
“If you seek change, take responsibility”

~Daniel Mangena~


Something new is ready to emerge… all it takes is the willingness to expand beyond your comfort zone. Allow joy and enthusiasm to guide your decisions and you will certainly draw in the people, circumstances and opportunities that support this exciting new phase of growth.

The physical world, as we experience it, originates from our thoughts, beliefs and expectations. You are not trapped by the world of form, it responds to you and provides a canvas upon which you can paint your dreams.

Rather than repeating the same old patterns and experiences, be willing to break free from your comfort zone. Trying something different provides new levels of experience. It shifts the energy – perhaps slightly, perhaps a cascade of life changes – and allows you the opportunity to expand into uncharted realms.

Take some time to celebrate your journey today. Dance as you cleanse your home. Play some music that uplifts your soul. Cook a meal with loving intention… You are alive, an exquisite spark of infinity looking to create a new experience… and no one does it quite like you.

Release Judgement

Judgement, whether directed outward or inward, blocks all possibility of love. One gets caught in the maze of self-deception, believing the reality of their mental projections. The ego wants to distract from honest self assessment and healing; therefore, it spends a lot of time and energy complaining, blaming and judging the world as wrong.

Conscious awareness cultivates the ability to see through the mechanisms of the ego. Rather than getting lost in the story, we purposely pause the cacophony of thought in order to see through dysfunction and utilize opportunities for growth.

Love is demonstrated by consistent, unconditional support. Judgement typically triggers an eg0-driven defensive response causing both parties to become mired in distraction. Rather than pointing out missteps of others, we can focus on the possibility of breakthrough. Gentle advice, words of encouragement or simply holding space are powerful tools.

Those who operate from higher levels of consciousness demonstrate how powerful energy can be when it is not depleted. Focus and peacefulness come from clearing personal triggers, wounds and distractions. Humility, empowerment, and awareness are emitted by those who know and appreciate their own value and way of being in the world. This is a powerful place to reside.

The Key of Awareness

“If you understand it, the world is a great device to make you conscious. Your enemy is your friend, and the curses are blessings, and the misfortunes can be turned into fortunes. It depends only on one thing: if you know the key of awareness.”

Happiness is your divine right. All too often, people live with the limiting belief that life is hard and that one must suffer in order to get ahead. We suffer until we realize that there is no need to suffer.

Practice finding joy in the little things: an inspiring piece of music that makes your heart come alive, the way sunlight spills through the trees creating unique patterns on the earth, respond to the smile of a dogs loving eyes… Once you master happiness in the Now, expand it outward. Feel it guide you throughout the day. Discover the power of choosing joy even in the midst of challenging moments.

When you maintain an undercurrent of satisfaction and peace as the foundation of your journey, you step into an empowered way of being. Expecting good to come from everywhere and everything creates a magnetic effect that draws energetically aligned people and circumstances into your experience. Celebrate it! Let your life be a dance of empowerment, passion and acceptance.

This Moment

Whatever you choose to do, do it mindfully. Rather than talking about what you think you should do or what frustrates you, simply begin today with conscious action. The energy that flows from that choice will take on a life of its own.

Creating change often begins with baby steps. One healthy choice leads to another. Positive actions become a joyful aspect of your daily unfolding and you will discover new aspects of yourself that are ready to shine.

What are you creating right now? Stop and observe how you feel and pay attention to the timbre of your thoughts. Notice your state of consciousness. Beyond the mechanisms of the mind lies a vast energetic field of potential. In this moment, each of us has the ability to draw whatever we wish from that field.

Many choose to dwell upon the past, thus destroying their joy in the present. Many choose to project into the future, seeing the present moment only as something to get through in order to get somewhere else. But those who actively seek to awaken have discovered that peace can only be experienced in one place: Now.

In this moment we stand in the presence of the Divine. Honor it as sacred by choosing to truly experience it. Bring the best version of yourself to the Now and the future will take care of itself.

Facing Fear

“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”
~George Addair~

Fear is just another pathway to awakening. What remains hidden silently runs our lives. You can utilize the light of consciousness to transform your shadows into empowerment.


To access Presence in the midst of a challenge, observe that fear has arisen and recognize that it is a by-product of ego-driven thought. When faced with a situation that requires immediate response, we simply move into action. When the mind takes over, we become paralyzed by confusion, “What should I do? What if I make the wrong choice? What if I fail?”


Act from the heart and allow circumstances to unfold as they will. You will either move the energy forward, learn something new or get clarity regarding your true motivations or attachments. See life as the patient and loving teacher it is.


You are far greater than the sum of your experiences or childhood imprinting. The soul seeks to break free of limitation and to expand into the realm of infinite possibility. Continually drop the limiting story line of “me” and explore the world around you with the knowledge that you are loved, guided and supported each and every step of the way.

