The Divine Practice

“Until we have seen someone’s darkness, we don’t really know who they are. Until we have forgiven someone’s darkness, we don’t really know what love is.”
~Marianne Williamson~

Hatred and love cannot coexist in the same space; they are at opposite ends of the energetic spectrum. Yet here we are, collectively watching hatred unfold in it’s various forms – sometimes subtle, sometimes egregious. The Divine Practice is using hatred when it arises within you, and purposely choosing to see through the ego-driven behavior to the unlimited potential that resides within.

When you create healing in your life, you’ll see it reflected in the world around you. Many years ago, a particular woman in politics used to trigger me a great deal. She was reflecting unhealed aspects of myself (judgment, opinion, righteous anger and the need to be right). Noticing this, I honored her as a teacher and immediately utilized those emotions as part of my Divine Practice.

  • Observe, see what elicits a repetitive or reactive response from you
  • Take ownership – “I’m reactive right now because I, too, have that tendency.”
  • Utilize your tools – affirmations, meditation, gratitude, listening to the ego and then doing the opposite are great places to begin.
  • Force yourself to face the darkness within you. This can be done by purposely watching the person if they are not part of your personal life. Little by little your awareness lessens the trigger response (in my case it turned into humor) and you can be more in control of the energy you put out into the world.

Now when I see this lady, I smile to myself and honor her role in helping me to heal something that hid from my conscious awareness. Behind the veil of enlightenment, there is only love.

Challenges Expand Consciousness

“When we least expect it, life sets us a challenge to test our courage and willingness to change; at such a moment, there is no point in pretending that nothing has happened or in saying that we are not yet ready. The challenge will not wait. Life does not look back. A week is more than enough time for us to decide whether or not to accept our destiny.”
~Paulo Coelho~

The soul seek to expand into new areas of awareness and the challenges we face, both personal and collective, play a powerful role in our development. Your attention begins the process of transformation. Bring a gentle self-awareness to the patterns that repeat and purposely seek to change your approach. When you break free of habitual responses, something new begins to emerge.

The tools that you have cultivated along the way become stronger when you have the opportunity to consciously utilize them. Rather than resist the tidal flow of energy, seek to flow with it and face any challenges that arise when they are still small.  See the field of life as a place to observe wisdom in action. Your higher self is guiding you throughout the process of awakening.

Celebrating Our Differences

“There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in our philosophy.”

~William Shakespeare~

We have much to learn from one another. While it may feel more comfortable to reinforce beliefs with like-minded people, we achieve far greater strength through understanding various points of view. This calls upon us to cultivate humility and wonder as we boldly engage with life. There is always something new to discover.

Ultimately, understanding leads to greater compassion and acceptance. As we learn to celebrate our differences, we expand our perception and integrate the new. You are a unique, ever-evolving expression of the Divine, seeking to awaken.

Over the course of a life we are impacted by many sources and experiences. As the energies blend, they delicately permeate the whole and something new emerges. The synergy is greater than its parts.

Begin within. When you step into the fullness of who you are you will feel safer while exploring the unknown. Honor each path as sacred. Be a source of Presence and learn what you will. The gift of greater consciousness awaits when you live with an open heart. Contrast leads to discovery. Humility leads to wisdom. Laughter leads to love.

The Message of Your Heart

“There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do.”  

~Marianne Williamson~

Your light is transformative. Tempered in the fires of awakening, your facets are ready to shine. Understand that you bring something beautiful  to our collective experience and that you can inspire awakening in those with whom you interact.

At the beginning of ones awakening, it can be challenging to be consistent. We learn through experience and contrast, eventually releasing the things we have outgrown. After years of practice, we discover aspects of ourselves that are deep and meaningful and recognize that nothing is more important than living that truth out loud.

Small conscious actions create a momentum filled with powerful intent. Doing less, more gets accomplished. When you enjoy the journey, miracles seems to flow toward you. There are many ways to celebrate your existence – but all true happiness comes from within.

So, begin by discovering and celebrating your unique journey. Let your life be your message and become an agent of change. Each of us, by living our truth, plays an active role in the collective awakening of which we are all a part.

Be Authentic

“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.”
~Carl Gustav Jung~

Drop all pretense. Rather than trying to please or seek outside validation, simply bring the best version of yourself to this moment.

The dance of awakening opens new dimensions of life. In them, we are born anew and begin to leave behind the limitations, demands, criticism, doubt and worry of earthbound experience. We taste the gifts of freedom and limitless potential in our exploration and learn to bring this expanded perspective into our life situations.
One of the most important aspects of awakening is self-love. Transcend your own experience by choosing to interpret the perceived flaws of old programming as brilliant facets you can explore this lifetime. The Divine seeks only to express itself through you; therefore, do not hold yourself back out of fear. There has never been, nor will there ever be, someone with your unique way of being in the world.
In your authenticity, you shine like a beacon in the darkness. When you deeply love and accept yourself, it becomes easier to love others just the way they are. Teaching by example, we can demonstrate a new type of experience, one founded in joy.

