge changed, empowered and courageous. Consciousness and self-love awakens life’s embrace.

You Hold The Key

“I’ve worked all my life on the subject of awareness, whether it’s awareness of the body, awareness of the mind, awareness of your emotions, awareness of your relationships, or awareness of your environment. I think the key to transforming your life is to be aware of who you are.” 
~Deepak Chopra~
You hold the key to your own transformation. All that you need is already within you, but without self-awareness, the way forward appears hidden. As you uncover new facets of your inner wisdom, you’ll change how you view and respond to life. With each spiral of energy, it’s possible to cultivate greater awareness of old beliefs and interpretations that have held you back and begin the process of releasing all that blocks your perception of freedom.
If you feel misunderstood, go within. If you feel rejected, go within. As you become more self-aware, you’ll notice that others’ opinions or actions have less and less impact on your sense of joy and well-being. From this space of awareness it’s possible to fully participate in life in a way that is healthy, empowered and purposeful.

Evolve or Repeat…

“Residing fully in the present moment allows the unconditioned energy of life to flow through the conditioned body and mind. The willingness to simply rest in the physical experience of your life is the key to spiritual transformation.” 
~Ezra Bayda~ 
This planet is a playground of discovery and every moment provides an opportunity to learn something new. No matter how it appears, we are all engaged in the same journey of awakening. Each path is unique. Each soul is expressing the energy of the Divine in the way most appropriate for them. With this in mind, cultivate patience, compassion and acceptance. This moment is filled with infinite possibilities. Evolve or repeat…
Be patient with those who grace your life. Keep planting seeds of kindness and tend them with joy. Any experience could be the catalyst that moves an awakening soul in a new direction. Most suffering is self-created; however, it plays an important role in spiritual development and leads to transformation. While it can be challenging to watch someone you love hurt themselves with unconscious repetition, keep in mind that their challenges are required for their growth.
As we evolve, we are more capable of learning without a catastrophe to push us into new areas of awareness. See yourself as a lifetime student of love. As you continue to awaken, you’ll see more clearly and approach your life experience with grace and empowerment.

An Inward Journey

“Allow your creativity to flourish, your imagination to soar, your inner wisdom to guide you, and your consciousness to identify your true Self.”
~J.R. Incer~

Within the present moment there are infinite levels of perception to explore. Stillness creates space within the intensity of life and in that space resides the wisdom of your soul. Imagine cultivating the ability to walk through changes with a sense of inner grace, balance and peace. This aura of empowerment is yours to claim.

New ideas bring inspiration. Willingness to explore adds nuance and potential to the movement of awareness which is rising within you. Utilize your gifts and trust the intuitive longing of your soul. There are no mistakes, only avenues of experience to explore. This world is your playground. Every circumstance provides an opportunity to learn, and as you are transformed, the world around you is changed as well.

Thankfully, there is no end to this process. We are in a constant dance of discovery. Watch the energy as it ebbs and flows. Quiet moments happen for a reason. Take a moment to go inward, reflect and appreciate. There is far more to life than meets the eye.

Your Words Have Power

“In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.”  
~Carlos Castaneda~

Observe the world around you and you’ll discover how powerful people are. They voice their deepest fears and then solidify them even further when that fear is drawn into their experience by saying, “See? I knew it!”… while never realizing that belief and expectation were the driving force behind the experience.

We are here to discover our ability to create. You have always been far more powerful than you realize. It’s amazing to discover how to consciously shift our thoughts, words, expectations and beliefs so that they align, and observe them as a creative force in motion.

Consider your words. Should you notice that you voice what you don’t want to have happen, immediately rephrase your statement. Consciously decide what you do want and then verbalize that with excitement and enthusiasm. The energy you emit plays a powerful role in this process.

Focus on creating a flow of empowerment, purpose and enlightenment in every situation. When speaking of challenges you face, state the intention that you will discover aspects of yourself that are ready to be known. Be excited to grow and learn. And most importantly, know that you are right where you need to be.