Awakening and Intention

“Sunlight comes into your house not because you want it. It happens because you open the windows.”


The three phases of life are Youth, Power and Wisdom. The journey through each level offers unique lessons that can lead one into greater awareness. It’s helpful to remember that everything we experience plays a role in the expansion of consciousness.

Obviously, not everyone has the privilege of growing old and age does not automatically equate with wisdom. For those purposely engaged in awakening, the transitions are filled with possibility. Building upon the wisdom gained through experience, we often revisit places or situations with a new perception and still, thankfully, continue to learn something new.

Don’t be a “once and done” kind of being. There are always new levels to explore. When you choose to approach life with a hint of wonder and openness, life responds in a big way. The nuances take on new meaning and we discover aging as a beautiful rite of passage.

You stand at the threshold of new awareness. Passion, purpose and vision combine to pivot your experience in ways yet to be discovered. Live with an open heart and honor the promptings of your soul.

Conditioning is Attachment

From earliest childhood we are conditioned to think in a certain way. This varies from family to family or country to country, and the attachment to beliefs and ideas becomes a powerful playground for the ego.

Adulthood adds additional expectations regarding money, possessions, relationships, appearance and the like, and we are bombarded daily by merchandising, manipulation and the story that the next thing we achieve or purchase will bring happiness. Add to that the rampant ego driven judgment and opinion by social media and it can often feel overwhelming.

Awakening compels us to question these rigid sets of rules and we begin to step outside the current set of norms. We expand into new thoughts patterns, practice stillness and shed the old layers of limitation. When you truly understand your own sacredness, there will be no need for outside validation. The inner expression of peace and harmony takes precedence over the trappings of the physical world.

More than ever, it’s imperative to create spaces of Presence in your experience. Disconnect and reside in the fullness of who you are. Your spirit will see through the illusions of this world and sense the vibrant energy which underlies all things. Then, you can be in the world, but not of it.

The Journey

We are here to discover Oneness through the perception of separation. Prior to awakening we stumbled, lost in the dark,  feeling misunderstood. We harmed one another and ourselves through ignorance, judgment or fear… until the soul was ready to awaken.

Then life became a series of events that pivoted our direction. Perception expanded as we began to drop the layers of illusion that blocked the ability to give and receive love. We discovered our unique way of being in the world.

You are supported far more than you can imagine and love rains down upon you from all dimensions. In stillness we can access inner guidance and cellular wisdom, receive angelic assistance, or connect with energy from our ancestors, spirit guides or healing masters.

Through awareness, we learn to trust the voice of intuition rather than ego and discover the many ways that we are connected. Whether through the commonality of experience, lifting one another up or the compassion we feel for those who face similar struggles, the end result is Oneness. What harms one, harms all. What heals one, heals all. Life is a journey inward. The whole of all existence resides within you.

Be here now. You are enough.


This Sacred Gift

A man is ethical only when life, as such, is sacred to him, that of plants and animals as that of his fellow men, and when he devotes himself helpfully to all life that is in need of help.

~Albert Schweitzer~

True ethical practice requires reverence for life. Within this concept lies freedom. When we can see everything as One – interconnected, sacred, beautiful, and valuable – we enter the realm of love.

You have been prompted to be here now, reading these words. Are you ready to explore the core of your innate goodness and embrace life as it is? While often messy or frustrating, there is a dance of awakening occurring on a deeper level. Can you feel it?

Sometimes the idea of residing in the frequency of unconditional love and acceptance can seem an impossible task. If we desire to be accepted as we are, we must first demonstrate how that appears in the world of form. Remember, the soul desires connection.

Choose to treat everything and everyone in your experience as sacred. Bring the light of awareness to your interactions, great or small. Be kind  and empowered. At the end of the day your heart will be at peace.

Spiritual Maturity

Each of us is responsible for our own joy. You have the ability to create an empowered life, Now, without the need to rely upon outer circumstances or the actions of another. As we develop our spiritual maturity, we discover that wholeness comes from within. From this state of awareness we can share with one another and contribute something unique to our collective experience.

The synergy created by conscious, loving spirits is infinite. Together we can achieve far more than we can alone. Step into the flow by cultivating the ability to give and receive freely. Take the time to slow down and notice the beauty that is all around you. This planet has much to offer and much to teach. Your awareness allows you to be a conscious participant. Then, existence becomes a joy as we purposely dream new aspects of the world into being.

Perhaps you find yourself becoming more open. You may share your gifts and laughter more often than in times past, or reach out in kindness without fear of rejection. These are signs of mastery and indicators of spiritual awakening. Allow love and joy to guide your choices and interactions and watch the boundaries disappear.