Harmony and Balance

With greater awareness, we begin to discover how often we create stress and imbalance in our experience. The souls purpose is to awaken. No matter what challenges arise, what karma we have arranged, or how successful we are at cultivating our unique gifts, it’s important to understand that nothing matters more than our state of consciousness.

Consciousness is measured by the degree of peace you are experiencing Now. Peacefulness comes from releasing things which no longer serve you, utilizing supportive self talk and allowing the love of the Divine to express itself throughout the various aspects of your journey.

You may feel compelled to accomplish certain tasks as part of your role in this lifetime. Every journey is different and exquisitely beautiful in its uniqueness. These outer tasks are merely the means through which your inner purpose is fulfilled.

Approach each moment with a conscious willingness to experience harmony and balance. Consistently take the time to utilize acceptance and then observe how life responds. Old channels of energy can be redirected through conscious effort. You can create powerful and positive changes in your life. Begin now by being conscious of the energy that you send out into the Universe.

The Dreamer

“Our dreams are magic, and if respected, nurtured and honored, they ultimately bring an abundance of meaning and purpose to our lives. Dreams guide us as we reach for the stars, follow our heart’s desire and do the things we are passionate about. Dreams help weave the fabric of who we are, and they reveal what matters most to us. They allow our spirits to shine, and they reflect our uniqueness and authenticity.”
~Sandra Magsamen~

Threads of energy weave a tapestry of exquisite beauty and we are constantly in the process of creation. As we awaken, we have a greater capability to direct these energies consciously – to heal, learn and commune with each other and the world around us.

Seek to understand the connectedness of which we are all a part. There is no “other,” simply a dance of contrasts that awakens a world of infinite possibility. Remember, all that you see is but 1% of what is actually engaged around you. Send light and love across the miles for there is no limitation in time and space.

This moment is sacred and transformation is at hand. Scatter seeds of joy and nurture them with humor, love and positive intention. What does your garden grow? There is nothing more beautiful than the conscious sharing of energy.

How to Love – The Celtic Vows of Friendship

I honor your path

I bring an unprotected heart to our meeting place

I drink from your well

I hold no cherished outcome

I will not negotiate by withholding

I am not subject to disappointment

Unconditional love has no opposite. It sees through the mechanisms of ego to the truth of the soul. When we bring patience and kindness into our relationships, we create space where transformation is possible. Love those who grace your life in such a way that they feel safe, supported and empowered.

There is great inherent beauty waiting to be discovered in every circumstance. You can experience your journey in any way that you wish. The souls only true desire is to awaken.

Humility is an expression of the advanced soul. When you can take responsibility for your own state of consciousness, when you can say “I’m sorry” and be non-reactive to others’ whims and foibles, you are awakening to a new way of being. Consider the uses of adversity. They provide varied opportunities to see love in action.

Soulmates make a lasting covenant with one another. We offer to hold space while providing guidance with patience and compassion. There is no greater gift of friendship.

Be Open

Live in abundance, totality and with conscious intensity. Through your loving attitude and actions, you spread seeds of unlimited potential in a celebration of life and love. Willingly choose to be present with the experience you are having.
When we share without expectation or limitation, we create the possibility of growth in unusual places. Your dance of awakening is about relaxing into who you truly are and allowing your expression of creativity to manifest in unique ways – through work, relationships or ordinary daily experiences. Spiritual awakening is about bringing light to the dark corners of your life.

We evolve through a conscious willingness to be open to new ideas and experiences. When we are able to listen without judgment or reaction, insight is possible. Honoring others’ paths as sacred allows us to explore and embrace the sacredness of our own path.

Do others see you as non-judgmental? Peaceful? Compassionate? These are the traits of an open person. Conversely, close-minded people are very opinionated, judgmental, often in conflict and travel through life without much empathy or understanding for others.

Be a living expression of the awakened life. Let your heart be open and joyous. Embrace what is. Be peaceful in the midst of drama. Learn to be comfortable with the unknown. Consistent practice will bring these innate gifts to the surface and your light will transform the darkness.

Limitless Possibilities

“Our minds are finite, and yet even in these circumstances of finitude we are surrounded by possibilities that are infinite, and the purpose of life is to grasp as much as we can out of that infinitude.”

~Alfred North Whitehead~

As consciousness expands, limitless possibilities are presented. The exploration into the unknown becomes a vital place of ingenuity, potential and empowerment. It’s humbling to remember that no matter how far you have traveled on the path of transformation, you have barely scratched the surface of what you will discover.

Rather than immediately being reactive when presented with challenges, seek to bring new awareness into your life situation. Every circumstance can be viewed as an opportunity to discover aspects of ourselves that are ready to shine. Remember, all perceived mistakes are due to ignorance. As we awaken, we do better. This is true of everyone.

Spiritual wisdom is expressed through kindness and humility. In the face of eternity, we are merely sparks of love seeking expression. The most powerful thing that you can do is to be mindful and consistent in your day-to-day journey. There is a vibrant playground of discovery waiting to be explored. This is your moment of transformation.