Sacred Journey

“Every action that is conscious, and that aims at bringing about a result, arises from a motivation. My religion is very simple: my key motivation is love. My religion is kindness.”
~ The Dalai Lama ~

It’s important to remember that you are responsible for your own joy. When you seek fulfillment outside of yourself, you choose to give away your power. Then happiness becomes measured by expectation, attachment to outcomes and reliant upon other people’s choices.

When gratitude, mindfulness, joy and peace come from within, we gain mastery over our own experience. Now life becomes a journey of discovery and adventure. We bring a different energy to the present moment – one that is empowered and aligned with life itself.

Should you notice any form of discontent arise in your experience, observe your thoughts.When you shine the light of consciousness on the ego, it loses momentum and creates space where transformation can occur.

Compassion and love are empowering qualities to explore. Infinite and immeasurable, there will always be new levels to discover. As we learn to create balance and joy within, we become less susceptible to outside events and a greater source of peace in the world.

The Path to Empowerment

The quickest way to empowerment is by taking personal responsibility for all that you experience. This creates greater insight through introspection, conscious action and awareness. Consider adding humor into the mix and watch the process of change become more pleasurable.

Blame is often used as a tool of avoidance. We project energy at another person, situation or idea to distract ourselves from looking within. Since the world is our reflection, circumstances will often arise which provide an opportunity for us to recognize what we’ve spend a lifetime trying to avoid. It’s important to remember that the core of life’s practice is joy. We can only reach that state by stepping into personal responsibility.

Everything is energy and is mutable, light and constantly transforming. Should you ever find yourself going into blame mode, simply notice, quiet the mind and examine what you are projecting outward. All blame is a reflection of how we see ourselves. This insight can be one of the most powerful aspects of your spiritual awakening.

There is a vast and infinite amount of energy available. You can access it, not by planning or thinking, but by being centered and silent enough to allow it to flow through you. This light and love awakens your potential.

Openness and Acceptance

“Let go of certainty. The opposite isn’t uncertainty. It’s openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.”
~Tony Schwartz~

Consider the uses of adversity. Challenges push us places we would rarely choose to go, yet we emerge wholly enriched by the experience. Understand deeply that all pain is self-imposed. Bring conscious awareness to your discomfort and you will discover ways to transform the energy into empowerment. This may look different from situation to situation but it always begins with openness and acceptance.

When you can face the mechanisms of the ego – old scripting, others’ fears, limiting patterns – you cultivate the courage that can only be found by one who has made the arduous journey. Each breakthrough builds upon the last and teaches that you are strong enough to weather the storm.

Wisdom seeks to express itself through you. With each step, honor your path as sacred and simply bring the best version of yourself to the present moment. This is the pathway of realization. You are enough and all will unfold in the perfect way at the perfect time.

Bless Those Who Challenge You

Other people are not here to validate your worthiness. Nor are they required to accept you as you are, fill the emptiness inside or understand your point of view. In fact, the more we attach to the idea of pleasing others, the more we lose ourselves in the process.

Those that have changed the world have done so in the face of opposition. Their inner sense of confidence and strength propels them ever onward as they live their truth as best they can. Eventually, like-minded individuals are inspired to learn the value of integrity, sometimes joining together, sometimes following behind and aiding in the transformation of consciousness.

Consider the idea that those who oppose you the most on the physical plane support you the most on the spiritual plane. These daring souls are willing to risk losing your love and affection in order to help you to develop a sense of courage and empowerment. Bless those who challenge your point of view for they are actually assisting you in the process of defining, refining and living it to the best of your ability.

When we choose to see everyone as our teacher, it brings freedom and limitless possibilities into our experience. The role of a teacher is to help you to stand on your own two feet and aid you in seeing the one thing you are unwilling to see. Bless those who challenge you and seek the guidance of your heart. Every event provides an opportunity to witness the vastness of your being.

The Power of Love

“Love is not only an energizing force, but an individualizing force. It dissolves separation and yet creates individuality. It is, again, the primal paradox.”

Each and every time that we make the conscious choice to show love, we step into empowerment and begin to create a new reality. In any situation you can ask, “How can I present the best version of myself in this moment?” The answer is always found in love. The trick is to recognize dysfunction when it is in play yet choose to remain balanced and non-reactive. It takes practice to maintain a sense of calm in the face of intense negativity; however, as awakening masters, we are called upon to bring higher energy to challenging situations.

It’s likely that you have already cultivated many of the tools you need to face these circumstances with grace. Challenges provide opportunities to hone these skills and witness them in action.

We are light-bringers in a world that often seems filled with darkness. Your purpose is to awaken, to teach and to serve. Soul-based love creates space where transformation can occur.

Creating a Conscious Foundation

“The spiritual life does not remove us from the world but leads us deeper into it.”
~Henri J.M. Nouwen~

Life will always reflect what is happening energetically on the inner plane. Should you encounter perceived blockages or frustrations, pay attention to repetitive scripts of the ego. Awareness begins the process of transformation and by taking full responsibility for whatever is unfolding, we can step into empowerment.