Quietness, Love and Fearlessness

Quietness without love is simply non-participation. Stillness can be a celebration, a silence that sees all and bears loving witness. But authentic love is only possible when we are fearless. Remember that fear and love vibrate on opposite ends of the spectrum. Love empowers while fear weakens.

Many look to relationships to heal their anxiety. Even when the spiritual seeker understands that true happiness comes from within, it’s human nature to seek fulfillment and completion through partnership. We think that we need to be loved, but what the heart truly desires is to love.

The purity and beauty of your soul never fades, dear one, though sometimes you may not realize your divinity out of fear that you are not enough in some way. Recognize the divine energy within you – it is time to be present and honor that path which has brought you here Now.

All of us come from the same source of love. We are just in various stages of discovery and awakening. Be willing to receive the love, light and laughter of the Universe. You can choose to create a peaceful and joyful path of grace. There are many levels of love that await your exploration.


There’s no pressure like the pressure we place upon ourselves. The mind creates several “must-haves” to generate stress and tension and the day seems to speed up as we go along. In reality, there’s plenty of time. As conscious creators, we have the ability to slow down our perception of time and bring Presence into the forefront of our experience.

When you notice that the body is holding tension, take a moment to go inward and observe. Pay attention to the stories of the ego and seek to bring in the opposite energy. A simple approach is to close your eyes, if possible, and breathe slowly and deeply for a few moments. Focus on the task immediately at hand and then give it your full attention. This ensures that the best of you is being accessed in the present moment. A higher quality of energy will flow into whatever you choose to do. You will then be able to drop attachment and move forward knowing that you’ve done what is needed.

Become aware of the excessive demands that you place upon yourself. Some things are habitual, some are necessary for our daily experience, and some are to impress others. Seek only to have a playful, empowered life experience. You are the bridge between the spiritual and the mundane.


“The ego relies on the familiar. It is reluctant to experience the unknown, which is they very essence of life.”
~Deepak Chopra~

There are times when we need to remind ourselves to be light, playful and accepting. To be lost in the illusion of control is to be stressed and judgmental. The ego projects it’s idea of what is acceptable and then attaches to it, often to the determent of joyful, meaningful interactions.

There is nothing wrong with having preferences; however, suffering ensues when preferences solidify into absolute requirements. Attachment causes pain.

If you can set the stage for a balanced life, you can enjoy the unfoldment of the day. Rather than seeking to control, seek to experience. Be open to following the flow of energy wherever it may lead. Life may present new friends or encounters that enrich your soul. When we are comfortable with the unknown and the unexpected, life becomes an empowering journey of discovery.

Releasing control is a conscious way to enter the joy of being. This moment  is the doorway to enlightenment – when you step into the fullness of who you are, worry and control become antithetical to your natural state of balance and Presence.


Nurturing Your Energy

We all have moments when we feel depleted. This is somewhat paradoxical when one considers the fact that the energy that runs through us is infinite; however, the physical body can typically only process a particular amount of energy at one time.

The energy centers that regulate how the life-force flows are called chakras. Seven major chakras govern how the body functions and when one gets closed down or over-used, it can block this vital chi from operating in a balanced manner. If this blockage remains in place too long, the body will often manifest ailments in the area governed by that chakra as a means of alerting you that attention is needed.

There are many ways to nurture your energy: mindfulness, meditation, moments of stillness, conscious breath, music, utilizing crystals, essential oils, connecting with nature, Prana or Reiki are all extremely helpful. It’s powerful too, to make choices that keep the mind, body and spirit in harmony. The food we eat, our level of physical activity, and those with whom we spend our time also have a huge impact.

Should you notice that a particular person or circumstance leaves you feeling tired or drained, consider limiting your engagement. It’s possible that physical vampirism is in play (meaning that someone, knowingly or unknowingly, is draining your lifeforce) and you must ensure that you are in balance prior to any interactions. Neutrality is a powerful tool.

Listen to your body. If you nurture yourself first, you’ll have more to give those you love. You are a channel for the light of consciousness.

Consider This…

Consider this…

You are right where you need to be.

The obstacle is the path.

The person who challenges you the most on the physical plane, loves you the most on the spiritual plane.

Your perceived flaws can be transformed into your biggest assets.

Everything in your experience is a purposeful aspect of your awakening.

Your life is a vibrant conversation with the Divine.

When you bring your shadows into the light of consciousness, they begin to lose their power over you.

Personal responsibility is the gateway to empowerment.

You are much stronger then you know.

When you can embrace the paradoxical nature of your being, resistance disappears.

Limitations can break you free from habit and pivot you into a new adventure.

When you are ready to receive, miracles flow into your experience.

The desire for enlightenment transforms obstacles into opportunities.

Everything unfolds in the perfect way at the perfect time.

High emotion or reactivity indicates that a lesson is in progress.

Just by being who you are, you bring something unique and beautiful to our collective experience.

You are a master in the process of awakening.

And finally… if 10% of us shift to a higher level of consciousness, the world will shift to accommodate us.