Teacher-Student Karmic Monad

A karmic monad is an agreement between two souls. This is widely used to help one another progress on the journey of awakening. The dance can last for years or be as brief as a conversation on an elevator. When this energy is play, one may feel compelled to literally teach another – perhaps by imparting information or acting in a way that compels the other to cultivate an important aspect that is ready to shine.

In the midst of challenging situations, seek the lesson. It’s a quick mental shift, but is one that can take you from victim-hood into empowerment. Once you have mastered that aspect of your growth, you will no longer need that particular pattern in your experience. Honor the people in your life as teachers. Every moment offers an opportunity to awaken.

Rather than taking on too much at once, consider working on one issue at a time. Bring your awareness to what is required in this moment. How can you bring peace into your experience? What conscious action will shift the energy? Keep in mind that the ego is often resistant. See this resistance as an indicator that profound change is at hand.

Exploring the Infinite

“To clarify ‘eternal’ just a smidge… Once the river of time has rounded her final bend, and the last star in the sky has brightened its last night, and every child who may ever be conceived has been given ten thousand names… we will have just begun.”
~Mike Dooley~

When pondering the infinite, one might consider the continual expansion of the universe, the depth and breadth of the ocean, or the workings of the human mind, but how often do we truly explore inward?

Rather than seeking outside validation of your worth, seek instead to expand your consciousness. The nuances you discover will bring new dimension into your overall experience. Explore without attachment. Feel deeply. Love often. These are the gifts of an awakened life.

No matter how much we have learned or how far we have come, it’s important to realize we are still at the beginning. Joy informs energy which sets the miracle of discovery in motion. Being fully present with the totality of life brings freedom. There is no worry, no judgment… only the expansiveness of a divine spirit exploring the facets of love, light and laughter that only the earth-bound experience has to offer.

Find Your Adventure

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.”
~Eleanor Roosevelt~

The hard shell of a seed provides safety and a plant can remain viable for years. The moment it sprouts into being it is immensely vulnerable, yet that is the journey toward beauty and fulfillment. We are not here to play it safe. The human experience calls upon us to take risks, to find our way through darkness into the light. The enchantment of awakening is the souls true purpose.

When we approach the present moment with the innocence and openness of a child, miracles begin to unfold. See your life as an adventure in time and space. Become a loving witness to the infinite ways in which the Universe speaks to you. When you look through the lens of higher consciousness, you’ll receive messages meant to guide your unique path of transformation.
The new friendships, experiences, ideas and circumstances will break you free from any limiting routines you may have created. These compelling energies will awaken the aspects of yourself that are ready to shine and bring them to the surface.

Personal Responsibility

Empowerment requires that we face our fears. Until we do so, they will always block our ability to love

Blame creates victim consciousness. When we choose to take responsibility for all that unfolds in our experience and how we respond to it, we become conscious creators. Our thoughts, words and actions send waves of energy throughout the Universe, always showing us precisely what we need to see.

Energy is also created from your innermost core programming and beliefs and can sometimes be harder to recognize. When this is the case, you’ll draw in interactions and situations that will assist you in seeing yourself more clearly. Blame and accusations block the ability to access your inner wisdom; therefore, immediately take responsibility for all that unfolds, knowing that it serves a purpose in the rising of consciousness.

Should you ever find yourself going into blame mode, simply notice, quiet the mind and examine what you are projecting outward. All blame is a reflection of how we see ourselves. This insight can be one of the most powerful aspects of your spiritual awakening. When you choose to approach life with acceptance and a willingness to walk forward in spite of any fear, you create a powerful momentum of insight and awakening that will lead you forward with a greater sense of grace.

Letting Go

Why do we cling when clinging causes pain? It’s empowering to truly understand that we can utilize any situation as a vehicle for awakening. One practice is to notice attachment when it arises, consciously observe how it impacts our state of consciousness Now, and then take right action when appropriate.

If you notice yourself fighting to retain the status quo at all costs, insisting that circumstances unfold in a certain way or losing your personal integrity to placate someone else, you are giving away your power. Some people and things are bulwarks in our lives, others play their role in our awakening and depart. The question then becomes how do you know when to fight for something and when to release it?

Awareness always begins with your inner work. Why are you attached? What is the story that replays in the mind? Who would you be without that story? (thank you, Byron Katie!) Your journey is unique and, ultimately, you will find your way to enlightenment.

Act with integrity, do your best, accept what is. Letting go is easier when we have been purposeful in our actions. Sometimes seeds are planted and circumstances need time to change. Just because something doesn’t happen on your schedule, it doesn’t mean that you have failed. When you release all attachment to outcomes, you create greater peace in your experience.