Life sets the stage for exploration of the human experience. Sometimes light and whimsical, sometimes frustrating or painful, within each situation we discover a doorway to greater wisdom.

Begin the process of change by creating a conscious foundation. In your exploration, it’s likely that you have discovered habits and perceptions that speak to your unique spirit. Utilize these consistently to align yourself with sacred energy throughout your daily journey. As you grow in awareness, allow these to expand and change, reflecting your new state of consciousness.

The soul seeks only to awaken. In moments of challenge we discover opportunities to rise above, to assist one another and open our hearts in love. Moments of inner silence play a valuable role in your spiritual awakening. Let your life be a communion with all that you see. The sacredness you feel is a reflection of your own energy.

Creativity and Empowerment

“True creativity flows only from stillness. When stillness becomes conscious, the spiritual dimension enters your life and you begin to be guided by an intelligence far greater than the human mind.” 
~Eckhart Tolle~ 
Practice getting out of your head and let yourself be totally immersed in whatever you choose to do. When you bring a creative component to your actions, you become a channel for white light and higher consciousness. Imagine the difference between one who agonizes over a recipe, determined to get it totally right, stressing throughout the process and one who tastes and explores, dancing around the kitchen, enjoying the act of creating. What type of energy is being channeled into the food?
Art is your singular expression. Whether writing in a journal, painting, creating music, decorating your home or finding your unique style, releasing ego opens you as a conduit for divine inspiration.
Expression is the basis for transformation. You may wish to create (or renew) a sacred space in your home. Fill it with anything that inspires you and just sit with the energy. Just be… then, bring that higher state of awareness and peacefulness into your day. You add something beautiful to our collective experience.

Conscious Living

“What happens when we slow down and pay attention? Everything! Innumerable delights are right at hand.”
~Ezra Bayda~
We are masters in the process of awakening – all of us. The only difference is where one resides on that journey. It can be hard for some to imagine the spiritual awakening of someone who still resides at a lower level of consciousness; however, it will happen. Lifetime after lifetime we seek enlightenment through experience.
Everything that seems to be an obstruction to your happiness is actually facilitating your spiritual growth. Choose to bring a different point of view to challenging situations. See them as something that your soul has agreed to experience with a specific purpose in mind. Know that you have reached a point in your soul’s development where you can absolutely handle whatever comes your way, and most importantly, consistently ask yourself “What am I trying to learn?” Your primary purpose is to live consciously, to awaken.
As you change, the world around you is transformed. Set yourself free by choosing empowerment and acceptance, and let that wisdom inform how you present yourself to the world. The greatest gift that you have to give is that of your own awakening.

Psychic Vampirism

When someone is lost in dysfunction, they are completely unaware of their ability to connect to the Divine. Unconsciously, they replenish themselves by absorbing energy from the people around them.

This energy exchange can happen in a few ways but primarily it comes from strong reactions. Whether in the form of anger or arguments, frustration or egoic response, the action is the same. Your aura grows large (you might even feel a rush of energy at this point) and flows outward toward the other person. They absorb it and walk away from the interaction feeling much better… leaving you with the need to process and recover your balance.

You can stop this unhealthy flow through neutrality, genuine compassion or unconditional love. For most people, neutrality is the easiest place to get to quickly. When you choose not to respond or feed the energy in any way, you are protecting yourself. The people may (unknowingly) feel thwarted and try another angle, but if you can remain neutral and/or compassionate, eventually they will either move on to deal with someone more reactive or learn something from the interaction.

Choose to abstain from co-dependent energetic behavior. This gift of love allows each person to process through their own lessons and challenges while teaching you the art of compassionate detachment. When you do choose to consciously engage, you become a channel through which pure energy of the Divine can flow. This is invigorating rather than draining – uplifting and limitless – and a healthier way to assist one another on the journey.

I Am

“I am here to serve.
I am here to inspire.
I am here to love.
I am here to live my truth.” 
~Deepak Chopra~
Your words have the power to shape your experiences. Someone who constantly says, “I’m a procrastinator…” “I’m always late…” “I can’t….” or “I’ll never be able to…” strengthens limiting mindsets that dictate how they walk through life.There is nothing more important than your state of consciousness in the present moment. Wherever you are, be there completely. Mastery is the act of taking personal responsibility for one’s own life and how we choose to experience what unfolds.

Begin with “I Am Consciousness.” Set a tone of awareness in your experience and reclaim your Divine birthright. You are here to thrive, to be joyful and to rise above limitation. Your conscious intent has the ability to transform any situation into one of empowerment.

As a conscious creator, be aware of your words and ensure that they are in alignment with your goals and desires. Your statements can support or sabotage, propel you forward or stop you in your tracks.

Consider practicing with a different “I Am” phrase each day. Journal your experiences. Your journey is ready to expand into new dimensions of expression.